CascadeSaith / Tranquility
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Saith / Tranquility
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Oct 07, 2012 @ 3:34pm
Location   Pradai, Cariel III
Timeline   SD65
Cariel III, the lush third planet of an M class system on the fringes of Romulan space about two weeks at warp five from Deep Space Five was many things to Isha.

The walls of her private estate just outside Ra'tleihfi had never been able to fully dispel the stress of politics and bustle of life that rose from and fed that great city. Not even the complexes of the Illialhlae and the Khelliana had achieved that, built as they were on the same foundations, mortared with the blood of internecine conflict.

First the system had been a gift from her husband, a colony into which she could target her energies and expand the power base of his House. When she had allied with Aehkhifv Latasalaem, the Head of the Special Operations Division of the Tal Shiar it had become something different. Latasalaem had his power base there, and her colony had the protection of the troops and fleet under his command, but she avoided it, knowing that his protégé was her enemy.

During her power struggle with her late husband’s brother for control of the House Illialhlae it had been an insurance policy in the event that she lost. And then when she and rh’Vaurek Raedheol reconciled their differences it had already become a lucrative investment, a sustainable colony with Lataselaem’s people living among hers.

Now Cariel III had become a haven for Isha. Here, half way up the gentle slope of the hill with the vista of the sprawling city of Pradai in the valley below Isha had finally achieved something that had evaded her throughout her career, her marriage and her widowhood. She had peace.

For the first time she was in residence of the grand villa she’d had built above Pradai, the main town, and that simple act drew more outsiders to her. Many of them were dissidents who lacked the courage to leave the Stelam Shiar, but in her new colonised system found a way to remain part of the Empire, but to enjoy the protection of powerful patrons and to live a life of relative independence.

It was also the seat of her new House, and a place of delightful calm where her tiny twins could grow away from the imposing halls of the Senate and the pressures of growing up as part of the elite of Ra'tleihfi.

For now they were sleeping. Isha looked down on Eviess and Argellian, watching the tiniest moves of their tiny fingers as they slept. As the wife of the hru’hfirh It had never been expected for her to take any part in the raising of her other children, and Isha had felt no inclination to change the order of things. She herself had been raised by Ekenda, a Lestari slave who was still in her service.

Now she had changed the order though, she relished her new role. Without the pressure of leading two Great Houses, she was able to indulge herself, and with Ekenda’s support would make the inheritance that would come to Eviess ir-Pradai t’Vaurek, and Argelian ir-Pradai tr’Vaurek not only one of power, but one of kindness.

Isha t'Vaurek
hru'Hfirh of the Noble House of Vaurek