Mission Summaries

We All Fall Down   [In Progress]
Things Past   [In Progress]
Interlude II   [In Progress]
Nine years ago, Chief of Security Dorian Gabriel lost his fiancé when she was inexplicably murdered while working on a joint Romulan-Federation project. A culprit was never identified, but various sources pointed towards her Romulan supervisor Dr. Kur'ann and his Nausicaan bodyguard as playing significant roles in her demise.

Although Dr. Kur'ann was never charged with Dr. Morgan's murder, he certainly paid the price. Within two days of a violent confrontation with Dorian, both Kur'ann and his Nausicaan bodyguard were found within his quarters, dead from several stab wounds to the chest with a bloody comm. badge belonging to Dorian lying several feet away from the gruesome scene.

Dorian was charged with the murder of both men despite his plea of innocence. However, the subsequent investigations did not produce sufficient evidence to warrant a conviction or even a trial on the matter. Their murders remained unsolved and Dorian was able to move on with his life, until several sources from outside the Federation began to call for the investigation to be re-opened and Dorian tried for the murder of a Romulan citizen.

Deep Space Five's Executive Officer and Judge Advocate General officer, Commander Karen Villiers has spent the past month performing a subtle investigation into the matter while various government officials have called for more direct and swift action on the matter. Despite this, Commander Villiers has managed to convince the Federation to try the Starfleet officer on the station with Starfleet legal counsel. Dorian must now face the legal system that he swore to protect while simultaneously discovering the political machinations determined to ruin his career and life.

Meanwhile a nearby planet has undergone a Civil War and the opposition eventually overthrew the Government and declared that they were breaking away from the Federation.

The Federation has decided to stand back and wait to see how the situation would play itself out, but in the meantime they want to provide humanitarian aide however possible.

On the way to the planet the runabout is shot down and it crashlands behind enemy lines. The crew will have to fend for themselves until they can reach safety or rescue comes.
Life aboard DS5 returns to normal and in a rare period of respite no new threat emerges.

This is a time to relax, to get to know your fellow crewmates, to lose yourself in a holosuite. Time to take that well earned leave or just prop up your favourite bar once the day's work is done.

After all, they do say that a little bit of what you fancy does you good ...

The time rift is closed and DS5 is returning to normal. The Marines are on a nearby planet for Manoeuvres when a Cardassian Transmission is overheard, regarding an attack from Starfleet ships.
These are Maquis & Founder ships, that have been rescued from the Dominion war and are now seeking revenge.
Several explosions on DS5 were set to distract the Founders from their actual plan.
Meanwhile, an Ambassador class ship is approaching, with no markings or transponder signal and with a small number of POWs on the planet, a rescue mission has also got to be mounted......
Time is Fleeting
A few days prior to Captain Tahirs return, Commanders Davies & Villiers are awoken by a desperate SOS from a ship using communication technology that is not known to them.

The signal is faint, but it has origins less than 30,000 km from the station, but no ship can be found.

Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros & Lieutenant Dunham head to investigate. They discover a small rip in the space / time continuum and turnabout to head back to DS5 to report their findings, only to pulled into the rift.

A small ship swaps places........
Life on DS5 has returned to normal, all the crew are in place and there has been no recrimination from the Romulans regarding the attack on DS5.

Captain Tasha Tahir is enroute back to DS5, but cannot raise the station. Thinking that she is still out of radio range, she presses on, despite warnings from Jayfe to make full contact with the station.
First to fight, first to fall
The Boaorans arrived and attacked and many crew lost their lives supporting the station. The Guardian platforms performed admirably and eventually, through the bravery of a number of people, the Station won the day.
Admiral Sorensen was killed in an explosion which blew up his ship an dis now believed dead.
Commander Patrick O'Dwyer was summoned to Earth and awaits his court martial for charges brought by the now deceased admiral.
Beg, Steal or Borrow
A set of 4 Romulan Figurines has been stolen, Earth (Avilh), Fire (Okhala), Water (Ihhuein), Air (Jaeih), and it is believed that the thief is now resident on DS5.
The Tal Shiar, made a complaint of ineptitude and lethargy on the part of the stations security.
Basically, the threat of an attack on DS5, was issued.
Tasha, meanwhile, had to head for Earth, and the Court Martial hearing of Captain William O'Dwyer and another for Admiral Sorensen, to which the 2 issues will of course cross.
Commander David Davies took temporary command and has done his best to pull the crew together in unity to face down the Romulan attack.
What will not be known to Tasha, is the 4 statues are aboard the USS Castor, the ship on which she is travelling to Earth.
Deception: The lesser part of Valour
The cargo ship, SS Revagiant sent an SOS after being attacked by Pirates. Captain Alan Wisron fought bravely and the ship was nearly crippled until the Sarek showed up in the nick of time.
Her cargo included the Lady Moldriva, who was to bring so much pain to the station, but not before a cloaked Klingon ship nearly sent the station civilian underworld into dire straits, until it was eventually tractored away from the station and blown apart.
It was not long before a Romulan journalist arrived, Isha t'Khellian arrived and began to upset the Chief intelligence officer, Dorian Gabriel, leading him a merry dance.
Now news has reached DS5 that there may be survivors on a distant planet in Boaoran space. The USS Sarek has volunteered her services to rescue them.
The annual festival began and the Lady Moldriva attracted a great deal of attention from Oosami and Flenetians. The former being her former lovers people, whilst she is from Flenetia and her father is none to pleased that she has been imprisoned for stealing a highly prized trans-warp ship.
Add into the mix the Lytosians, who decided that an assassination would be made on the Captain, who was saved by Lt JG Jon Riley, who sacrificed himself. Now the station is at rest once more.
Main Plots

A distress signal is received from independent colonists attempting resettlement of Ivor Prime, location of a former colony devastated by the Borg in 2373.

An away team will be scrambled to assist the colonists, but there is more at stake than a homestead – the `Brotherhood' a fanatical group who see the Borg as a deity are interfering with the efforts of the colonists. Will Starfleet assistance be enough in the face of the Brotherhood’s fanatic desire to acquire and use Borg technology to establish a new un-holy order?

Meanwhile, back on DS5, a distress signal is received from a nearby ship of indistinct origin. A ship is dispatched to the emergency only to find the distressed vessel drifting and the crew have been slaughtered. The ship is towed back to DS5 for a full forensic investigation. Though the ship is quarantined, someone or something concealed on board begins to cause people to psychologically face their darkest

As the phenomenon creeps through the station it begins to impinge on and exacerbate feelings, fears and experiences in the other subplots. Those directly involved in the post-mortem and search of the ship will be affected first but it won't be confined to those who come into direct contact with the vessel.

Main Subplots

Security have kept the presence of a serial killer quiet but rumours abound on the promenade. When an information leak falls into the hands of the Promenade Merchants Associated rumour explodes into rebellion. Civilian outrage erupts as they learn that the facts have been kept from them exposing them to danger – there really is a killer on the run! Can security restore control in an environment of fear and paranoia?

Accusations of war crimes dating back to the Cardassian occupation of Bajor cause ripples elsewhere as the Chief of Operations is accused of terrorism. Tensions rise between the Cardassians and Bajorans on the station as the grip of the psychic phenomenon begins to take hold on reason.

A Diplomatic Summit is taking place. With high-level closed-door discussions between major quadrant powers and Federation member worlds taking place. Will this ground breaking summit that promised to usher in a new era of peaceful co-operation end in all out galactic war as old allies begin to bubble with old hatreds?