Global Database Entries

The Rules & Regulations of DS5

Deck Listing
Deck List for DS5

The Specifications of Deep Space 5 (2378)

Promenade Deck Listing
The Promenade Decks

Rank Structure
The current Rank Structure within Obsidian Fleet

Chain of Command
Deep Space 5's CoC

The settings and effects of Phasers

Galactic Map
Galactic Map of DS5 and the surrounding starsystems

How do we work out a ships course and bearing?
This pictures explains.

Security Layout
This is an extremely large map.

Description of each quarter, and it's style

Shift patterns
Need to know when your supposed to be on duty?
Here is a breakdown of the shift patters on DS5

Here is a small list of links (Copy & Paste) for websites to aid you in your writings
(Or you can click on the "Links" from the menu above for other links

Starfleet General Orders and Obsidian Fleet Rules