Simm Rules

DS5 is a global community and players are expected to follow proper channels and protocols.

These are the basic rules - you are expected to read and abide by the Rules available in our database either before or shortly after joining.

• You must not publicly admonish or reprimand any other player out of character (Any OOC problems should be addressed to the Command team).

• Respect goes along way onboard DS5, not just for the Chain of Command but for every player. Remember the Golden Rule; treat others in your posts the way you want to be treated in theirs - with respect.

• Nobody under the age of 15 will be allowed to join DS5 - as some posts will contain strong language, sexual encounters or vivid descriptions of a sexual nature and violence. (If you are over 15 and this may offend you, please inform the Command Team).

• Be flexible, when you're SIMMing as anything can happen and have fun. Be creative and realistic as creativity is key, creative posts give life to your character.

• Pay attention to detail. Keep up with what others write in their posts- as it might be affecting your character!

• For every action there is a reaction. If you put your head in the warp core, chances are you're dead. Be consistent, that way others know what to expect of you.

• Stay involved, your player might not always be the centre of attention but that doesn't mean your character can't do anything. It is a big Station so communicate; talk out of character (OOC) with other crew members in email, private message, or the OOC section of the forums. It builds cohesion and can add to creativity of DS5.

• If there is a disagreement between two crewmembers, the CO/XO will act as mediator and will have the final say in the matter. If a crew member has an issue or needs clarification, politely PM the Commanding Officer/Command Team.

• The CO can change the mission's ending at any time, It is the COs sole right to start or end a mission. You should not interfere substantially with the storyline such as finishing the mission early. Please speak to your CO/XO if you wish to substantially change the plot.

• Rules and guidelines are susceptible to change if it is in the best interest of the simulation.

• Characters must be original and have a full biography created by their players. They must not copy canon Star Trek characters. Develop your character. Make sure you use traits about your character in your posts. Don't write a BIO and then play your character completely different. It is for the Command Team to determine the final acceptability of any character information.

Any questions can be sent to

Commander Isha t'Vaurek