Beg, Steal or Borrow – Infiltration
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Infiltration
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Sat Jun 06, 2009 @ 9:39am
Location   Deep Space
Timeline   SD8 16:00 Hrs
The bright blue sun silently irradiated all within the confines of its oort cloud. The only celestial bodies illuminated by its radiance were the asteroids forming a single thin orbit. In reality the belt was thousands of miles thick, but stretched around such a vast celestial entity it seemed as a shimmering gossamer thread. The searing blue light of the single star cast long shadows past the asteroids as it continued to burn.

In the cold shadow of a single large asteroid, a brief shimmering heralded the appearance of the Raven class vessel. Such equipment was not standard on the science vessel. The one aboard had been quietly lifted from a Klingon bird of prey that had somehow been flown to the station filled with terran cattle but no crew just after the Boaoran attack. The ship had been in sufficiently poor condition that nobody noticed the extraction. The device had been left with a smuggler acquaintance of Kaia and Natrina until the time had come to use it.

Of course, the original task for which they had stolen the cloak in the first place had yet to even be attempted; there had simply been too many distractions. Then things got complicated with the USS Legacy. Kaia had seen an opportunity that she had been unable to resist; the pirate attack had been most inopportune.

Had the pirates not attacked, Kaia could have properly covered her tracks and the last of the Legacy the Feds would have seen were her sensor logs showing it having flown into a star. Instead, Natrina had to rush Kaia back to the station for medical attention and in the meantime, the feds had discovered the wreckage of the Legacy.

Kaia had only just managed to keep the stolen technology from being discovered when the Marines showed up in her airlock. Acting as the vanguard for the Feds, that was still a real concern. Though they had managed to escape the station in the chaos of the Romulan attack, Kaia and Natrina knew the Marines would arrive eventually. Precautions needed to be taken to prevent the accidental discovery of the cloak and the transwarp coil while they extracted a pound of flesh from the pirates.

While stealth certainly had its advantages, this particular situation had rendered it unusable. Now it was a matter of battening down the hatches and running silent until the federation strike force arrived. The ship was maneuvered into position, hiding in a powered down state in a small sensor shadow in the pirate’s detection grid.

The pair were busy equipping themselves to infiltrate the base in silent trepidation. The last run-in they had with the pirates had resulted in Kaia being exposed to vacuum, and that was on their "home turf," such as it was. Now, they were on the pirate’s home turf, and the potential for things to go wrong were exponentially higher.

Kaia was busy programming in security contingencies to prevent boarders if the ship was discovered in their absence when Natrina came onto the bridge. Kaia momentarily turned and handed her a communication earpiece.

"What's this for?" Natrina asked as she slapped a fresh power cell into a phaser, "are you expecting us to get split up in there?"

"It's always a possibility, " Kaia responded as she continued programming. "But more importantly, it will allow the ship to recognize you. I'm activating the welcome wagon protocol."

"I've heard you mention that before, what is it?" Natrina asked as she hooked the comm around her ear.

"Pretty simple, really. If anybody tries to beam aboard to otherwise enter the ship, the transporters nab them and purge their constituent atoms. That earpiece will identify you to the ship, so you won't be disintegrated; don't lose it. Since it's my ship, I hardwired it to recognize me. External communication circuits are disengaged to prevent remote tampering, so the only way to turn the welcome wagon protocol off is from on board."

"What happens if the Fed's try to board when they get here?"

"The same thing that happens to everybody else. POOF." Kaia motioned by flicking her fingers. "It's a custom ship and none of their overrides will work, so let's hope they don't try. The sensor shielding around the cloak and transwarp coil should hide them from any scans. Still, let's hope we're in and out and gone before they even get here."

"I agree, while that Darson fellow is willing to deal, I don't want to give them any more leverage than they already have. Do we have a way to get to the base from here? Are we going to transport in?"

"That's definitely an option, except that where we're parked; the base is beyond normal transporter range."

"So it's not an option," Natrina said with a frown.

"Well, we can shunt the transporter waveguides through the standard warp coils, subspace transporters can beam things across several light-years of distance."

Natrina frowned more deeply. "Um... weren't subspace transporters found to accidentally disintegrate 10% of everything they transport?"

Kaia responded with an uneasily nonchalant tone. "Well, yeah, 18% actually, but it still works in a pinch. It's real power intensive, though, using a subspace transporter would basically cancel any advantage from running silent."

"So it's not an option." Natrina repeated. "what else we got?"

"We've got the type 8 shuttle, but then we've still got the detection problem and we'd be facing it with less defensive capability."

"There's GOT to be something better..." Natrina sat down and one of the consoles and began looking over the sensor data they had collected of the system and the asteroid belt. "Hang on! We've got a target of opportunity. Passive sensors just picked up an unidentified ship entering the system. Looks like it's making straight for the base and it'll pass within standard transporter range. QUICK! Boot them up and let's hop a ride!"

"I'm on it!" Kaia replied, "Regular transporters shouldn't give away our position with all the background interference. They'll power back down to run silent once we're away."

The two stepped away from their consoles, drew their weapons and looked at each other.

"Ready for this?"

"Revenge on standby…"

And in a flash of light they were transported away.