We All Fall Down – Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 5
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 5
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jul 22, 2014 @ 5:28pm
Location   OPS
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1

Guardian Platform #2 had targeted the enemy vessel while the remaining 2 Platforms continued on an assault vector towards the contraband cargo vessel. After breaking away from the two other Platforms, GP#2 continued to bear down on the sparsely armored transport. Its Polaron phaser emitters had immediately locked onto the vessel's propulsion system in order to prevent the enemy vessel from escaping. It had passed the Waylorm and swung back around to prepare for another run.

Though she appeared frantic, Welshy had entered what could almost be called a "zone" - her senses were shrugging off distractions as she focused solely on the task at hand. Every part of her mind was on the tractor beams, namely re-configuring them to act as repulsers. "All emergency power rerouted to tractor beams. I'm having trouble getting a positive lock on the platforms through their shields. Modulating frequency."

"I need updates, People," Isha said, her teeth barely parted as she spoke, "Secure the civilian vessel. Darson, Wallace, take care of the freighter."


=outside the platform computer control room=

Jarred looked at the door, "The locks aren't engaged, lets go!" looking towards Darson.

Darson nodded, having loped along easily behind the Lieutenant, he didn't seem to be in the least out of breath. He smacked the bulkhead panel and let the hatch slide open, revealing the control room. He slid inside and started walking around the room taking stock of the ODN relays and other components on the wall. He wouldn't be the first to admit it, but he was slightly out of his element at the moment. Subverting and sabotaging computer equipment wasn't exactly his purview. And while he did have a system infiltration kit installed in his armor, it took generally longer then somebody who knew what they were doing. He called out to Wallace, “Mr. Wallace, it’s your show. Call the ball,” and began looking around the room for the primary uplink connection.

"Pull control circuits 4 through 12, if the system doesn't disengage we have to knock out the power we'll have to move to plan b" Jarred said as he opened a panel, "four through eight are in this panel, the other four should be over by you."

Darson nodded acknowledgement, turned and opened the panel. As he scanned the control relays for the first one to pull out, he received an incoming communication from Marine Ops. He cocked his head to the side as he listened and disengaged the first control circuit, "The fighters I scrambled have intercepted the platforms and the civilian ships. They're taking heavy fire," he said aloud so that Wallace could hear. With a grunt he adopted a short-cut to the removal process and wrenched the control circuit out of its housing. Sparks flew and Darson threw it to the ground, "No time to properly remove the hardware. Just yank them out of the housing and we will get Engineering down here later!"

"We're in the control room, the first disconnect attempts have failed, we're going to have to disable the computer so that we can send in recovery for the freighter." Jarred called out "Colonel let’s just shoot out the hard connections to power down the computer."

Darson nodded his assent. This was something he was good at. Dropping the mangled remains of a control circuit with his foot he spun around and said to Wallace calmly, “Go and grab two of the rifles from the security detail outside.”

"There's a weapons lock up down the hall, lets get moving." Jarred said as he made a mental not to remind the colonel of the chain of command.

Darson bent down to a Jefferies Tube hatch next to the Access Console and opened it with a quick flick of the buttons. Dropping down gracefully into it, he moved along it quickly a few meters down to a second hatch. Opening this one as well, he was granted access to the Main Computer Core of Deep Space 5. This was a place where nobody was generally allowed to go, such was the sensitive nature and general fragility of the room in question. Spanning multiple decks, this was truly the brain of the station, and if they weren’t careful in this room they could do more harm than good. As Wallace came up behind him through the crawlspace, Darson scanned the room quickly. In order to cut off the data stream to the platforms and hopefully shut them down or trigger a reset, they needed to take out the connection going to the primary uplink transmitters on the station. The interrupt would disrupt all forms of communication through the Main Communications array, but backups would kick in in seconds. Hopefully this would knock out the platforms laying waste to the civilian ships.

Unless of course they’d been provisioned with ways around that.

Darson locked on to the hard line connection, a shielded ODN relay amidst a forest of Isolinear processors and pointed it out, “Right over here. This is the one we want.”

"If this does work we still have to deal with the one drone that has gone to automatic." Jarred said grabbing a tool kit.

[Space outside Deep Space 5]

Guardian Platform #2 prepared to open fire once again on the vessel when it began to receive an updated data stream from the station. Within moments it deactivated its engagement protocols and powered down. The platform held its position just several hundred meters away from the battered and distressed transport vessel.

"Platform 2 has powered down! Redirecting tractor beams to platforms 1 and 3." Ceridwen called out. "Clearly Commander Wallace and Colonel Darson did... something, and it worked."

Guardian Platform #1 and #3 had transmitted the coordinating information to each respective Platform as they approached the vessel. The vessel attempted to evade, but the tactical systems began to open fire just as the station's tractor beams lanced outward towards the deadly tactical systems.

The Platforms released a brief volley of phaser energy on the lightly shielded freighter as they completed their first strafing run. The Platforms banked and came back around for another strike when the station's tractor beams successfully locked on to them simultaneously. The platforms attempted to escape, but the tractor beams increased their output the more the platforms attempted to break free.

TBC ...