Judgement – Caught in the Spiders Web
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Caught in the Spiders Web
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 11:02am
Location   The Aescepalus
Timeline   SD 38 just after midnight

Lance lay in his stateroom, staring at the ceiling, the retardant he had been administered and his head already felt clearer. His mind was racing while he tried to figure a way out of the diabolical predicament he found himself in.

He wasn't to be allowed peace though, without announcement the door opened, and one of the two Orion girls walked in carrying a small tray with a bottle of water and a glass. "Can I get you anything else?"

Lance fixed her with a penetrating stare, "Why are you helping him?" He demanded, "What does he have on you?" He asked. The girl looked panicked, she just shrugged and quickly held a finger to her lips. Lance got the message. The room was bugged. He should have guessed. The Orion quickly made her way up to him. Lance was weary of her approach, Last time she had been this near he'd gotten a hypo full of toxin in the neck.

She crawled over him. From the door, should anyone else enter, it would look as if he was just doing what any man would do in the presence of an infamous animal woman. "Same reasons you are," she breathed into his ear. "The grak-shei neutered us. We cannot leave, and our 'talents' no longer work. Chiara and I wouldn't last ten seconds now."

And it appeared to be true. The average human male could keep his composure against the full onslaught of an Orion woman for all of five seconds. But Kendra was doing absolutely nothing for Lance. Her hand dropped to his crotch and fumbled inside his zip.

"Kendra!" It was a curt bark of command, delivered in a flat baritone that spoke of being used to absolute control of any situation. Mr North stood at the door.

The Orion girl drew back from Lance, wide eyed, both angry and fearful. Her eyes dropped to his crotch then back to him for a long moment, before she turned and left the room. She had to breath in to squeeze past North's imposing frame.

The minder reached out absently, and pulled the Orion woman against him, ignoring her obvious distaste. "Get some sleep, Murdoch. We'll be checking on you."

Lance nodded and watched them depart. As soon as they were gone he looked down at his open zip and reached inside.

There was a note, hastily scrawled on a scrap of paper, it read:

Door overide is 3948571-23-7102. will try and distract North. Take us with you.

Lance looked at the note and frowned, he wasn't sure who to trust at this point. He stepped up to the door and pressed his ear against it. Listening for any sound from the other side. He heard none. Shrugging his shoulders with a 'what have I got to lose attitude,' he entered the overide cose into the panel next to the door. And was half surprised when it slid open to reveal the empty corridor outside. Lance stepped out.

From round the corner he could hear North growling, bass and rough, “Get in there,” followed by a short, feminine gasp of shock, and the hiss of closing doors. Then all there was to hear was the thrum of the deck and sounds of distant footsteps moving around elsewhere.

Lance pressed himself against the bulkhead for several seconds, to make sure the burly gaurd was really gone. Then made his way to the Orion's door. Pausing for a second to collect his wits he opened it.

Kendra gasped, and looked up. She was still on her knees from where North had shoved her in. She scrambled up and threw her arms around him. "Thank you!" She buried her head against his neck, "Thank you."

Lance gently, but firmly pushed her away. "Is there an antidote?" He said simply.

The orion girl could only shake her head. "I have no idea. But if there is, it will be in the laboratory." Her eyes widened as if she'd realised what she said. "But its three decks down, and has more security than anything I've seen. The only time I was in there was when Chiara and I were spayed. Locks, guards, everything. Its impossible to get in."

Lance gave her a grin that could have frozen hell itself. "Sounds like my kinda mission."

"You're Insane! Lets just get Chiara and get out of here. Let your sick bay sort it out!"

Lance shook his head, "No time, It could take months to engineer a cure. Thats time I don't have. I'm getting into that lab and you're going to help me."

She looked frightened, but nodded. "Okay, but promise we'll Chiara out too."

Lance waved a hand dismissivly, "Yeah, yeah whatever."

Satisfied the Orion girl opened the door of her cabin. "This way."


A JP Between

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon and Prisoner
Deep Space 5

NPCs provided by Notty:
Kendra, an Orion slave
Mr North, Corporate Security Specialist