Cascade – The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors: Part III
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors: Part III
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sun May 05, 2013 @ 12:59pm
Location   Main operations
Timeline   SD 72 1415 hours

As P'Trell stood and glared down at the engineer, Wyman kept going, "Drakt and I haven't served together in almost nine years. While YOU on the other hand have been desperately clinging to him like a barnacle in the hopes of saving your career. You know, Lieutenant Commander - you never did tell me what you did on the Edison to get demoted."


"Lieutenant, have you forgotten that you are addressing a superior officer?" P'Trell snarled, his fists clenching at his sides.

Wyman just narrowed his eyes and sneered, "You're not a superior officer, just a higher ranking one."

Karen got to her feet, pressing her palms on the surface of the desk as she did so, "And I outrank both of you!" she snapped, glancing between the men, "Cease this bickering. Are you fishwives or Starfleet Officers?"

Having Karen shout both of them down seemed to snap the two of them back to some sense of normalcy. "Of course, Commander. I don't know what came over me..." Sharas muttered, his antennae twitching absently.

"Yeah... I... that was weird..." Wyman mumbled, scratching his right ear and furrowing his brow. He had never stood up to P'Trell before, and he didn't know where all that bile came from.

"Let's try and keep some perspective here, people. We're all under a lot of stress," Karen replied, she was very tempted to literally bang their heads together. "Let's just hope we get some answers soon otherwise ..."

Karen's comm badge pipped into life. Were those answers forthcoming?

"Larel to Villiers. Commander, can you join me in my office? I may have some insight into the prescence I felt on the ship".

"On my way," she replied before turned to her guests. "Would you gentlemen care to join me?"

The last thing Sharas wanted was to be any deeper into whatever mess his former pupil had been assigned into the middle of. But since he was already waist deep, he may as well go all the way. "To be quite honest Commander, the less I know about what's going on around here, the happier I'll be. But since I'm already here - I would be derelict in my duty if I didn't attempt to help."

"And there's no way I'm missing any of this. Something's strange is going on around this base, and I want to know what in the name of the Great Bird of the Galaxy it is." Wyman added, getting up from the chair and adjusting his uniform jacket.

"Then lets go." Karen rounded the desk and was out of the door leaving them barely time to blink. This had to end soon, there was no more time to waste.

"We'd better follow her." With those four words, Wyman was out of his chair and out the door.

P'Trell just sighed, taking a moment before standing. "By Lor'vela, I'm going to punch that lizard in the snout when I get back..." he whispered before rising and following behind.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Commander Sharas P'Trell
Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 182
(Played by Lt. Wyman)