Judgement – Future imperfect
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Future imperfect
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Aug 10, 2011 @ 11:38pm
Location   500,000 KM from DS5
Timeline   SD39 07:45

Once the doors closed, she waited for Paul to speak.

Paul sighed as he walked around the desk to the viewscreen and activated it.

At once, DS5 displayed centrally.

“Speak your mind Cath.” He invited as he had seen the looks she had given on the bridge.

“Concerns or questions?” She offered.

“Whatever you need to get off your chest first.” Buckley replied.

She eyed him for a moment. Catherine had served under Captain Buckley for less than a year but they had a good relationship and he knew her better she apparently knew him. However, Catherine knew him better than he credited her, she just knew when to stay quiet.
“Primary concern, getting home Secondary how in the hell did we get here in the first place. Warp tunnels are only supposed to affect speed and I am pretty sure we didn’t exceed warp 5.5 in that tunnel.” She stated as she spun a chair around and paused before sitting.

“Agreed, primary concern should be getting home. As for how we are here, I am in the dark as much as you. Wang may have ideas and we will also need to talk to Edwards. Why didn’t you say anything on the bridge?” He asked as he moved to the chair next to Burrel and turned it around, but refrained from sitting.

“Wrong time. The crew don’t need us offering opinions on the bridge. That is the place for decision, you know me better than that.” She squared.

“Mm, I do, but open channels of communication are more productive than secretive meetings and you know I am all for open conversation.” He retorted.

“Open yes, but not when we are in a dangerous and unknown predicament. Out there right now, that may not be the future, it might be a giant hologram for all we know, we could have been swallowed by a space monster and its stomach contents could be given us mass hysterical visions.” She countered.

Paul wanted to laugh, but he could see that she was serious and so he remained straight faced. “Do you really think that?” He enquired as he sat.

“Of course I don’t but that is why we don’t have open discussions on the bridge. Too many ideas and we would go off on al sorts of tangents. I am as sure as you are sat next to me that we are in the future and going by the registry number on that ship, around two hundred and twenty years. That means my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson could be commanding one of those ships or even that station!” She remarked as her head fell against her chest in semi surrender and her black long hair fell about her face.

Buckleys hand went to his mop of ginger hair and he scratched at his head as he watched the Commander. He rarely saw her like this, she was usually strong, far stronger than his last first officer and at that particular moment, he felt pity for her.

“Catherine, we will get out of this, somehow but I need you to keep your usual resolve. Rally the men. What we must to focus on is explanations and answers or even just theories if that is what is needed.” He pushed himself from the seat and again moved to the view screen.
“Do you think we should contact them?” He asked as he stared at the monster of a station. “It is a huge feat of engineering. Do you think that it’s really Federation and that Starfleet have expanded their reach out this far?”

Commander Burrel lifted her head and watched him walk to the screen and it was obvious to her that he favoured what he saw. The way he stared at the screen with the lop sided grin and the spark of envy in his grey green eyes.
Her voice was quiet in response.
“We need to be certain that it is both a Federation Station and not a trap, then we need to be sure that it is controlled by Starfleet.” Though quiet, her voice was firm.

Buckley spun around.
“Whose to say that Federation controlled will not mean run by Klingons or Romulans?” He questioned.

Her mouth fell open at his suggestion.
“Are you…..” she paused as she composed herself “..serious! Klingons or Romulans. We are at war with both of them and you think they may be in charge of a Federation station”

Pauls hands went to his hips. “Commander, I have never been more serious. You said yourself, we have travelled two hundred and twenty years into the future and you don’t think the galaxy would have changed in all that time.” Buckley moved back towards the Commander who had now risen from her seated position and moved her hair back behind her ears. “After world war three, it took just seventeen weeks before the leaders of the world united and in less than three years after that, the world was united and we began the exploration space. What’s to say what has happened in over two hundred years?” His tone was reasonable and logical and she knew what he was saying.

“Confirmation first.” She replied simply.

The Captain nodded as he moved to the desk and tapped at the communication console.

=^= “Lieutenants Wang, Cousins and Edwards report to the briefing room.” =^=
He closed the communication by releasing the small lever and sat back in the chair that headed the table and Catherine took the seat at his side.

It was barely a few minutes before the three men had congregated in the briefing room and sat with eyes locked on the Captain and Commander as they explained between them their own theories.

Kin Wang, a fourth generation scientist had listed with a fair amount of antipathy for the explanations put forth, but he had the respect to allow them to finish before he spoke and as he began, he stood, as if delivering an oratory.

“Captain, Commander. Whilst I must applaud your theories, that is all they are at this present moment in time.” He said in jest but nobody was smiling. “While your theories have merit, we have yet to uncover any facts, only conjecture. Yes, it is possible to ravel in time via a warp tunnel, highly improbably but feasible. As you are aware, the produce a plasma forced into the warp coils that are expunged through the nacelles to produce a warp bubble around the ships hull, forcing the time around the bubble to bend and allows us entry into subspace, it would theoretically be possible to elongate that bubble to stretch time as it were and enter the next dimension, time itself, by bending the tunnel to meet various points in time it would be possible to travel through time. Exactly how, is not my field of expertise.” He admitted after reprising warp field theory 101.

Paul waved his hand downward, signalling the scientist to sit.
“All very good Mr Wang, but we are not here to have a master class in warp and time travel, we want to understand how we are where we are, so we can devise a plan to get back to where we should be.” Buckley announced.

Wang shrugged his shoulders as he followed the unspoken order.

Edwards spoke next.
“Sir, what we do know, is that the engines were near melting point. I had the devils own job to get enough fluidic nitrogen pushed in to keep them cool.”

“Nitrogen!” Remarked Wang. “Nitrogen could have reacted with dilithium…”

Paul gave the scientist a hard stare. “Lieutenant.” The single word silencing the scientist.

“Sorry, can’t help myself.” Wang apologised as he nodded to Edwards.

Jethro acknowledged the apology and continued.
“The engines were racing far above their normal parameters, three point eight seven times faster. We were travelling in excess of normal warp. By my calculation, warp sixteen or seventeen, Captain.” He stated.

“Warp seventeen!” Buckleys mouth fell agape at the Engineers approximation. “Impossible!” He retorted.

“It should be sir, the engines should have imploded, but they managed to stay in one piece, long enough for us to travel ….. here.” He advised.

Cousins listened and he was stunned but still maintained a calmness and was still putting together his own theory, but that would wait for another time.

Catherine stood from her chair. “This is preposterous. This class of ship is just not capable of sustaining those types of speeds!” The commander voiced.

“Then perhaps this is just a dream after all.” Buckley mocked her.

Catherine shot her captain a glare.
“So not funny.” She said as she slumped back into her chair with a downward turn on her lips.

Pauls hands went to the air in surrender.
“Joking.” He admitted as he gave an exasperated sigh. “Right, let’s take a break, reconvene in two hours. Maintain a vigilant eye, stay on amber alert but under no circumstance, is anybody to power weapons or raise shields unless we are fired on. What I would like to do, is get a shuttle over there,” His hand pointed behind him to the Station on the viewer. “Edwards, that is your task. Wang, calculate what we need to do to get back home. Dismissed.” He ended the meeting and headed back to medical to allow Amanda to finish what she had started.

The staff remained in their seats, waiting for the door to close behind the Captain.

“Impossible tasks for an impossible situation.” Edwards stated in a half toned voice.

“That is what we thrive on, the impossible. If everything was a walk in the park, then we would not be pushing the frontiers of space or the boundaries of our knowledge.” Wang stated with a grin.

“Easy for you to say.” Cousins actually spoke as he rose form his chair and with no captains directive, left the briefing room.

Burrel looked at Edwards, an amount of concern across her aging face.
"Do we have anything even remotely capable of passing for a futuristic vessel to board the station?” She enquired.

Jethro shrugged. “Not really, but I don’t think we need to get to above ourselves. We only need a shuttle and a respray to match the other ships out these.” He also rose from his chair. Two hours should be enough.” The engineer advised as he too left the briefing room, leaving the Commander and the scientist to look across the table at each other.


USS Horatio NCC 4893
Captain Paul Buckley
Commander Catherine Emma Burrel
Helm & Navigation – Lt Gary Edward Ashton
Tactical – Lt Commander Brian John Cousins
Medical – Doctor Amanda Taylforth
Engineering – Lieutenant Jethro Alexander Edwards
Science officer – Lieutenant Kin Wang