Deception: The lesser part of Valour – The New(er) Kids on the Block part II
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The New(er) Kids on the Block part II
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 10:44pm
Location   Chief Intelligence Office
Timeline   SD6 9:45hrs
As he closed the link he immediately his attention was drawn to his door chime. He looked up on saw the outline of an individual that he did not recognize. It wasn't surprising, he did not spend time socializing or fraternizing with the vast majority of the officers and crew members onboard the station. However, most of the officers onboard the station did not randomly appear outside of his door casually.

"Enter" Gabriel said as he sat up in his chair. "How can I help you?" he inquired.

"Jarred Wallace reporting for duty" the man said as he crossed the barrier into the office.

"Ahhh, Mr. Wallace, I've been expecting you." Gabriel said as he reclined into the chair. "Welcome to Deep Space Five, more specifically, welcome to the Intelligence Department." he added. "You'll fine that my style of investigation is far more involved than other Officers throughout the Corps. Unfortunately, vigilance is required due to the rampant incompetence of this station's Security Department." he said.

Gabriel added. "and if you see a Nausican looming about, that is the Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Rakka, be sure to speak slow and don't make any sudden movements around her." he said as he tapped several buttons on his console and retrieved Wallace's file.

"According to your file you served onboard a Klingon vessel." Gabriel noted while looking at the file. "That's interesting, I too served with Klingons for several years. Particularly, I served within the Federation Embassy on Qo'Nos, fortunately I never had to be confined to the insides of a Klingon vessel." Gabriel said as he retrieved the section he was looking for.

"It wasn't a vacation, but then again no one can say the whole period was, the closest thing to shore leave was when I gave the first officer a concussion." Wallace responded.

"Alright, your first assignment will be simple: First, cut the hair, Second, I want you to go to pay a visit to the Matahari Bar and begin an investigation into its owner, Natrina Kerran. She's the owner of the Bar, however I have reason to suspect that she was involved in the destruction of a Pirate ship several days ago. Additionally, there is a Cardassian onboard, Kaia. She is the Owner of the Xenology Survey Services. I have reason to believe that they both have information on the Pirate situation in this sector." Gabriel said as he slid the Padd across the table towards the dishevelled officer.

"It's a simple enough task, report back to me your findings." He said as he closed the display and looked down at his work. However, he noticed that the younger officer still stood in front of him.

"Problem?" he inquired while looking up from his chair.

"I'll report to the quarter master, I'll need to replace my uniforms. I haven't exactly had need for a starfleet uniform in almost two years." Wallace responded.

"These pirates? What do and don't we know?" Jarred gazed at the humanoid. "Assuming that there is an information leak, it's not going to be wholly intentional. A simple conversation could've lead too this attack that I heard about on the turbo lift up here." he said. It was obvious to Wallace that his comment drew more than a few stares.

Dorian put the Padd back down and smirked at the officer. Obviously this man believed that "accidents" really did happen.

"You are joking, right?" Gabriel responded with to the suggestion. It was a stretch of credulity to imagine that a simple "slip" led to the latest pirate attack within Federation space.

"Think of it in these terms; lets say two crew members from the freighter are having a conversation in a shop, and lets say that someone overhears that same conversation and repeats it to one of our potential suspects, we've got more than one issue here." Wallace responded.

Jarred looked at the deck for one moment, then looked ahead at his superior officer and spoke, "I'd like to review the video surveillance from the assassination attempt on the Captain and the sensor logs of the pirate attack if there are any...I'm not a believer in coincidence." Wallace stated.

Gabriel smirked slightly. He reached into his desk and withdrew the Padd containing the assassination attempt against Captain Tahir that resulted in the death of the Lieutenant Riley. ( )

Gabriel continued. "As far as the Pirate attack on the USS Legacy, not much is known except for the sensor logs that were uploaded by Kaia when they returned to the Station. However, I don't put any faith in them, considering the circumstances surrounding the theft of the vessel in the first place. I'm going to rely on your investigation skills to get more information." He responded.

Jarred look at his departmental head. "Sir, my rank doesn't reflect my actual security clearance, I've seen things even the Command staff will never see, that includes my time on the Kar'gah" he stated abruptly.

"Good" Gabriel replied. "Use that clearance to find out: 1 - What experimental device was placed onboard the USS Legacy by Starfleet or the Federation. 2 - The exact circumstances of the pirate attack on the vessel. 3 - What were Natrina's and Kaia's interest in the vessel." He said.

"Any questions?" He asked.

"yes, how hard would it be to impound any ships they own?" Wallace asked

Gabriel thought for a moment before responding, "It wouldn't be hard at all. Once you have found "Probable Cause" then you can impound the vehicle in order to search the vessel thoroughly and to preserve whatever evidence you might find." he responded.

"Once that vessel was attacked by Pirate vessels it fell within the jurisdiction of Starfleet Intelligence. You shouldn't run into any issues with your investigation. If you do, report to me and I'll deal with the appropriate chains of command." He added.

"I look forward to an initial report very soon, you are dismissed." Gabriel said with finality as he returned to reviewing his Padd.

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer

Intelligence officer
Jarred Wallace
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer