Time is Fleeting – Revelations
by Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Revelations
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 1:35pm
Location   Captains Office
Timeline   SD9 Late (Backpost)
Karen did not wait for a reply to the doorchime but stepped into the CO's office. There were a number of things she wanted to discuss, most pressing what she had learned from Tovon and how they might proceed, but before that she wanted to clear something up.

"You thought that I shouldn't have asked Gabriel those questions then? Why? You know as well as I do that if it had been either of us sitting in that chair, our faces crumbling into the palms of our hands he would have asked the question, and more."

Davies head shot up as Karen entered. The chime had sounded as he liked to be a little more prepared for entrances. Had it been anyone else, he would have barked out an admonishment for not asking for permission to enter, except maybe for T'Lan or Gabriel.

"Commander, please, take a seat." Davies advised as she breezed up to the desk. "Had it been anyone else asking, at that moment, I would have said the same thing. Gabriel is a complicated man and that was the first time I had seen him on an emotional hinge and I felt for the guy." He said in earnest, "If you had been me and I you, I am sure you would have done the same." He said.

Karen covered her pause by pulling back the seat; she chewed a little on the inside of her cheek as she sat.

"You're a very considerate man, Commander Davies," Karen said once she appeared to have settled down. "There aren't so many commanders who would pass up the chance to smear the nose of an unpopular officer - just a little."

David nodded his agreement. "I don't know about considerate, I guess I am just a persons person and as for 'Rubbing your nose in it', I would like to think I could keep that for subordinates, besides, I don't you well enough yet!" He admitted, laying down the PADD he was working on and standing.

"Can I offer you a tea? Personally, I am going to have something a little stronger." David offered as he made his way to the replicator with an already empty glass in hand.

"Same for me," Karen said, "And it wasn't my nose I thought you'd want the chance to smear ... I haven't heard many good things about Commander Gabriel, he seems to have a personality that attracts others like sandpaper, but if you can tell me a different story, I'd be more than happy to listen."

David ordered a malt whiskey, no ice whilst placing the glass on the plate. "Make that 2." He added and waited for the drinks to appear, picking up the 2 glass tumblers in each hand and carrying them over to the table where he gave the one directly to Karen, offering his glass to her.

"Cheers." He said as the glasses clinked together and then took a sip of his own, the liquid burning his tongue and throat as it tracked downwards, giving a pleasurable sensation on both his palate and his physche.
Making his way back to the chair he sat down.

"To be honest, I have heard about the way he is with people. Brash, hard nosed and a royal pain, but he is also trustworthy and loyal, a rare find in any officer. I have not seen him take a bribe or turn a cheek if the moment should take him, he is as straight as they come, even if he does bend the rules," He took another sip of the whiskey, using his index finger of the hand that held the glass to point at Karen, "but he doesn't break them, or at least, not that I have seen or heard and he gets the job done."

"Thanks for sharing that with me," Karen said, she would come back to the topic of Gabriel, but first she wanted to address Tovon's rather bizarre theory. "He seems to go out of his way to make himself unpopular, even with people who might otherwise be inclined to help him," she said, "nobody is asking for him to suck-up, but a bit of cordial networking doesn't do any harm."

"Um, yes, he does have authority issues, but in some ways, so do all of us. He has gone up against some command staff and that's made them angry. He clashed with Commander T'Lan, heck, he even threw my efforts back in my face earlier, but we all do and say things that can cause others misery, its only human." David stated, finding he liked the company of the Commander, for her own honesty.

"I sent you an encrypted file on some research that our new science officer has been conducting," she said, "not the sort of findings you want to leave on a padd. Did you have time to read it?"

The light flickered around the glass as David gently swirled the brown liquid and studied the way the liquor held onto the glass, making its own goal to regroup with the whiskey at the bottom of the tumbler.

He shook his head. "To be honest, no, it's still in that pile there," He pointed to several ill stacked devices, "just got to make time to get through all the transfers, mundane reports and complaints that have landed on my desk." He sipped at his drink, savouring the burn and allowed himself a gentle sigh. "Guess I can pass some of it to you, but rather than decrypt the file, why don't you tell me what's in it." He grinned his response.

"He's been over the core recovered from the wreckage ... it seems there is evidence of the manipulation of time. I don't know if he's overimaginative or he's onto something. I can tell you that the Intel Chief was cagey about the whole issue - he couldn't contradict his findings, but he certainly wasn't giving Tovon any encouragement. There may be something here that we don't need to know, as the saying goes. I think Tovon is sincere, aside from Tovon I've kept this limited to the heads of Intel and Engineering - and now you. Time is a tricky business, this one is on your shoulders I'm afraid, Commander Davies."

And in response, he shrugged them and frowned. "Manipulation of time...." He repeated looking at Karen over the top of his near empty glass. "How so?" He asked rhetorically, "And what's there to be cagey about, I assume we're talking about the 'Slipstream' warp core, in which case, I think that it's a moot point." He said pushing himself up and slipping the remains of the glass into his mouth as he wandered to the replicator.

"I wouldn't know, I'm a lawyer, not a scientist - I leave the details to professionals. There is something else I want you to know, on a related matter."

David half turned as he lay his glass on the plate of the disposal and it swirled away. "Malt whiskey, no ice" He stated, turning fully to face the Commander. "Another?" He asked regarding the drink and then "What else?"

Karen linked her fingers, her elbows poised on the arms of her chair, "This is in the strictest of cofidence, Commander Davies, I am not at liberty to divulge this information to anyone, but I am going to, because I need some perspective on a matter ... on a person who I'm having trouble getting one. Gabriel has a past, and somewhere in it he was accused of murdering a prominent Romulan scientist."

David took the fresh glass as she revealed her tale and he froze. His brain turned to mush as he tried to order what she said.
He picked up the glass and emptied its contents straight into his mouth, searing his throat and immediately ordered another.
"When?" He started, the ramifications already aligning themselves in his thoughts.

She raised a hand to stem his questions, and continued, "The act would appear to have been committed in anger, if it was committed - Gabriel's lover apparently died, and he thought that the scientist she was working with, and his Nausicaan assistant were responsible. I am telling you this because there is a rumour that the Romulans have new evidence, that they are going to revive a case that was not settled to the satisfaction of either the Romulan or the Federation governments - there is a good chance that they are going to send a first rate legal mind to bring Gabriel to justice. If they do, I hope for his sake it is not someone who he has offended."

Taking the fresh glass, he retook his seat.
"I hope so too." He uttered.

"If they send someone, and it is an if, I'm to try the case. I have orders not to take his side, to stay impartial - this is why I'm trying to get a picture of the man, while I can still can."

The alcohol was beginning to affect David and he could feel himself losing control of some of his senses. He found himself looking at Karen with different eyes and did not want to put himself in the same position he did with T'Lan a few days previously.
Placing the partially emptied glass down on the desk, he stood.

"Good idea, well done." He could hear the slight slur in his speech. "If you will forgive me, I think I have drunken a little too much." He continued and could even feel the loss of full sensation in his legs. "Time to head for my quarters!" He wobbled his way to the door of the office, turning back to a semi shocked Commander. "Sleep well." He said with a friendly wave.

Karen sniffed her own barely touched glass. She raised it to her lips and tasted it again ... there did not seem to be anything wrong. As she watched Commander Davies leave she raised an eyebrow - either there was something wrong with his replicator, or he'd been caning it in solitude before she came in.

Karen took both glasses and deposited them in the replicator, she would keep an eye on the situation, but if it turned out not to be a technical fault, it was not one she could let go on for long.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Commander David Davies
Intoxicated Commanding Officer