Incommunicado – In Space You Can't Even Hear Klingons Scream
by Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   In Space You Can't Even Hear Klingons Scream
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Jun 13, 2012 @ 8:20am
Location   Immediate Deep Space Five Air Space
Timeline   SD58 06.30
:: On ::

“Deep Space Five this is the Klingon Vessel qul mI'wI' demanding clearance to approach for the third and final time!” Valkris turned away from the console then spanback.

Dor-sho-gha!” The tension that gathered in the gravel of her throat broke as Valkris slammed the heel of her palm hard on the console the glass splintering into a spiderweb beneath. The Neg’lorn class courier vessel was damaged by forces unknown and losing power. In ten, maybe twenty minutes the nacelles would rupture, all ability to transport was disabled … the cargo that she carried would be lost.

Nothing, just silence, then static, scrambled and jumbled followed by a garbled message "qul mI'wI'.....rec.....Delt....wi.....are you...". On the edge of sensor range two Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters could be seen. As they got closer to the Klingon starship their hails became clearer "Repeat this is.....Delta wing are...receiving"

Valkris’ ears detected form within the static. Straightening to her full height she activated the viewscreen, setting it to detect any targets hostile or otherwise. That done, she wiped her palm over her hip darkening the sheen of the short mail skirt she wore over her leggings.

“We hear you,” she growled in response. “Delta wing, this is the vessel qul mI'wI'. We demand immediate docking co-ordinates are locking on to your trace signals.”

The two fighters glided into position on wither side of the Klingon ship, taking up very close flanking positions. "qul mI'wI' be aware Deep space five is suffering major communication disruptions at this time" the link was clearer now that they were so close.

“Something is interfering with our transporters,” Valkris said, frustration building again, “We need priority docking.”

"please communicate all appropriate identification and clearance codes, my wingman will then courier it to deep space five and come back and tell us if they have cleared. you will then be allowed to dock."

“We have ten minutes, if that, human before my nacelles rupture taking you out with me,” Valkris said through gritted teeth, her anger and frustration controlled for now. “By all means try to follow me to Sto'Vo'Kor but I suggest you do not delay and guide me in!”

"Lady I don't get if you have the president of the federation on board your ship I am not guiding in an un-cleared ship into space dock without proper authorization...." there was quite for a moment. "Look there is a incoming runabout under click away they can be here in a couple of minutes and they can beam your crew aboard and we can take it from there."

Valkris paused but it was momentary, "I have no crew, there is only me and my cargo which is to be delivered to Commander Villiers. I assume you have heard of her." It wasn't really a question. "If you wish to find this sector slip into the control of the Romulans right under your smooth nose then delay me further." It was more than she should say, but the importance of her cargo was not lost on Valkris, not for one moment.

There was more silence over the commlink as Rick considered his options; there were still to many unknown variables and un-answered questions. Her whole story could just be a spun tale to get past security. But the name drop of Villiers and the tone of her voice (even for a Klingon) made him inclined to listen to her. He transmitted a flight route to her computer that sent her nearest to the stations defence platforms, the most phaser turrets and the most heavily shielded part of the station. "Follow this path, you come off it in anyway and i will personally blow you out of the sky."

A chuckle, soft at first, then growing hearty built in Valkris’ throat, “You’re welcome to try Deep Space Five.” She adjusted her co-ordinates as she spoke, modulating her speed to match the fighters. “Unless you’d like to give me a name to look up once I’m aboard.”

"How about I don't" replied Rick flatly. Though if this Klingon knew Villiers it would not be hard for her to find out. "How about we just get this done with." Rick banked his fighter a little and the small collection of tiny craft glided a little to starboard as they followed the designated route.

“Afraid to accept a drink for the honour of bringing me in to your home?” Valkris snorted as the other half of her mind focussed on the business of now. “When I’ve a visual on your station I’ll isolate my warp engines in a field and vent the plasma before coming in to berth.” It would leave her defenceless, but it was better than doing it now and being stranded.

"If the Commander says your Ok then your good by me, but in the mean time, lady you seem to be trouble." Rick gloved flight suited hand worked the LCARS display touch screen of his flight control system. "Ok, come to point 05 before venting that plasma."

“Very well. I have visual and gaining.” It had been a very long and lonely journey for Valkris, the sole recorded occupant of the vessel, and with orders to communicate with no-one until she reached her destination. She wanted a drink, and even banter over a comm channel was better than her experience of the last two weeks. “Approaching position. Engaging field now and powering down warp system. If I’m still moving after I vent will engage impulse.”

Something of her tension must have shown in her tone, a premature ending to her mission would carry no honour, and even though it would never be known, Valkris would die with that burden on her back. “Clear your fighters, Deep Spave Five, beginning vent in four, three, two …”

Twin plumes of searing plasma spiralled out, engulfing the courier in crimson flame for one minute, for two …

Sweat dripping down her flushed face and arms Valkris activated the impulse engines, her fingers slipping slightly on the surface of the panel. “Warp engines are cold and offline,” she transmitted, “engaging impulse. Who do I need to fight to ensure my repairs are done in good time?” she added only partly serious. Valkris really had no idea long her mission would keep her here.

Rick chuckled to himself "I tell you what, you get through this alive you can have the bottle of blood wine in my office that the Klingon ambassador gave to me." As they pulled away and the fumes vented from the ship Rick let out a breath he did not realise he was holding.

One of the Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters peeled away to continue its patrol, the other escorted the Klingon ship into one of the smaller starfleet docking bays. The two ships touched down together on the landing platform. Security and Engineering personnel ran out to meet them.

Valkris was on her feet when her ship touched down and on her way from the bridge as the door began to open – the Neg’lorn class had a single deck so it was not far and with her swift long stride Valkris reached the entrance as the door ramp clanged down in the docking bay.

“Commander Villiers will vouch for me,” she stated to the assembling Starfleet personnel, and even though she was a day late Valkris knew that would still be the case.

"I hope so" said Rick getting out of his fighter and taking off his helmet. He however did not order the men pointing weapons at the Klingon to stop pointing there weapons at the Klingon. =^= Lieutenant Commander Dunham to Commander Villiers =^= said Rick after pressing his comm badge.

=^= Villiers here, what is it, Commander?” as often seemed to happen around here Karen was up to her nose in a heady mix of caffeine and business.

=^= There is a Klingon here to see you Ma'am =^= said Rick not taking his eyes off the warrior. =^= Apparently she says she is carrying some cargo for you? =^=

Meanwhile Valkris scowled at the guards who had drawn arms on her. For effect she reached over her shoulders and drew a pair of mek'leth from a sheath on her back and stood ready and menacing, daring any of them to be foolhardy enough to fire.

Rick folded his arms as he watched the Klingon like a hawk, waiting for the commanders reply thinking to himself if he would ever meet a Klingon that did not resolve problems with threats or violence.

So this was why the appointment last night hadn't been kept! She hadn't even reached DS5. Karen couldn't imagine what had made her late, if it was the same Valkris, then nothing short of impending death would have delayed her.

=^= Commander, what does this woman look like?=^= she asked.

~Urrrmmm a Klingon~ he thought to himself initially. "She looks like a Klingon warrior with a mail skirt over her leggings. ~and possibly a D cup~ he finished to himself. "Oh! and she looks like she wants to tear my head off."

Probably not the best thing to have asked, Karen thought on reflection. She took one last look at the rolling hills in front of her as she exhaled slowly. =^+ Stick where you are, I'll be with you in five. Computer end program. Villiers out=^= Karen added as she realised the comm link was still open.

In just under three the ryhtmic pounding of feet announced Karen's arrival. Hair tied roughly back and clad in shorts and a sweat stained tank top that may have once been green the Executive Officer rounded the corner.

Rick left the security guards and the deck officer to keep an eye on the Klingon to go get out of his flight suite and back into his uniform before the Commander arrived.

"Commander Dunham," she said placing her hands on her thighs as she bent to catch her breath, "Where's our Klingon friend?"

Rick pointed at the Klingon with his finger like it was a gun as he marched out of one of the nearby dressing rooms. Security still had a close eye on her and now the ships internal security systems were aimed at her ship as well as force fields around the area. Rick had not taken any chances.

"Sorry Rick, shouldn't have asked you to describe her," Karen said as she starightened before placing a hand on his shoulder in apology. It looked like Valkris but though there weren't even that many female Klingons who could imitate her height, there were plenty of male ones who could.

"Well she's your problem now Commander" said Rick raising his hands in mock surrender. "Do you want me to get her beamed to a cell were they can do a DNA check?"

Karen didn't need to think about it. "No, but put the protocol in place, trigger word actus reus, I don't think there'll be a problem though."

"Roger that Ma'am" said Rick. He gave the commander a polite nod and then gave the Klingon one last appraising look "Good luck" he said to the commander as he was about to go.

Karen nodded as Rick departed. She was P80 sure that this was Valkris though her name had not been mentioned but she had no idea why she was here.

=^=Villiers to Tahir, I may be late for this morning's staff meeting,=^= Karen appreciated the double meaning of her words though she wasn't sure that Tasha would like the joke. =^=A Klingon has arrived and it is imperitive that I deal with her immediatelly. =^= she offered no extra reason, there was none that could be given.

Karen straightened her shoulders and strode into the docking bay.

"Lower your weapons," Karen commanded, to the various officers and engineers who had emerged to cover the Klingon, her voice ringing through the bay as she strode up the ramp to meet the Klingon woman who stood with two drawn blades glinting as the warrior's pulse forced a miniscule movement beyond her control.

"How is your husband, Valkris?" she asked in a tone slightly more ascerbic than usual.

"You know I will have none, Villiers!" the Klingon replied, the blades keening through the tension in the bay as they crossed over her back as she resheathed them. She paused to snarl at the gunmen who lingered though their weapons were now lowered.

"Then come with me, and you can explain why the years have made you so slovenly!" Karen said in a tone much louder than she would normally use. At the same time she extended her open hand to the towering Klingion.

"Its been too long," Valkris affirmed taking her hand, "But hold. I will not leave this ship until my mission is complete."

The hair at the nape of Karen's neck bristed, this di dnot bode well. She knew that Dunham would have put the requested protocol in place, she knew there was a way out, but she also knew that the cargo was one so important to the Klingon empire, that it required a drop of the recipient's own blood. Hers.

"Very well," Karen said. "DISMISSED!" she bellowed to those still waiting, "Clear the hangar."

If she was wrong then she was not leaving.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


A Klingon Courier


Commander Karen Villiers