Time is Fleeting – The New Scout Vessel
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   The New Scout Vessel
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Sep 13, 2009 @ 10:58pm
Location   Docking Bay Nine
Timeline   SD12 06:45 (Backpost)

It had taken her a week to learn how to fly a ship and be certified in it. In that time she had to endure Starfleet's evaluation of her.

And before her was the next generation of scout ship. More advanced than the Raven type used by Civilian Explorers, and this particular type wasn't available on the Civilian Market yet. This was the Prototype Hawk Class Explorer. Most importantly, it was well suited to how Alexandria was trained. To study star systems and extraterrestrial life.

Apparently she had raised quite a few eyebrows in the Federation. Some of the more passionate members of the Federation Council managed to obtain this vessel for her continued mission of exploration. She heard someone come behind her. "Hello Captain."

Davies had heard that the new "Hawk" had been out on a few flights and he decided now was the time to get a look at her before he moved onto his next assignment and he was already feeling like he was going to miss the station.
What had been a daunting task, to take command of a station that was in the grip of an attack by Romulans had been bad enough, but he had settled and enjoyed the different characteristics of a stationary vessel, so much so, that he contemplated making his tenure a permanent one on another station.
The hangar door opened and he stepped through, seeing the woman who had been frozen in time, now stood frozen looking out upon the Hawk.

"Hello Alex. How are you?" David asked with a smile as he moved up to her side. "I hear your very adept at piloting her already." Nodding to the Hawk.

Alex spoke, "It didn't take long, and some of the equipment onboard I could only dream about having on the Odysseus. The Hawk's Multi-lab can assist me in studying Primordial Worlds. I can even chart the evolutionary progress of a species with just a sample of DNA."

"Can you?" He replied with surprise, "I didn't know that a ship that small was so capable!" He remarked admiring the outline of the craft through the docking bay window.

Alex spoke, "I read what you asked me to read about Khan Noonien Singh."

"Good. What did you think, did you lean anything of use?" He asked, hoping that it would enlighten her as to why some suspected her at first.

"The United Federation of Planets? Far from perfect. Before your Dominion War your Federation attempted to forcibly disarm the Maquis, when their worlds were under attack by the Cardassians. In a way, your diplomats yielded to Cardassian diplomatic manipulation just to score points with them. Did anyone on Earth honestly believe that it would've ended in peace?" Alex stated. "I'll make it simple for you. The Cardassians are not to be trusted. Based on what I've read about them, I wouldn't trust one as far as I can throw him. Why, whenever I look at one, I feel like I'm staring at a Snake."

Davies chuckled at her frankness and her old attitude. "There are a lot of things out here that will make you feel uncomfortable. Anything else? Found anyone you do like yet?" He asked as he turned and leant against the viewport, being able to see her face more clearly.

Alex shook her head, "And the Klingon Empire as well. I have seen things about Klingons that are to be admired, but they are still barbarians. Their alliances shift so fast, it is difficult to know where one stands with the High Council whenever a New Chancellor comes to power. For every Martok there is a Gowron. The Klingons are delusional, a dying race clinging to old traditions in a world without traditions."

"True, but they were once bitter enemies of the federation, yet they are now amongst our trusted allies. The Romulans are trying to gain a foothold on peace, its strange to their own concepts and the attack on DS5 just shows that they have a lot to learn and a long way to go." He stated as she glanced at him, then back to the ship outside.

"As for the Romulans, they are even more dangerous. I've never meet a race that could lie more skillfully than the Romulans other than my ex-boyfriend. One day soon, they are going to have a civil war, and end up fragmented into several dozen Romulan Star Empires. And damn, they make strong booze too, but don't tell anyone." Alex mentioned remembering that drink she had in that strange woman's bar.

Davies grinned as he nodded his head in agreement. "That they do. Perhaps they should use it as a means to preparing for peace. Get everyone drunk on the ale, then they would stand a better chance at mediation." He pushed himself from the port.
"Well, it seems you have learned the most valuable lesson...trust no one. There are many races out here, a great deal more than the 20th century knew about and I am sure that we are going to come into more conflicts sooner rather than later." He gently patted her shoulder and nodded to the ship.
"Get yourself some more hours in her and you will be pushing the borders back even further." He said as he turned to leave and gave her cheery wave. "Later Miss Marshall."


CO: Commander David Davies

Civilian Alexandria Marshall