Judgement – Dispensing with the pleasantries
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Dispensing with the pleasantries
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 7:16pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD36 14:20

Cala walked around the station wondering what to do for her lunch break. Then it popped into her head, she hadn't met the Captain yet. She found out her location, in Operations, and made her way there.
Reaching the room, it was quite busy bodied, with everyone scurrying around the place; while there were a few people sitting down at stations. Cala weaved in and out not trying to run into anyone, looking for a red star fleet uniform.

Once she saw the bright red colors indicating commander status, she walked over and said, "Excuse me. Are you Captain Tahir?"

Grace, being a Lieutenant Commander, was surprised to be asked that, most knew the Captain or at least a vague description before they had arrived into central Ops. Grace was much older that Tahir and her hair was strawberry blonde whilst the captain was dark haired.

"Thankfully no." She smiled pathetically. "Captain Tahir is up there," her thumb directed to the upper tier and the large window that stared down over the operations deck, "but I am afraid that you will need security clearance before you can see her unless you have an appointment. Do you have an appointment?" Her question was polite as she eased the drinks tray to her side as if to hide it.

"Well I'm not sure," started Cala, "I was assigned her and I just arrived and I thought it would be great to indroduce myself to the Captain. Unless she's busy? O my manners. I'm Ambassador Cala for the Federation. I'm the Stations new Federation Envoy. And you are?"

Grace thrust her hand forward. "I'm Grace Nadiene Fayver, Lieutenant!" She remarked with a slight excitement to her voice as she waited for Cala to accept her hand.. "Logistics Technician." She added as if her title made her more important. Basically she was a gopher who kept an eye on what was going where and how.

Cala took Graces hand and stated, "Its nice to meet you Lieutenant." Pulling her hand away she stated, "If you don't mind I need to go see the Captain."

The shake was brief and Grace felt deprived. "I will have the Captain hailed for you now. Wait here, I won't keep you too long." She replied as she turned to the communication console and spoke to Tahir.
In a flash, she back to Cala.

"Up the step, straight ahead and then straight ahead into the Captains office." She advised with a smile.

Cala bowed her head gracefully and stated, "Thank you Lieutenant." Then headed towards the steps. Reaching the steps she walked up them and faced the Captain's office. There she chimmed the door and waited to be greeted in.

Tasha was not expecting the new Envoy to be so forthright in meeting her, but she supposed that was the way that most federation envoys were, less polite than a full Ambassador, but she was glad to have a distraction for a what would have to be a few minutes.
She stood from her seat and began to make her way around her desk to the door when Cala appeared in the open doorway.

"Envoy Cala Lurn. How was your journey?" Tasha asked as she bridged the gap between them with her arm already rising upward to greet the attractive dark haired woman who didn't appear to be much more than her early thirties which belied her actual age. Tasha wondered how she felt about being over a thousand years old.

"My journey was a pleasant one that you Captain," Cala smiled, "I hope I'm not bothering you? If you have more important things, then I'll leave."

Tasha waived her hand dismissively. "Of course not. Please, take a seat. Can I offer you anything...Tea, coffee?" She offered as she moved back around her desk wondering what exactly her role was as an envoy.

Having partially read through her file, which would take days to read thoroughly, Tasha knew she was far more experienced that just being an envoy. She had turned down an Admiralty and developed herself in her current field and had been fundamental in several peacemaking treaties.

Cala took the seat offered to her. "O no thank you," she stated with a smile, "How are things going?" Cala wondered what was going on this station, since after all the Chief of her department was currently away. She crossed her ankles and said slightly sideways in the chair, and placed her hands on her lap; as she sat there waiting for the Captains' reply.

As Cala sat, Tasha did the same, brushing her trousers as she did.
"Going?" She queried, unsure as to what the question referred to. "Sorry," She apologised, "going with me or the station?." She responded with pleasant smile, hoping it was the former.

Cala cocked her head slightly and stated, "Both. I would like to know what is going with the station. So I'm up to date. But as for you, is your own convenience. Since after all you might not know me well." Then she gave a soft smile to the Captain.

The captain bowed her head graciously.
"Well, there is a great deal going on with us and the station at present. There are several established Embassies, including Romulan, Cardassian, Ferenghi and several minor races as well. One of the most significant events at present, is the trial of one of the command staff, brought about by the Romulan government," Tasha began to explain and detailed the trial of Dorian. ".... and that is pretty much where we are on board. As for me, well, there is never a dull moment for me." She smiled, disguising the fact that there were times when she wished there were more quieter moments.

And as if on cue, her comm chirped.
=^= "Captain, Lieutenant Trellis needs to talk with you on an urgent matter."=^= Mr Rushtone advised.

Tasha smiled at Cala.
"Never a dull moment." She repeated as she tapped her comm.

=^= "Send him up." =^=

To be continued in 'Captain, we may have a problem'

Captain Tasha Tahir


Ambassador Cala Lurn
Station Envoy