Incommunicado – When pushed shove back
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   When pushed shove back
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue May 29, 2012 @ 2:43am
Location   Arboretum
Timeline   <***>

Rhiana had been trying to avoid the one remaining ugly task, She'd gone down to discuss the final days of her former CO and mentor with his lover, only to met with hostility, and rage.

She was sitting in the green space, looking at some of the more interesting greenery and reflected on the meeting, she loathed the idea that the womans personal bias along with the grief she felt dictated the meeting. Rhiana left the encounter angered by the meeting and thinking that she needed to step aside from being an officer for twenty minutes. She was sitting on the bench looking at the reflecting pond when a man in a dark grey suit walked over and sat next to her.

"Bad day?" He asked

" could say that." Rhiana said

"You did what you thought you had to do Ms T'sahen, but there are people who know the truth about the situation with Mr Wallace."

"What do you mean?"

"There was a reason why the stations marine unit was ordered to stand down." the man started "The raiders no longer business, and they would have been in the way personally we couldn't have that."

"Why?" Rhiana was confused

"This would interfere with future plans." he stood "Lieutenant, when the time comes things will make sense."

The man stood up and walked away, as she saw him exit she thought to herself, ~Could he really be alive?~

Rhiana stood up and exited the green space she tried to figure out the strange meeting she just had, if her mentor was alive where was he and who was the mysterious man who had just spoken to her, was he part of some kind of directorate that intelligence used to protect high profile agents when things when to hell.

As she walked back to the intelligence office she met up with the Chief and looked at him, "Something on your mind?"

"Yeah when do we get back in business?" The chief looked like he was looking for a fight

"Right now, I want round the clock on the Romulan embassy, and I definitely want someone one the Ambassador like white on rice, and I want someone to annoy the Cardassians, they've been getting away with too much."

"Right on!" The Chief was suddenly in a better mood "I assume its code grey as always?"

"Yes, we operate at grey until we're shut down."

The two intelligence officers walked down the corridor "So what do we do first?"

Rhiana smiled "Send Isha some Klingon take out."

