Unity – Verity
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Verity
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Jan 31, 2010 @ 2:37pm
Location   XO's Office

OOC: Just a JL regarding the little meeting Kreallia had with Tharek and the Mental State of Commander Gabriel.

Kreallia walked into the reception area for the offices of the Command staff. The young Trill Ensign manning the desk looked up at Kreallia and smiled, a much better welcome than the one she had recieved at the Embassy.

Come in," Karen said as she breezed past, "Its Lieutenant t'Jay, isn't it? Take a seat," she suggested as she rounded the desk and eased herself into her chair. "How are you finding Deep Space Five? Much of a change from your last posting?" A little small talk rarely hurt before getting down to business.

"The station is magnificent, Commander, sleek and defined. It has a cross between the Nor class and the Stardock class, which I like." Kreallia explained.

Karen nodded, "True, it has adopted the best of both designs. I'm getting some tea, can I get you anything?" As she turned to the replicator Karen continued to talk. "It must be interesting to get to know the mix of people on the station - I know its your profession, but up here in this office I sometimes feel a bit remote," As she turned back with a glass of green tea in her hand Karen smiled. "Did you want anything to drink?"

"No I'm fine thank you." Kreallia said. "I wanted to talk about Commander Gabriel." Kreallia stated.

The glass between her hands, Karen returned to her desk and sat as she laid it down. "I'd be very interested to hear your professional assessment," she said, "and the basis on which it was made."

"But first I need to discuss Gul Tharek with you." Kreallia explained.

Karen sighed. "Add on your evaluation of Dunham at the end and you'll score what I believe used to be called a 'hat-trick'. Kick off with Tharek by all means," Karen said.

"He came to me yesterday and wanted me to right off Gabriel and Rick as mentally unstable and try to undermind your efforts to not have Rick extradited." Kreallia explained.

Wrapping her fingers around her glass Karen leaned forward. "Yesterday Tharek did not know of my efforts because I had not discussed them with him, or any Cardassian or station personnel. What did he say to imply that there was an investigation going on?"

"He did somehow, he has the room bugged most likely." Kreallia stated.

She also had not been on the station, so if Tharek knew in advance, then he had someone planted deep within the Federation hierarchy.

"And his enmity toward Dunham - did you perceive any grounding for it - beyond making a scapegoat of him?"

"He knows Rick is inoccent but he's using this mess about destruction of Cardassian property as an outlet for Rick's extradition to Cardassia." Kreallia said.

That much was obvious, but she would return to Dunham later, as she had specifically requested that he consult with the counselor.

"Which brings us on to Commander Gabriel ..."

"Simply he wants Gabriel rotting in the brig for the rest of his life and I would have supplied the mental evidence to keep him there." Kreallia explained. fully knowing she might be seen as a co-consipirator. "He hates him with all his being and Commander I'm sorry to say that I can't blame him." Kreallia explained. "He's racist, arrogant, and I cant see why..." Kreallia said in a bewildered tone. "He's mentally unstable I'll give Tharek that, but all he needs are some Counseling sessions for the next few months as opposed to the brig."

Karen pushed her glass forward and out of the way before linking her fingers. "Make no mistake, Gabriel is incarcerated for his own protection; from what or whom is not relevant to this conversation, however I want an objective analysis, Lieutenant, if you cannot give that I will find another Counselor who can"

"All I'm saying is Commander, is that he is not going to listen to me from the other side of a forcefield." Kreallia sated calmly. "He needs help, but his job is more important to him than anything, If he co-operates with counseling sessions then he might be able to return to duty faster." Kreallia said.

"I would say that he will not listen to you anyway. A skim of Gabriel's record indicates a broad disdain for what he refers to as 'Hand-holders' - either side of the forcefield, I'd say you're fighting a losing battle." Karen leaned back in her chair and laid her hands gently on its arms, "I do agree that you are right about his dedication to his job, however. So what would your recommendation be, as a mental health professional?" she asked wondering if the younger woman could rise to the challenge.

"Mentaly, he's skipping stones accross the mental standards needed for duty, it can keep skipping or it can sink at any moment." Kreallia said, wondering if that was satisfactory.

"I've heard a lot of conflicting stories, and if I favoured one side, or the other, my conclusion could be biased - if I was not capable of objectivity. What's the basis for your assessment? I need facts, Lieutenant."

"He snaps easily, he has a feirce temper, he's racist- which is an offical starfleet reprimand." Kreallia pointed out. "He also is a bit violent."

"Evidence, Lieutenant, cite examples, because without examples, all you are doing is supporting unsubstantiated accusations." Karen had read the documentation, but since joining the staff of DS5 Gabriel had followed his familiar pattern, and none of the official complaints suggested a significant deivation from that.

"I spoke to him my first day onboard, I was nice, said hello and all of that." Kreallia said.

Karen nodded. "He did not appreciate how open you were being? He viewed it with suspicion?"

"He then snapped at me calling me a green blooded, duplictious, Romulan." Kreallia explained. "After I told him I'm a Federation citizen and a Starfleet Officer he continued to yell violently that I couldnt help him."

"Send me the log of that meeting, Lieutenant Kreallia," Karen said; with the data she had seen Karen knew that she knew more than anyone how and why Gabriel resented Romulans, but she could not share that here. "You are within your rights to make a complaint against such a recpetion, but as a counselor you must remain objective if you have professional contact."

"That was my professional oppinion and I'll get the log to you right away." Kreallia said.

"Tell me about Dunham. He was troubled after the incident with the ex-Cardassian Freigher ... what was your assessment of him?"

Karen was keen to see if the new counselor was so driven by her personal opinion.

"He was..................distressed at killing the people onboard the ship, but who doesnt feel remorse after killing people?" Kreallia remarked.

Karen nodded, "in a situation like that its necessary to make a call, and in my opinion he made the right one; he knows it too, though he may not yet be comfortable with that knowledge yet."

"He was keen to fly, he didnt have any trauma or post traumatic stress, but I told him to fly it easy for a while just to make sure." Kreallia said.

"That's good advice, Lieutenant. Was there anything else?"

"On Dunham, no but Tharek has a lot more." Kreallia remarked.

Keren's brow wrinkled as she tried to place the name. "The Cardassian Ambassador?" she said eventually. "Go on."

Kreallia handed her a PADD with a transcript on it and a small speaker. "Our conversation at Casino Royale was tapped, you can scan it and see that it's genuine." Kreallia stated.

Knowing just how abrasive the Cardassian was, Karen listened. "I'm sure its genuine," she said, "Now why do you think Getal wants Gabriel out of the way? He has full diplomatic immunity and doesn''t need to worry about interference from security. Do you think its personal?"

"Tharek's vendetta against Gabriel is BEYOND personal." Kreallia stated.

"Define," Karen replied, "and give me the basis for that assessment."

Kreallia picked up the PADD and fast forwarded the recording to a part. "Call him clinically insane, unfit for duty. Anythign to keep him from moving more than a metre." Tharek's voice said over the speaker. "Is that enough?" She asked.

First Karen drew a deep breath, then she took a sip of her tea. "I just played the recording, I heard that already. I have already drawn my conclusions, but I am asking for your professional opinion, Counselor t'Jay, and for how it may relate more widely to this basis."

"My professional oppinion is, that based on that recording and one from my office, that he hates Gabriel because of his hate towards Cardassians, and something else that I dont know, but I'll find out." She explained.

"I'll be interested to hear your findings," Karen replied.

"Wont we all." Kreallia stated.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer


Lieutenant (JG) Kreallia t'Jay
Deep Space Five