Judgement – A true Cardassian
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   A true Cardassian
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue May 24, 2011 @ 10:21pm
Location   Outside the Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 37 - Shortly after Mhnei'Sahe

"I usually am," Isha said, her temper had become increasingly difficult to manage over the last few weeks, and this case was no exception. "Now get the fuck out of my way. I have a wedding to attend in the morning and I don't have time to stand here bandying insults with the likes of you."

With that Isha planted her palms flat on his chest and in the same movement shoved him sharply back out of her path.

Then without looking or caring whether or not he'd kept his balance, she simply walked away.


"I'm impressed Tharek, women just can't seem to keep their hands off of you." Legate Hydel Turvan said to the fellow Cardassian as he walked across the short walkway.

"I thought for sure that she would've given herself completely to the apex of masculinity that is 'Tharek Getal'" Turvan added. "Was that how you were able to win over Imanil?" he added rather coldly.

Getal turned. Hearing Turvan's voice, and hearing the remark he made about his missing spouse, Tharek lost his head. Walking quickly up to Turvan, Tharek planted a fist into Turvan's cheek, with enough force to shatter glass, or break bone. "Never! In this lief! Use that name whilst I live!"

Hydel was caught off-guard by the quickness of the former solider. He took several moments to gather himself before standing up and spitting the pooling collection of blood from his mouth.

"Perhaps if you were dead, she'd still be here." Hydel retorted as he regained his posture. "As if you were ever good enough to become the son of Fi'ta Gul Enarim Lemarre, let alone to hold the hand of his daughter." Hydel said of his former mentor and his predecessor within the Fifth Order.

"At least I managed to secure her heart, Hydel." Tharek said, his eyes burning with rage.

Hydel let the scathing remake pass through him without any facial acknowledgement of the comment's validity. "I'm not here to harangue for your past failures, Tharek, I'm sure there are others in this galaxy who have that more adequately covered." He said as his voice began to returned to his typical even tone.

"I had actually come to provide a bit of free advice." He said quickly. "One doesn't need to still have Command of the Fifth Order to hear about the particular tribulations of a certain Ambassador on this station." He said in a more deliberate tone.

"While I'm not surprised that you would choose to pass your time with such a visually pleasing creature, I would caution keeping company with such a. . . troublesome individual. Sometimes toys can cause more misfortune than we anticipate." He said with a slight smile.

"Worry about yourself Hydel. I don't need your 'advice' or your sarcasm. And don't lecture me on 'toys' Legate. I've got one coming that will put you, and all others in their place." Tharek paused, a smile now spread across his face. Getal walked over casually to Hydel, and shrunk down to his face. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he said, "I'm bringing the Kagor."

Hydel's eyes widened briefly. "Everyday I learn something new about you, Tharek. Today I can add 'liar' to that growing list." he replied.

"There is no way the Detapa Council would allow the Kagor to leave Cardassian space, nor would they affford the necessary troop deployment to properly man the vessel." He said.

"Call me what you will Turvan, but I am no liar. And the Detepa Council has no countrol over the acting orders of Fi'ta Gul Elott Metak. I'm sure your familiar with that name, aren't you?" Getal said, not waiting for an answer. "Of course you do. He owes me favours, a lot of them. And the Kagor falls under such a favour. The ship is mine, as are the troops on board. Soon Hydel, you will learn your place as Legate to the Union, and my underling, or I'll send you back to whatever hole you crawled out from."

Hydel stood tall and looked the younger man. . .or perhaps boy, in the eye. "To even speak such a man's name is a presumptioous venture, even for a vompăt like you." He said intently. "You are not worthy to glance at his tamorh let alone to even associate with the man." Hydel said, his anger and general discuss towards the Cardassian surpassing his customary respect for ranking and decorum.

"Undoubtedly, you have found someway to lure him into your web of deceit and blackmail for him to even begin to associate with you." He added as his hands began to involuntarily curl into fists.

"Jealousy is a dangerous beast to tame Hydel. Don't show it so easily."

"Jealousy?" Hydel asked incredulously. "Jealousy would require that I would actually want to *be you*, Tharek." He replied swiftly. "Oh no, my friend, I actually intend on helping you become infamous." He said as a smile curled around his face. "By the time i'm done, your name will be synonymous with a zabou. Your name will be so tarnished that not even those half-breeds you and that multi-chromatic harlot spawn together will ever wish to utter your name for fear of the impending shame." he said sardonically.

It clicked then, in Getal's mind. There was only two people on this station had the mind, the nerve to try and frame Getal. t'Khellian had been broken, she was a pawn to Getal's will. There was one option left. Hydel Turvan, Legate to the Cardassian Union. Not for long if Getal had his way. "You, Hydel, are a man of cunning. You know that don't you? I mean, not many people could have wormed their way into the Federation system, to try and get rid of a true Cardassian. Your time is borrowed Turvan. It will not be long before I sink a blade deep into your heart."

"A true Cardassian!?" Hydel said in a half-laugh. He quickly cleared the space between the two and brought his fist into the crevice between the other Cardassian's face and nose.

"You may have the cretins that inhabit this horrid excuse for a military installation fooled by your preening. But don't you ever question my loyalty to Cardassia you spurious cretin." He said as his chest continued to rise and fall. "Those of us that have earned our titles understand Cardassia's true purpose and won't squander her resources by consorting with lessor beings and plotting like some Romulan." He concluded.

Tharek smiled, raising himself up again. "Just what I wanted." He said, almost laughing. "Plotting like a Romulan? Loyalty to Cardassia? Your as deluded as you make out to be. I'm not the one sliding in the dark to plot another Cardassian's demise. I happen to know you had dinner recently with the Romulan Ambassador. And on top of that, one of my 'cretins' as you aptly put it, saw Lieutenant... Kel'tor? Is it? Walking into your lodgings, and exiting with a bloody large grin. I know your game Hydel. Your just upset you've met somebody who can play your game better than you can."

The gloves had come off. . .

"You know Tharek, perhaps we are both wrong. Perhaps neither one of us knows exactly what a true Cardassian is, maybe. . .just maybe. . .Imanil found one on her own and ran off to live happier ever after. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a woman you loved had left you behind." Hydel said deliberately.

Getal was furious by now. His eyes turned bloodshot. He shook at the hands. His breathing and heartbeat got faster and faster. Soon, he lost control. Making a swift grab, Getal pulled another dagger from its nest and made to wound the man, not kill. To kill him would've only made him glorious in Cardassia's eyes.

Hydel saw the brief movement and quickly grabbed Tharek's hand, placing the blade directly underneath the Legate's throat. "Do it! Do it Tharek! I'm confident that your precious Federation friends will have as the heading beneath your news photo, 'Diplomat rids the universe of one more Cardassian.' Hydel said with a mocking smile. "You'll be herald as a hero!" he added.

"But Cardassia might view it differently. . .'While under the suspicion of murder, Tharek Getal is found with the blood of Cardassian solider dripping from his own dagger while safely residing on a Starfleet base.'" Hydel said cynically. "I couldn't ask for a better obituary." Hydel said, well-knowing the result of such a political fall-out.

"Do it Tharek! Prove to me just what a true Cardassian is capable of!" He said antagonizing.

Tharek shook at the hand. He could've ended the stinking carcass that was Legate Hydel Turvan and made the Galaxy a happier place. But he didn't. His hand sunk back to his side, and he glared at Turvan, before hitting him in the face yet again. "I wouldn't give you the pleasure."

Hydel staggered back before regaining his footing. "Why Vi'kar Gul. . .I never knew you to be so malevolent. . ." he said as he straightened his tunic and began to walk by the Cardassian, only stopping to speak in a lowered tone. ". . .before I'm through, I'll make you regret such a missed opportunity. . ." he concluded.

Getal smiled. Looking back to the man, and calling out. "This doesn't mean I won't kill you." Tharek said as Hydel stopped in mid-stride.

"It just means Cardassia has to wait a little while to see you bleed." Tharek said, as he turned, and walked into the opposite direction of Turvan, and into the darkness.


A Joint Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador


Hydel Turvan
Loyal Son of Cardassia