Judgement – Granny Brigade, Part I
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Granny Brigade, Part I
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 7:31am
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD36 - 1800

Edward smiled, feigning adoration at the ancient face that hovered not twelve inches from his own. "Love, you'll need to sit down. I know you're excited, and I am too. But let's finish our game first." The words rumbled low in his chest so that it almost sounded like a proposition.

The little old lady gave a surprisingly dirty chuckle, and twisted a strand of her blue rinse coquettishly around her finger. She started to place her chips, but twisted, and knocked a pile onto the floor at Edward's feet. Deliberately.

~ Why, you little minx, ~ he thought to himself, inwardly chuckling. ~ Alright, you want to play games like that? ~

"Oh, excuse my clumsiness, ladies. I'll get that." He grinned and turned so that his backside would be framed against the light, and bent from the waist to pick up the chips rather than squatting -- giving not only the woman next to him, but the others around his Dabo wheel, the view.

Behind him he could hear appreciative clucking and cooing, and at least one sotto voce comment about if the pace maker could take the strain. When he straightened, he had the full attention of the women clustered round his table. While it was likely that it was his provocative display that left the wheel itself forgotten, the average age meant dementia couldn't be ruled out.

"Such lovely eyes you all have, said the big bad wolf." He misquoted the ancient children's rhyme intentionally, with a salacious grin. "Shall we have another drink, and give this naughty old wheel a spin?"

He raised his hand and motioned toward the nearest waitress, who nodded and wove her way deftly through the crowd. It was a busy night, and from what he could see, the tables all around were packed with patrons. But even the young waitress' expression was filled with worry in her unguarded moment. He understood the feeling; watching Yolanthe get arrested for murder had shaken them all.

"Alright ladies, place your bets, and I'll kiss your chips for luck!"

The assorted punters put down their chips with gay abandon, wrinkly hands holding out chips for his blessing. Just as hoped, they were only half paying attention to where their chips landed. Time to spin the wheel.

As it spun round and round, he danced a twist to the overhead music. Silently he thanked his wife for all the dance lessons she'd drug him to. While not exceedingly graceful, he could hold his own without shame on a dance floor.

The ladies round his table broke out into spontaneous applause, obscuring the sound of the wheel grinding to a halt.

And then one punter dragged her gaze away from Edward's outrageous flirting, and looked at the wheel. There was a surprised pause, and then she started cheering. "Dabo!"

As the other women cheered for the winner, he thought... Dabo? He looked carefully at the wheel. Sure enough, her marker was on the correct corresponding number, but... That didn't seem right. He thought he'd seen her place her bet elsewhere. He paid her, wincing a bit as it set his tally back quite a lot. Her bet seemed larger than he remembered, too.

The lucky winner reached out and tucked a chip worth two strips of latinum into the front pocket of his tight trousers. Deep into the pocket. "There there, duck," she told him. "House can't win all the time, can it?"

He gulped nervously and tried to cover his surprise as she rooted around in the unbelievably deep pocket. He didn't even recall the pants having pockets in the first place! He was going to get it altered, first thing in the morning.

"Um, certainly not, Love. The house wants you to have a good time and enjoy your winnings." He took her forearm as gently as he could, backing her hand out of his pocket. She tensed and grasped at his thigh when she realized what he was doing. But he was relentless, and pulled the grasping hand out. He brought it to his lips, where he placed a kiss on the thin, leathery skin stretched across bony knuckles.

Releasing her hand, he said, "Shall we give the wheel another spin?" He looked at the other ladies around the table, doing his best to try to include them in his smile. The one on his right seemed to be the most forward of the bunch, and he didn't want to alienate the others so that they would leave and go to a different table.

In sweeping his gaze around the gambling grannies, he saw Ahjess giving him a stern look, and begin to head his way. Uh-oh. Something must be up his extremely tight... pants, Edward thought. Maybe he was due for his break or something, and Ahjess was going to take his place for a bit, but didn't want to play up the oldsters.

"Ladies, the stunningly beautiful Mister Ahjess," he said to his patrons, motioning both hands at Ahjess with a flourish of wrist twisting, as if the young man were a prize on display.

Ahjess flashed them a wicked smile, and slid in to Edward's side with a graceful step. The ladies tittered. "Lets get that wheel going!" He reached round to the controls. In doing so he pressed close to Edward and whispered in his ear, "Don't ever! Take your eye off the table!"

Edward's mouth dropped open in surprise. He hadn't taken his eyes off the table! Had he? He wanted to object, but the ladies were already placing their bets. He closed his mouth and let Ahjess take the wheel, consternation written on his face. He hadn't! He had been paying attention the whole time...

Oh. Wait. The lady who'd dropped the chips on the floor. Or knocked them on the floor on purpose, to be more precise. He remembered playing around with her about it and he'd bent to pick them up. Sure enough, he had indeed taken his eyes off the table, even if it was only five seconds. Well, crap. He felt abashed as he walked toward the bar. He'd made a dumb mistake.

As the punters started paying more attention to the game, Edward looked back for a moment to see Ahjess, turned towards him, but eyes fixed on the chips scattered over the baize. He gave a tiny shake of his head, a little shrug that spoke eloquently: "Nice, one grandad."


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy
(NPC by Charlene)

The Granny Brigade & Ahjess
NPCs by notty