Unity – The bigger they are...
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The bigger they are...
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Nov 28, 2009 @ 11:11pm
Location   Brig
Timeline   SD 16 - 15:00hrs
"You. Move." Tharek stated bluntly toward a security guard stationed outside the brig. Tharek had, accompanied by his sides, mat-black shock troopers. Who both stared at the man infront of the door.

"Y-Yes Sir... " The security officer whispered.

Tharek then quickly stormed in and was immediately in front of Lieutenant Dunham's 'cage'.

Gabriel was lying on his cot attempting to gain some form of rest when he saw Tharek enter the holding area while his security escort remained outside of the door. He groaned inwardly to himself as he sat up and stretched. He was going to make it a personal goal for his department to prevent the casual entry of every Tom, Dick, and Harry into the Detention Area.

"You know. . .the last Cardassian that walked in here to disturb me, I allowed him to walk out. But that was only because he wore the same uniform as me," He said as he looked up from the cell floor towards the eyes of the Tharek, "What do you think will happen to you?" He asked rhetorically.

Dunham massaged his forehead with the tips of his fingers thinking if the day could get any worst. "Crap" he mumbled to himself as the Cardassian ambassador and his entourage had entered the cell bay. Dunham was glad Gabriel was in the room with him. If anybody knew how to handle these guys it was him.

Tharek looked at Gabriel. The man that had caused him inconvinience in the past. "I'm not disturbing you, I'm disturbing Lieutenant Dunham. I have a proposition for him. So, don't try and threaten me from behind a force field. Wait until your out... Then we'll talk." Tharek then looked back to Dunham. "If you want to get out you'll listen to me, instead of this sorry exscuse for an evolved monkey."

"Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal, A pleasure as always. How may I be of assistance?" Replied Dunham with the utmost politeness

"I think the question to ask, is how can I, be of help to you. I, along with Cardassian Central Command. Are willing to drop the charge of murder. We've concluded it would be better for your mental and physical health to be out of that cell, rather than in it." Tharek said in a surprisingly professional manner. He thn paused, building suspence. "However... You will have to do the following tasks to warrant your release." He then handed a Cardassian PADD to a security guard stationed outside, to hand it to Lt. Dunham.

Still maintaining a tone of civility, Dunham not even looking at the pad handed to him simply replied “Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal I’m afraid I am in no position to help you nor should you be under the opinion that I do want to help you in any shape or form, because I don’t.” Dunham then turned his back on the Cardassian walked to the cot in his cell and laid down.

"Cardassian," Gabriel said to Tharek to obtain his attention. He waited until the man had completely turned around before he addressed him again. "You will not walk into my Department and begin dictating orders to anybody, not so long as they wear a Starfleet uniform." He said as he stood up again and walked towards the field. "A thorough investigation will be performed to discover the cause of your ship's destruction, until then he stays here, under *Federation* jurisdiction." He replied as civilly as he could through clenched teeth.

"If... I remember correctly, dear Gabriel. Dunham is a Cardassian prisoner. Also. Next time you adress me as my race, rather than my rank. I will kill you. No matter where you are or who your with." Tharek said coldly, and without a hint of mercy.

"Dunham. I urge you to reconsider. How long will you be in this cell? One, maybe two months at best. If the investigation proves in Cardassia's favour, You'll be in here for life. Unless you get transferred to a Cardassian camp. And, I know better than anyone that a Cardassian camp, is an execution." Tharek said, turning back to Dunham. "Don't listen to Gabriel. His talk of uniform loyalty is biased. He assualted one of his uniforms. Is that the lead you want to follow?"

Dunham thought hard on that for a moment, then thought harder on his response. “Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal. I'm sorry, I have nothing further to say to you without a starfleet JAG officer present. Have a nice day" Replied Dunham with unequivocal charm and candor.

Tharek also thought for a moment. "Good day mister Dunham. I hope you think on my offer, and reconsider." He said, adding a smile.

Dunham gave a nice smile and a wave from his cot. ~Did that Cardassian just try to blackmail me, while I was behind bars?~ He thought to himself.

Gabriel watched as the Cardassian left the Detainment Center followed by his armed escort. He studied him for several moments before saying aloud. "Tharek has become an unacceptable inconvenience."


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron leader

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dignatary/Ambassador