Interlude – Drinks?
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Drinks?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Mon Jul 05, 2010 @ 6:54am
Location   Tan's Quarters
Timeline   Interlude

Dunham held a bottle in one had as he headed to Lt Vincent Tan's quarters, they decided on a mutual meet up, but this time at Tan's quarters rather than a pint down the Red lion, so he made his way through the winding corridors of deep space five, then arrived at Tan's quarters and pressed the entry chime.

The young petite blonde chose that exact moment to open the door. She did not see Lieutenant Dunham; her head was turned back, facing Tan who sitting at the table in the middle of the room. In a bright, chirpy voice she called back, "Thanks Vincent. See you next week. Same time?"

Vincent nodded in dismissal as he lit a cigar. He had had two puffs before he noticed Dunham's standing in his doorway with a stunned expression. "Dunham! What are you doing here?"

The blonde turned to face Richard in surprise and after giving him a friendly but nervous smile, darted down the corridor.

"Urrrmmmm, said Dunham slightly distracted as he watched the blonde go down the corridor, "ah yes, well, I checked the duty roster, and saw you were off..." he shrugged, "I was wandering if you fancied a drink?" Dunham showed the bottle.

"Miss O'Leary," Vincent said by way of explanation, waving his right at the door through which the girl had just departed. With his other hand he put down his lighter and used the movement to surreptitiously close the anatomy textbook still on the table. "One of Chelsea's medical students. Better not tell her, otherwise Dr Adams will have my head... or my testes."

Vincent stood up and came over to Dunham who was still standing in the doorway. "Now, what was that about a drink?"

Dunham crossed the threshold and passed the man the bottled he held in his hand, Dunham wore a confused look on his face. "Your strategic operations, what are you doing teaching medical students, are you a nurse or something?"

Apparently Vincent had been as good as hiding what he was doing as he thought. Dunham was supposed to think something a lot less innocent than that. "No, not a nurse... Now how about that drink, eh?" Vincent was suddenly boisterous, rushing around his quarters, forcing Dunham into a chair, grabbing glasses and a few bottles of his own.

Dunham wasn't exactly sure what was going on, the mood in the room seemed to of changed in an instant, he didn't realise he had done anything wrong, all he had seen when he walked in was a man helping a medical student with her work, so he had assumed Tan had some sort of basic medical background. Though maybe something else was going on? Maybe it was that Tan didn't like being discovered with one of Chelsea's medical students, because he was in a relationship with her. If so Dunham felt that was a little bit of an over reaction, this wasn't the 20th century military, starfleet had no problem with its personal being in relationships. "soooo whats her name?"

"Listen, Dunham, no telling Chelsea, OK? From what I hear she's like a mother hen around her students - ready to peck any intruders to the death or at least castrate them. The young lady you saw leaving was Harriet O'Leary. I will say that she and I are friends and we will drop the matter. Understood?" Vincent waited for the nod before continuing. "Now, what's the occassion we're drinking to? Tellarite Independence Day? The Klingon Day of the Milkmaid? The Bolian Festival of Selling Intel Pentium Products? I always loved those bald blue guys. Adds some colour to Starfleet."

Dunham smiled, letting the little thing with the medical student go. He dismissed the notion of drinking to a particular day with a wave of his hand, "How about just having a nice relaxed drink, with this bottle of vodka I brought."

"Vodka straight from a bottle?" Vincent chuckled. "That might be fine for some schoolgirls on a binge, mate. But I thought we were more - shall we say refined? - in our tastes."

Like a magician producing a rabbit from an empty hat, Vincent opened the door of his cupboard with a flourish. "They're at their best when they're kept in the dark, you see," he said, as he dragged out a small wooden crate. "I know one of the grocers on the Promenade. Turns out he's also from Australia. In any case, these set me back a months wages, but I don't need the money anyway." At the quizzical look on Dunham's face, Vincent opened the box. "Limes. Fresh and grown on a farm. Not those hydro-/replico-/syntho- types. Grown on Jouret, of all places. New-New Providence. All that Borg armament hitting the soil must have made it really fertile."

"Vodka is the way forward for me, my grandparents....are Russian, I spent many a winter in Moscow, this...." he pointed at the bottle. "Is a quality label, so we add your quality fruit some glasses, and some ice."

"Ah, tovarich, I see we have a true connoisseur. But I intend to add more than just fruit and ice. Now this little green bottle," Vincent said, picking up one of the bottles he had arranged on the table, "is Cinzano's Dry Vermouth. Not as good as Martinti & Rossi but I seem to have left that at home. I had a bottle break in my baggage once as I was transferring ships. For the first two weeks I smelt so sickly sweet, I could have been a corpse."

Dunham frowned at the old man, then smiled, shaking his head in fond exasperation. He wondered briefly why the man almost twice his age was still a Lieutenant

"Now, two-thirds vodka, one sixth dry vermouth and," he sliced a lime in half, "one sixth lime juice. Toss in some of the peel. Now, what do we have?"

"Something that escaped from a James Bond movie?" said the pilot eyeing the drink suspiciously.

"That is for you," Vincent said finally, having mixed the drink. "And no, not from a James Bond film. It's called an "April Rain" - nice and light and sunny. Perfect thing to take you away from the doldrums of this godforsaken station. See how you like it. I did, when I was your age. But vodka is a young person's drink," Vincent chuckled, "Unless you're Russian, in which case vodka is your equivalent of water. I think I'll have some scotch with my vermouth." He went about mixing his own.

Dunham took the glass gratefully and toasted Tan, "Your good health old boy." Dunham grinned.

Vincent winced at the mention of his age, but he could not resist his next jibe. "And to yours, sonny."

Dunham smiled.


Lt Richard Dunham
(Acting) CAG / Wing Commander


Lt Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer