Judgement – Ex Post
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Ex Post
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Sep 22, 2010 @ 7:30am
Location   JAG Office. Deck 56
Timeline   SD35. 10:00
Karen felt like a wave that had washed again and again against a granite cliff face. It was the first time that she had met the Romulan Ambassador, and though she knew her by reputation, and had heard certain descriptions of her – like duranium, but weaker, like a Vulcan, but without the sense of compassion, Karen had not quite been prepared for the reality.

The Ambassador was quite beautiful, stunningly so, but in the way a statue carved from jade is beautiful. Despite her slender physique which seemed emphasized by the presence of a pair of very large and ostentatiously armed guards who accompanied her, she seemed to fill the room with her presence; this was someone who was used to having her way Karen thought as she sat.

The woman had perched on the edge of the seat opposite Karen’s desk making barely a dent in the fabric and then with practiced eloquence, the Ambassador had argued her case with Karen.

“Here is the evidence,” the Ambassador told her, “Assess it at your leisure, but know that I am bringing formal proceedings, under your own law as we agreed,” she said placing a padd on her own edge of the desk.

Karen took the padd and read it and her heart warmed at least until she saw the knowing glint in the Ambassador’s eye – she was conversant with Federation law … and its loopholes; that must be why she had so readily agreed to the proposal rather than insisting on her original demand for extradition.

“OK, Karen responded. I will review your … case,” she said. That was when the Ambassador rose and swept away in a single grandiose movement of such certainty that left Karen’s jaw hanging open.

“Commander Villiers?” her assistant asked.

Karen shook her head … focus, focus, focus … you’ve dealt with the Romulans before, you can deal with this one, “Get me Former Commander Dorian Gabriel, and a double espresso,” she said, “I want them both here in the next five minutes,” she said slumping down in her chair.

This was it. It was happening.

= Personal Quarters =

Dorian sat at his desk and viewed the console before him as he studied the medical reports from the secondary medical bay within the lower decks of the station. He couldn't find any eye-witnesses that were willing to come forward, but he was certain that something was going on in the lower bowels of the station and that the Cardassians on this station were somehow a part of it.


He knew there was a connection between the recent uptick in injuries related to blunt-force trauma.


There was no coincidence between the two and the rumors he had heard of the Cardassian participating in some type of illegal brutal activity. Frankly, he could care less if the Cardassian or his staff got themselves killed in the activity; however, he was not going to standby and allow a damn Cardassian assault a Federation citizen.


"WHAT!?" Dorian shouted impatiently as he stood and walked to open the doors to his quarters. "DO YOU WANT!?" he concluded his sentence.

"Commander Gabriel, you have been requested by Commander Villiers." The young officer said with slight annoyance at being made to wait for so long.

= JAG Offices 10:15 =

Dorian entered the office in his non-duty attire with a slight after-shadow beginning to form around his face. He had taken a much more casual approach to life since being relieved from duty by the very woman standing in front of him.

"I'm on vacation, in case you weren't aware." He said unceremoniously as he stared at the woman still seated before him.

Karen pursed her lips, “Take a seat Mister Gabriel,” she said, her face serious. Security were already on their way to take their former chief into custody, partly for his own protection, and partly because she had to do this by the book leaving no room for accusations of bias – someone accused of murder could not be left free to wander around the station.

"It's Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, last time I checked I was still a Starfleet officer." Gabriel replied as he took a seat across from her.

"Have you decided to lift my suspension?" he asked.

"If that is the first time you've been addressed as Mister by a senior officer, then you've had a very mediocre career, Gabriel," Karen replied resting her elbows on her desk. "We need to talk," she continued, "and we've about three minutes in which to do it," she said ignoring his question about his reinstatment.

"What are you talking about, 'three minutes'?" He asked increduously. "What the hell is supposed to happen in 'three minutes'?" he continued.

"Well," Karen said, "In about three minutes I will temporarily step aside as Executive Officer of this station, until then anything you wish to tell me about Doctor Kur'ann is off the record."

Gabriel's attention was certainly piqued. "Let me guess, a desk and an empty chair became available back on Earth and you decided to advance your career by doing nothing over there instead of doing nothing right here?" He asked.

"What an imagination you have," Karen said with a shake of her head. She indicated a padd that lay flat on her desk. "I have here a warrant for your arrest pending trial for the murder of Doctor Kur'ann and his assistant nine years ago, when I step aside as Executive Officer it will be to sit in judgment on this case, Mister Gabriel. So, while it's off the record, is there anything I need to know?" It was a little unorthodox to ask him, but Karen intended to give Gabriel every chance she could. The Romulans had settled for a Federation court for now, but if they secured the conviction they were certain to raise the topic of extradition again and Karen would not lightly send a man to his death.

Gabriel looked at the padd for only a few seconds. He had issued enough warrants to recognize an authentic one when he saw it. "I don't believe it, it was bad enough when I thought you were just a desk jockey, but now it turns out you are a Romulan flunky as well." as he tossed the padd back down on to the desk.

"Let me guess, the Romulan is your aunt, too!?" He asked sarcastically.

"No Gabriel, I'm the person who just persuaded them to alllow trial in a Federation court rather than pushing for extradition to stand trial in one of theirs," Karen told him. "There's a whole new body of evidence that wasn't considered nine years ago and believe me, it is enough to secure that extradition to stand trial. Here I can guaruntee you a fair triel, there ... well you might want to check that your will is up to date. Do yourself a favour Gabriel, for once."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes as he leaned foward in his chair. "Do you expect some sort of 'Thank you'? from me?" he stated moreso than asked.

"You willingly comply with the baseless accusations of a woman who's family launched an uprovoked attack against this station and killed Federation citizens and Starfleet officers, and you expect me to demonstrate some sort of gratitude because you managed to have this Kangaroo Court take place on this station as opposed to Romulus!?" he exclaimed.

"I'm not asking for gratitude, and I have complied with nothing. They have chosen their counsel independent of any history she may have. I am not going to willingly hand over one of my officers to a bunch of Romulans who have plans to publicly gut him but whether you like it or not, the Romulan Star Empire is bringing a case against you and I am trying to do everything in my power to see that it is brought fairly." She could understand that he was upset but his lack of co-operation in helping his own case bordered on astonishing.

He stood up slowly and looked downward towards the officer as the doors behind him opened and Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis entered the spacious room.

"The Romulan Star Empire is a collaboration of green-blooded, pointed-ear thugs and murdurers. I'll be damned if I give this circus any form of validity." he said bitterly. "This is a joke and so are you for even going along with this." He added.

"Under interstellar legal convention I have no choice but to go along with it," Karen said with a shake of her head. "If I don't, then they will find a way to remove you from this station and have their way, I am trying to secure you every protection available to someone in your position," she added.

"I never asked for your help and I never will. I'll obtain my own counsel for this upcoming shit-show." he responded.

"I offered you the opportunity as Executive Officer to tell me anything you thought I ought to know. I did not offer to serve you as counsel, I cannot do that as I have already been appointed to sit in judgement on the case. Gentlemen," she added with a nod to the security officers.

Trellis stepped forward to take Gabriel's arm, but Gabriel jerked his arm back in response. "I know where the hell my own Security office is located." He said coldly as he turned and began to walk out of the office.

"Do you think i should assign a security detail for the Commander?" Trellis asked as the doors shut behind Gabriel and the other security officer.

Karen rose and handed Trellis the padd, "You should put him in a holding cell pending trial, Lieutenant," she said still unable to see why he had used an opportunity he could have used to help himself to appear like someone with something to hide. "That contains the warrant for his arrest, see that it is done and with minimal fuss."

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer / JAG
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security