Unity – Finishing what was started
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Finishing what was started
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Aug 27, 2010 @ 7:55pm
Location   Secondary OPS and Engineering
Timeline   SD 16 - 16:00 (leading into First, prepare, then execute)
The doors slid shut behind Elliot as he finally managed to override the security console and enter the abandoned and dimly lit area.

He had managed to stop the bleeding, but the pain and swelling was a reminder of how the station's command crew had managed to prevent him and his crew from activating the station's array emitter and finally put an end to this endless nightmare.

"Idiots. . .fucking idiots!" Elliot cursed to himself as he began to bring back online the console before him. For months he and his associates had used this area of the station to carry out the foundational parts of their plan. Now he found himself back here once again attempting to make a last-ditch effort to see that his plan went through.

=^= "Ryouske, Tan'Rek! I want you all to begin planting the charges and set the detonation for 30 minutes, silent countdown." == he said through clenched teeth to the surviving members of his team in Engineering.

"Acknowledged " Tan'Rek agreed and took some of the pre-prepared explosive devices, loading them into a backpack which he put over one of his huge shoulders and stumped off around the department to the designated strategic points to put them into place.

“Roger,” Ryouske said tersely, and began deploying his men that he had left in a perimeter on the upper level to cover the enterances, and herding all of the hostages that had been here before they had arrived into one corner behind a row of panels.

=^= "By the time anybody can get through those doors and stop you, the bombs will detonate the station's warp core and cause a cataclysmic event that will re-open the spacial rift and allow the Romulan artifact to send us to our intended destination." he stated.

"Do no let anyone interfere, kill ANYONE who tries to stop you." == He said as he went back to attempting to gain localized control of main systems from his location.

"Understood" the huge Klingon growled as he was leaving.

== Ops ==

Davies clung to side, as if holding all his internal organs in place.

Veronica pushed herself upwards also, proud that she had taken the opportunity to smack that console, even if her wrist felt strange, she could see that he was masking his pain and didn't wait for an order, tapping at her comm.

=^= "Medical to Ops." =^= Her words were stressed.

=^= Sickbay here, Acknowledged =^= Chelsea responded, initiating a site to site emergency medical transport of a team of three medics, including herself, all fully equipped with Medkits.

Davies shot her a glance. Now was not the time for her to play at command, but he kept his words to himself, besides, if she had not done what she had done, there would be no need for any medical team.

The medical team materialized in the centre of the mayhem and immediately began to tend the wounded without heed to the danger they had just been landed into.

"Tan, trace those charges." he turned to look at Harris. "Bill, full fighter squadrons to sweep externals, Guardian platforms on full alert." He said, looking around at the relief on the Ops crew now that Elliott had left.

"I want a full sensor scan, station wide and that man found, dead or alive." ~Preferably dead~ He thought to himself. "And get Commander Villiers up here." He winced as he stepped forward and moved towards the stairs.

The pain was sharp, but at this moment, he needed that pain, to remind him he still had a duty to perform and a station to save.

"Aye, aye," Vincent said and began working on the track. "I will upload to your screen when I've got a trace."

Harris tapped at the comm console.

=^= "Commander Villiers, report to Ops." =^= He closed the channel. "Sir," he started.

Davies waved his hand in the air. "Until Villiers arrives, you have the comm chief." The pain racked his body as he pulled on the handrail, easing himself upwards towards the COs' office, but he was determined.

Karen did not know what she was expecting to find - she'd herself been a 'little bit shot', but a phaser burn on the shoulder was negligible, "Why aren't you in sickbay, Davies?" she asked.

A grin appeared on Davies' face. "Sickbay later, get patched up for now." He said as he retrieved the warm tea from the pad and brought it to his lips. "Care for one Commander." He offered, preparing to ease himself over to the desk and await the next phase in the madmans plan.

Chelsea had spotted the former CO leaving, clearly wounded and followed him as soon as she finished with the casualty she had been helping at the time.

"You could still get patched up here." she tutted and ran a scanner over the wound that was visible and the rest of him that was not. She didn't like the shape he was in and began at once with a re-generator on the most imperative injuries.

"Keep still, Sir. You can still do whatever you need to, in fact all the better if you let me help you.... just please let me do something before you bleed out internally!" she insisted.

"Hello Doctor." Davies managed to raise a grin, "Glad you could make it." He looked down as Chelsea gripped the base of his tunic and lifted it midway up his chest, revealing a purple-red angry looking bruise.

Chelsea shook her head, made a clicking sound with her tongue and despite the apparent assault on her senior officer, continued to attempt to do as much in the way of repair as possible in the limited time she had.

"You promise to come straight to sickbay as soon as this is over, so we can do a proper job regenerating this!" she declared, the question rhetorical as she wasn't taking no for an answer.

== Flight Deck ==

Harris forwarded the commands to the CAG.

'Full Search and destroy Protocols requested. All ships to be subjected to full scans. Those who decline the scan are to be treated as hostile.' He typed.

With the flight deck secure, his wounds treated, and with what few pilots he could but together. Dunham in his full flightsuit shouted and barked orders to his pilots and crew. Deckhands loaded fighters with fuel and ammo, The alert fighters were already on the flight deck tubes launching into space. No communication had been heard from those craft already on patrol around the station. Dunham suspected they had been either destroyed, or deceived into a leaving sector space. He pulled his own helmet on as his orders rolled across the padd he was reading. He climbed the ladder to the cockpit of the Razor Interceptor. A fast agile craft that would be perfect for search and destroy. Himself and several other pilots launched into space. With the fighters that had just launched this gave him a mixed bag of twelve fighter craft.

The mix of Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters,Peregrine Heavy Fighters, Razor Interceptors and Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters. Launched out into space, they began a deep sensor search of all surrounding space traffic, going from ship to ship and scanning each intensely.


Elliot's console began to alert him that the station had begun to launch its Fighter Wing. He groaned inwardly as he went over to another console and attempted to scan the location of the anomaly. So far there had been no change in its dormant state. It appeared as if the Fighters were simply performing a security patrol.

"Doesn't matter, soon it'll be too late for them to stop anything that we've started. He said as he received a communication from Tan'rek and Ryouske's team in Main Engineering.

=^= “Sir!” Ryouske shouted through the Communications device, “We have Main Engineering secured and the Hostages have all been rounded up. I think that Tan’Rek is almost done placing the explosive devices. I’ll let him speak for himself though.” =^=

=^= On the last one now =^= Tan'Rek put in his report.

=^= "Good! I want those charges activated RIGHT NOW. They are too busy licking their wounds and tending to those on Main Ops. We still control Main Engineering and that's all that matters for the rest of our plans." =^= he stated.

=^= What do you want us to do with these prisoners once the charges have gone off? Assuming any of them survive..." laughed Tan'Rek as the terrified hostages around him looked on horrified.

=^= "After you set the charges, you can do what you want with the survivors in Engineering, the last thing we need now is for someone to make some heroic attempt to. . ." =^= he said as he was interrupted by the station alarm system.

"THE MARINE EMERGENCY COMMAND OVERRIDE HAS BEEN INITIATED" the computer system announced throughout OPS and Main Security.

=^= "Sonovabitch! Somebody is trying to take back control of the station. It's not coming from OPS and it's not coming from Engineering. It's coming from the damn Marine Detachment." he stated angrily. "Deal with the hostages!" =^= Elliot said in a murderously serious tone.

They were too close. . .too close to fail at this point.

Elliot hobbled over to the main view and activated a direct line to Marine Tactical Center.

Tan'Rek opened his mouth to report that all was ready but it was too late. He was cut short by an announcement.

=^= "This is Elliot Hartsfield, the controller of the station and I am demanding that you cease and decease your actions or suffer the consequences." =^= He said into the viewer.

= MTAC =

It only took several moments for the look of shock to fade away from the face of Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel as he looked onto the view screen and so the face of his former superior officer. His mouth was dry as he tried feverishly to think of a logical explanation for all of this.

But the only words that could come out of his mouth were simply. . .

"You. . . ."


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Commander David Davies
Outgoing CO: DS5

Ryouske, NPC’d by James Darson

(Acting) CAG / Wing Commander
Lieutenant Richard Dunham

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Tan'Rek, Terrorist Quartermaster
NPC'd by Jools