Judgement – Not such a bastard after all...
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Not such a bastard after all...
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Fri Dec 24, 2010 @ 4:06pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Minutes after Secret Changes

Lance finished counting the latinum and quickly stashed the money in his office safe, then he tapped his com badge, "Murdoch to Kel'tor, phase one is complete." Seconds later the intelligence officers, Kel'tor and Ensign Perth, came striding through the sickbay doors.

Kel'tor took a deep breathe before taking a step forward and entering the Sickbay. He knew that what he was about to do was blatantly against regulations. However, he knew that with Wallace gone on some mission, there wouldn't be anybody else around the Intelligence department to look over his shoulder.

He stepped into the Bay and immediately sought out the Doctor he had spoken to earlier.

Lance nodded, " 'The package' has been collected on schedule" he said. "Look, I know you don't approve of my plan, but like I told you when I first came to you, this is the best way to find this Stephen character, by using her as bait we can follow them right back to him!" He grinned.

"I've injected her with a sub dermal radioactive isotope. It's completely harmless and will stay in her system indefinitely, if they suspect anything and scan for a transponder or tracking device they wont find anything. I know what to scan for so we should be able to track her easily."

"We have no idea what we are walking into here. Or who this Stephen really is. We could be walking into a full blown diplomatic incident, or worse." Perth pointed out. "Shouldn't Security be notified as well? This is a kidnapping."

Lance nodded, "I recommend we keep this one off the books, only myself you and your assistant here know about this right now, I suggest we keep it that way. Involve as few operatives as possible. For starters if this Stephen character is as powerful as Lacey says he is, I don't want him to see us coming and secondly if this does go south, I want to preserve deniablity."

He gathered up a tricorder with the tracking details for the radioactive isotope and a small travel bag. "We need to move fast people, the traces of that isotope will degrade over time, I don't want them getting to far ahead, if we lose them we wont get a second chance."

Kel'tor nodded as he began to review the information given to him on his padd. As the Doctor turned to leave he grabbed him by the shoulder and spoke in a low tone. "I'll do this for you, but remember that you owe me in the future, Doc." He said in a peculiar tone.

Lance smiled, he reached up an removed the man hand from his shoulder, "I won't forget" The doctor replied, squeezing the pressure point in the other man's hand. ""You do your part and I'll do mine!" He said releasing the intelligence officer. "Let's get moving! Is our runabout ready?"

Kel'tor smirked as he released his grip. "Yeah, no problems, right? The Runabout is ready in Docking Bay 3." he replied.

=Docking Bay 3=

The small party made their way over to the runabout, a woman was standing waiting by the shuttles doors.

The tall hybrid stood waiting for the people approaching, her impassive face revealing nothing, only that she was alert and studying them. She knew no one of the group, but she knew the person who contracted her well enough. Not bothering to greet them, she waited till they boarded and then followed them in and took her seat.

As the runabout doors opened, Perth took the tricorder from Lance and linked it to the stronger sensors on the small craft. "Target is heading away from us, heading 32.6 mark 327.0. One half impulse." It was a typical path and speed away from DS5 for a ship heading for a safe distance for warp speed. "Sensors are picking up a small ship, a merchantman."

Kel'tor continued to watch the group as they entered the shuttle by while checking the opposite end of the corridor. he had made "arrangements" for the stationed guard to go on break at this time, but there was no telling how long he'd stay gone.

"Hey! Whatever you've got planned, let's go!" he said in an agitated tone.

Lance nodded, turning to the new arrival. "Umm I don't know who you are but this isn't public transport, maybe you should head up to the promenade to book shuttle passage?"

T'Pal turned her head towards the person who addressed her. "Perhaps your friends here failed to inform you, but I will be going with you," she said with typical Vulcan intonation, after which she faced the front again.

Lance looked to Kel'tor. "She with you?" he asked.

Kel'tor was already become increasingly paranoid. This new addition to the motley crew was not helping matters. He decided to deal with her as quickly as possible so the group could get underway and he could get back to the Intell office before anybody suspected his involvement in anything.

"Who are you?" He asked in a low tone as he grabbed her arm and walked over to a corner of the bay. "Look, we've already got enough people on this caravan, I don't need any more rocks in my ruck-sac." He said, still looking around for any other personnel.

"I am T'Pal and I was contacted to assist you with a problem you have," she answered. "I am a security consultant," she added.

"Interesting..." Mused Lance, regarding the woman thoughtfully. "We'd better get moving before the trail gets cold."

"Fine, fine, let's just get everybody out of here before any more spooks show up and ask what is going on." he said to the assembled group. "I managed to buy you all a window of opportunity to get everything you need. But there is no guarantee that it'll stay that way." He said as he walked to a nearby console and entered his access code.

"Whatever you've got plan, get to it." he added.


Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Dep Space 5

Security Consultant of sorts

Ensign Martina Perth
Intelligence Officer
(NPCd by Notty)

Ensign Kel'tor
Intelligence Officer of sorts
(NPC'd by Thom)