Lieutenant Jana Kasikova’s Personal Log - Kasikova's Personal Log Stardate 63275.85

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Title   Kasikova's Personal Log Stardate 63275.85
Author   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Thu Sep 02, 2010 @ 12:16am
It has been an interesting couple of days. I saw Rick, he really didn't remember me, it was 11 years ago so I shouldn't really be surprised. I was also blond back then. Our relationship ended with a huge misunderstanding. I wonder what would happen if he had talked to me or I had talked to him. I am truly happy for him and Chelsea.

Rick had set me up with a ferengi friend of his. Everything was fine until Krem asked why I thought my life was complicated. *laughs* It's complicated because my feelings for Rick are...well very much mixed. I stormed off in my usual way and I am sure that Krem will tell Rick of my behaviour or lack there of.

Needing to clear my I head I went riding. In my infinite stupidity I disengaged the safety protocols. My horse bucked and I fell breaking my arm in four places. And you know who fixed it? Chelsea! Imagine, she is performing surgery and using the regenerator on my wrist and we are talking about Rick like we are talkng about the weather!

I am to meet her later tonight for dinner and drinks.

I am glad that I have reconnected with Rick and I am glad that I now know Chelsea and consider her a friend. Perhaps life on the station wont be so bad and I can have some semblance of normalcy.

End Log