Judgement – News Briefing
by UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari

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Title   News Briefing
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari
Posted   Sun Aug 07, 2011 @ 5:10am
Location   UFPDS Office, Deck 23
As reporters and camera crews filled the large room in Federation State Department's area where they held press conferences and lectures. Cyi went over the agenda and responses of questions he and his team came up with the day before. As Paio made sure everything was right and the Envoy had everything he needed.

Chairs were already squeaking, and the presentation hadn't even started yet. A low murmur hovered above the air of the men and women and others who were dressed semi-casually. There were no suits or military outfits; merely an office casual tone to the crowd bearing PADDs in their hands and subspace communicators in their ears. They had been waiting to hear the report of the Envoy, information about the ongoing investigation, and the latest rumors around the Federation Council. T'Fel and Chris were standing against the wall behind him, T'Fel on his right and Chris on his left. Inadria were standing at the back of the room, she was using her skill at reading body language, and more than a little of her Betazoid heritage, to identify whom was going to be a problem with during the press conference. At long last, Cyi stepped up to the podium and slid on one of his trademark smiles. He looked at his watch before taking a sip of water, then looked to the back of the room for the final go-ahead. Inadria nodded and Cyi resumed smiling.

The politician tapped the microphone imbedded in the podium and received the pleasant noise of feedback through the speakers. "Can everybody hear me?" he asked. There was various responses from the crowd. The Cyi cleared his throat and put his hands in his pockets.

“Now I'm sure everyone is curious about the situation involving Lt. Commander Gabriel, and probably even more curious as to why Starfleet isn't bothering to cover it up." This was met with some laughter as well as heckling, but the Envoy continued. "The United Federation of Planets is a place of laws and justice. The Government is confident that after a thorough investigation, the guilty party or parties, whomever they may be, will be brought to justice. It would be inappropriate for this officer to speculate on an ongoing investigation." he paused. "I would direct questions on the subject to the Office of the Judge Advocate General of Starfleet. I will now be taking questions on other subjects. I ask that you please identify which news agancy you are with."

A few hands went up. He pointed at an individual in the first row.

"Thank, you Ambassador Ainari, Andorian Investigative Reporting. The United Federation of Planets and the Ferengi Alliance concluded two days of "strategic" discussions, notching a number of minor advances to pry open the Ferengi market for UFP business but failing to win a commitment from the Federation that it would revalue its currency, the Credit to be more in line with Gold Pressed Latinum. This has caused a lot of speculation as to the intention of the Federation and we were wondering if you had any comment."

Cyi nodded. "The 'Strategic Economic Dialogue' was the brainchild of the Federation Council's Economic Sub-committee and the Grand Nagus. The Federation thinks that through constant engagement, the largest interstellar economy - ours - and the fastest-growing interstellar economy – the Ferengi - will be able to prevent point of contentions from becoming major areas of concern or conflict in an increasingly interdependent and complicated relationship. In that broad sense, the meetings yielded a number of agreements to work together, on everything from a universal grade certification for Dilitum crystals and mining rights to combating illegal slave and child labor. They also produced a greater opening of the Ferengi's restrictive financial-services sector. In addition, Ferenginar and the UFP agreed to a joint study into the costs in both countries associated with more controls on counterfeiting and commerce regulations. Overall it was a very productive meeting and the UFP is looking forwards to many more. Next question?"

Hands shot up and Cyi picked someone midway though the crowd and noticed Indria shift in her position. This was going to be a tough one, Cyi knew.

“Thank you. Bajorian News Outlet. There are reports that the Cardassions launched a subspace missile from Cardassia. It was intercepted by Starfleet, but my question is how long is the Federation going to allow these acts of provocation?”

Cyi angled himself against the podium in a hardline stance. “Cardassia’s development and proliferation of warp capable subspace missile technology pose a threat to the region and to interstellar peace and security. The launch yesterdays launch of a missile was a clear violation of United Federation of Planets Resolution 87181, which expressly prohibits Cardassia from conducting military related activities of any kind. With this provocative act, Cardassia has ignored its interstellar obligations, rejected unequivocal calls for restraint, and further isolated itself from the community of nations.

The Federation has made it clear this will not be allowed. We will immediately consult with our allies, including the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire to decided what would be the most prudent course of action. I join the President in urging Cardassia to abide fully by the resolutions of the Alliance and terms of their surrender during the Dominion War and to refrain from further provocative actions. Preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is a high priority for the Federation President. The United Federation of Planets is fully committed to maintaining security and stability in the area and we will continue working for the verifiable demilitarization of the area and safety for Bajor and all Federation Members. Unilateral pressure from all involved will provide the forum for achieving demilitarization, reducing tensions, and for resolving other issues of concern between Cardassia, its neighbors, and the United Federation of Planets. Cardassia has a pathway to acceptance in the interstellar community, but it will not find that acceptance unless it abandons its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and abides by its interstellar obligations and commitments.”

Cyi stepped away from the podium, a sign that he was finished with the questions. Those that were not able to ask their questions began to shout them at the Envoy as he moved with his entourage towards the door.