We All Fall Down – A failure by any other name
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   A failure by any other name
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Oct 01, 2014 @ 8:42pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2 - 1130


Dorian had just made it back onboard the station and he was in a hurry to meet with someone. He had learned that the less contact he had with the other people on the station the better. He was able to get a copy of the preliminary report on the Guardian Platform accident, but he was still wondering what had caused the devices to go haywire and open fire on civilian vessels.

Dorian was in the middle of his thoughts when he collided with another person.

"Uffh...." he said as he stumbled backwards and fell. As he looked up he realized that he hadn't run into a person, but actually a Romulan.

"It figures. . .your kind would lack any sense of direction." He said as he crawled back to his feet and straightened his shirt. "You're in my way." He said directly to the Romulan male in front of him.

"Well, well, Lt. Cdr. Gabriel.... No, wait, that's not right." Rianni corrected herself as she stepped out from behind her Gaishan guard, "Convict Gabriel perhaps? I see you're still just as charming as ever. Tell me, how is your lovely Deltan friend? Or has she stopped speaking to you like everyone else."

Dorian looked to his right and saw the source of the voice. "It figures that as soon as this station is dumped in the hands of a Romulan, the rest of her brood would appear." he said as he stared her in the eye. "Let me guess, that bitch of an aunt of yours has decided to promote you within the Romulan ranks to Chief Waste Disposal Officer?" He asked with obvious disgust in his voice.

"If she had I'd certainly be remiss in my duties." Rianni shrugged, "After all, you're STILL here. Now, is there a point to any of this or are you simply wasting good air like always?"

Dorian shook his head in disbelief. "Four years, and you still prove me correct." He said with a smile. "Look at you: Romulan uniform, Romulan rank, even a Romulan lapdog to protect you from self-defending Human." He said as he gestured towards the other civilians passing by.

"You putting on that Starfleet uniform was nothing more than you fighting against what you really are: A failure." He said spitefully. "But I will give you credit: It took your mother and her horde of sycophants to force me out of Starfleet, you at least had the intelligence to runaway before you were exposed for the fraud you were." He added.

"Well, you'd be an expert on failure, I suppose." Rianni blew his comment off, then added, "And you've always got something in your mouth about my mother, jealousy perhaps? I mean, didn't the whore who bore you drop you in the first trash can she saw and run like Hell?"

At first Dorian's fist rolled up into fist involuntarily at the mere mention of being abandoned. It took him several moments to calm himself before he smiled and cast his gaze back towards the woman.

"You know, I'm actually glad I saw you, Rianni. Because soon enough, your entire family is going to get exactly what they deserve. Your aunt, your mother, and even you." He said as the smile on his face expanded. "Just look at that bastard Raedheol, who says there's no justice in the universe." He added happily.

"Even in death Raedheol is twice the man you've ever been in your worthless excuse for a life." Rianni snickered, but she knew she had hit a nerve with the mention of his abandonment, she knew she'd go to the well again with that one, "And nobody ever leaves me of their own volition."

"Of course he was! And what does he have to show for that 'worthiness', huh? He's dead and nothing but a memory for a green-blooded half-breed to reminiscent over with her dysfunctional mother and aunt." He said, taking a step closer.

"I'll say this about the Monteros and t'Vaurek women: Regardless of how much human or bastardized Romulan blood you have in those decrepit veins of yours, you all know how to get back to the same position in life. . ." he started to say.

"Yes, healthy, happy, and beautiful." Rianni sneered, this guy was pathetic at best.

"No," he responded with a casual smile. "Dying alone" he said with finality.

"You first." Rianni replied, walking by him as though he didn't exist, she had better things to do.
