Things Past – MS. Scanners and Mr. Flyboy have Lunch
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   MS. Scanners and Mr. Flyboy have Lunch
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Thu Feb 21, 2013 @ 3:50pm
Location   The Promenade - Breakfast Nook
Timeline   SD70 1205

She was not too late. Just a few minutes past noon. The Promenade was relatively calm compared troughout the day, and the officers made up the majority of visitors. Saria studied the different species coming along, determining their name and homeworld. It was an excersize that Saria used to refresh Rex memory. As Rex was already an old symbiont, it needed to be stimulated sometimes. Especially with the Zian'ri affecting both her an Rex, it would be important for Rex to keep it's memories.

She smirked when she thought about Malak's symbiont, Muz, which was just 400 years old, compared to Rex' 1200 years. She closed her eyes, and thought deeply. She sank into Rex' memories, going back for nearly 800 years, when Rex' host Arian used to be a civil engineer. She was almost reliving the moment herself, when she noticed someone standing in front of her.

"You doing Alright.. Lieutenant?" Malak offered with an eyebrow raised. He watched the woman slowly as it to determine her medical health - you know..with the no training he has in it. He was in his pilot's uniform - more looking like a cadet than an officer. His helmet was no where to be found, however. His smile stayed and his hand motioned,"We are still doing Lunch right? I hope you don't mind.. I am running a Standard Solo Patrol immediately after - I decided just to get suited so I don't have to cut it short."

Saria opened her eyes and smiled. "As far I know, it is." She said, standing up and facing Malak, wearing his flight suit. "And I have no problem or whatsoever with your duty. In fact, I'm actually jealous of your position. I'd like to go out there with a fighter as well." She said, gesturing to proceed into the small restaurant.

"Why not transfer? I could use a few good pilots." Malak says with a shrug,"If you want training, I'll have to get approval from Commander Dunham and the captain - but I am sure we could get you started." He does indeed move towards the small restaurant walking next to the woman. He smirks,"I'm not sure you look good in grey though." A soft joke. He makes his way in - pulling out a seat for her, and then sitting himself. His eyes watching her,"And.. I wouldn't be to jealous. Star Fighters are how you win battles, but they're generally weaker then even Runabout's - you can't take to many hits."

"Well, you see, I'm more a... Sciences person." She said, smiling. "And besides, who would be the Chief of Science then? There aren't as many officers in my department as in yours. I already find it special that I'm a Chief with my rank."

She sat down in the chair that Malak pulled out for her, making herself comfortable and waited till Malak sat down as well.

"But well, Flyboy," She teased. "It depends how well your dogfights skills are. I'd personally prefer a Peregrine over a Danube with a rollbar on top of it when I would be in a battle."

"Hah.. While I love Peregrine class ships.. They're very Dominion war era." Malak says with a wave of his hand,"You have to get with the times if you want something really fancy." He smirked slightly and slowly nodded,"Well if you're all about the title Ms. Scanners." A soft chuckle and shrug and he pauses pregnantly a moment,"...So is anything else going on? How's the boyfriend - All that going well?"

"Ms. Scanners?" She said, raising her eyebrow. "I've got to remember that one though. But yes, David and me are doing fine together. We're just having a lot of duties lately... you know, with Ivor Prime and such. So I've just been seeing him less frequent than usual." She said. "And I've been at work with the equipment we need to take with us. Seems there's a lot to do there."

"Of course, Ms. Scanners. What else would I call you? Ms. Buzz?" Malak continues with a soft joking. He smirks as she continues to talk,"..Be glad you aren't talking to Tsara - My second host. She had some ... liberal views ... on relationships - but was very very romantic. She would tell you that you should make time - damn to anything else." A soft chuckle,"Or you should write him every night you don't see him - or do a holovid." He says with a grin. He looks at his empty plate and takes the last bite with a nod of his head,"I should probably head out though.. Next time you and David are available - hit me up - I'll cook dinner for you both." He moves the plate forward and nods his head,"It was very pleasant, Lieutenant."


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer


Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Officer