Cascade – Add to the Bodies
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Add to the Bodies
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Mon Dec 31, 2012 @ 11:02pm
Location   Promenade - Cardassian Embassy
Randy had arrived at the Promenade just as the Cardassian Embassy displayed it’s fireworks. A small smile crossed his face and he could feel the cold fusion of malcontent course through his veins. Cardassians didn’t deserve to live.

As he moved closer to the crowd of people scampering about he noticed that some of the casualties were still alive - suffering on their slow road to death. He chose not to hasten their journey and took pleasure in watching the anguish in their eyes.

He bent over and picked up a shard of metal, shaped like a shiv, and held it tight against his leg as he moved forward. Randy noticed two spoon heads watching from a distance. Close enough to have been affected by the blast but far enough away not to be victimized by it. Randy decided he would have to change that condition.

With a swift stab to the Cardassian’s side, he dispatched the life from the first one before moving towards the second. This time he jabbed the shiv upwards, penetrating the spinal cord and lodging the metal within the chest cavity of the grey skin.

Before the bodies dropped, Randy had mingled with the rest of the crowd and pretended to be astonished, making sure to show an effort of help to cover the fresh blood that covered his hands. “This one has a pulse.” he shouted, though the corpse below him showed no sign of life. A medic came forward and had him step aside. She checked for a lifesign, turned to Randy and slowly shook her head.

“Whatever was there is gone,” she said, “I’m sorry.”

A moment of sadness crossed Randy’s face though internally he was chuckling. Nothing was there to begin with. He raised his hands covered in Cardassian blood. “He died in my arms then.” he said, a slight whimper to his voice. He stood, turned away and in the act of despair departed from the scene.

When he was clear of the Promenade, Randy found his way to a washroom and cleaned himself up. That was too easy.


Randy Newell
Former Intelligence Officer