Incommunicado – Many hands make light work
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

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Title   Many hands make light work
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Tue Jul 10, 2012 @ 11:16pm
Location   Main Docking Bay
Timeline   SD58, 0900

After the staff meeting and his brief conversation with Freeman, Relma made a beeline for the Main Docking Bay to reunite himself with the eager young woman who had taken the initiative to invite herself to his departmental briefing. As his turbolift began to near its destination he tapped his commbadge and said "Relma to Sullivans."

=^= "Sullvans here, Relma=^=

=^= "I'm on my way to the main docking bay to assist you with repairs to the Pollux: what would you like me to start with? I'm all yours for the rest of the day, Lieutenant." =^=

=^= Will go over the details after your arrival Relma; Sullivans out=^=

Shaking her head as she went over the scans of the Pollux. Tapping on the PADD's keypad ordering a cpu umbilical to aid in Checking, testing, and verifying command paths. Ordered a power umbilical.

It took Meryn the better part of 10 minutes to reach her: he'd arrived on the right deck, but on the far side of the station. Little things like that he was sure he'd get used to, but for now were a source of annoyance and a reminder of the gargantuan size of the station. He finally arrived, toolkit in hand, and immediately approached the dark-haired woman, who appeared engrossed in the information in front of her. "Reporting in Lieutenant, sorry I'm a bit late - I got a little lost I'm afraid." He said, announcing himself as he closed to within six feet.

Without looking up from the tricorder she was reading she replied "Saints fall seven times a day, we'll understand if you fall a FEW more times." When she did look up "Sorry; uncertain if you understood the comment 'Honorable Mister'," noting the Chief Warrant Officer's device he was wearing, she continued it is my way of saying not to worry." a slight smile as she extended her right hand

Meryn nodded. He had absolutely no idea what the woman was talking about until she explained. "Ah, thank you, Lieutenant." He replied. Taking out his own tricorder he began taking readings of the craft lying crippled in front of them himself. "How'd you want to handle this then, Sir?"

Her reaction to the honorific 'sir' caused her left eyebrow to arch slightly, the expression that followed said 'not really that important' She said to Relma you could come closer, promise not to bite."

The Bajoran saw the reaction. Like most younger officers the woman obviously wasn't confident enough in herself to object to the title required by protocol. He thus took the safe option of refering to her by rank rather than 'Ma'am' to which many also objected in his reply. "Sorry, Lieutenant, I was just running an active scan. Wanted to make sure I didn't interfere with your readings." With the scan complete he shut the tricorder and moved to the woman's side.

Lyhse inquired "Is that Relma something or something Relma?" obviously noting the person standing next to her was a Bajoran.

"Relma Meryn," he replied as his eyes poured over the data on the woman's tricorder "that's an interesting configuration you have there. How did you come up with it?"

She looked at him briefly before she realized that most Engineering Tricorders were not configure so specifically toward Ship Construction. replying " 'Chief'; that is due to that my Engineering Tricorder is a Ship Construction ET type with SOMAR data as well as applications that most Station or Starship ET would not have." The holo- display of the Pollux was next to a box diagram of a ship. With her thumb and index finger she made a gesture that enlarged the image.

"Wow." He replied with an impressed look on his face. The young officer certainly knew her stuff. "That would have been very useful when I was at Qualor II, but I've never even seen anything like it before." He took out his own tricorder again and compared readings. "Looks like the majority of the damage is to the power distribution systems, with secondary damage to most of the auxiliary systems caused by surges thereafter. I've never seen so much of the command network fried before." He turned to the woman and, with an almost apologetic look on his face, said, almost in a whisper so that the other crewmembers wouldn't hear, "I'm sure some of my power management and computer specialists could be of use to you for the more extensive internal damage, as for myself I'm afraid to say I'm probably better suited to patching up the systems, especially external, with more minor damage."

In the same 'stage' whisper. she replied; " 'Chief' the ship's CL is out of alignment by twelve micros, which will require hull work, had dock 'red shirts' remove and replace the Micro Torpedo magazines, as soon as inspection and verification of the command pathways will check on the retractable Micro Pulse Torpedo launcher both electro- mechanically

The Bajoran looked surprised and tapped a few buttons on his tricorder before raising his head and nodding. "Aye," he replied "wow that thing really took a kicking. If you'd like I'd be happy to head up things with the turret for now then. It's a very similar system to the one we had on DS9. If it's not going to get in the way I'd also like to take a look at the nacelles and warp-drive as well as the deflector array if that's possible. I need to make some comparisons with that Klingon ship which came in earlier."

She nodded her head in agreement "Thank you Chief." she replied

"Excellent. Thank you, Lieutenant." He replied "Afterwards I'll need to head off for a bit to look at the Klingon ship. I'll report back in once I'm back from that. If I find anything pertinent I'll let you know immediately and if anything comes up please feel free to give me a call."


Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer


Lieutenant Lyhse A. Sullivans
Manufacture Production Officer / EO