Intermission – Losing Control
by Commander Rakka

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Title   Losing Control
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Commander Rakka
Posted   Thu Jul 18, 2013 @ 12:36am
Location   Qe' Klingon Restaurant - Promenade
Timeline   SD73, morning
Business had been slow, and yInchu' was frustrated. He had just gotten a shipment of good, fat livestock, and his knife was hungry--his patrons, not so much. It had lately been teran'gan brats coming in, thinking themselves warriors for tasting the gagh. A waste of good food!

But here, now, was Commander Rakka--yInchu' perked up a little. While he vacillated between respecting and despising her, he could at least say that the Nausicaan knew how to eat. Soft and useless as a mewling kitten, this one, in the bedroom, but at the table she was a warrior. And she was ravenous today, even at this early hour when he hadn't even officially opened for business yet. Ravenous--he could tell by her look. She had been through something, certainly, and was out for meat. And he would feed her--oh yes, she would not leave here until her belly ached with meat and blood. Wine, too, perhaps? What could he ply her with?

Her eyes were strange and wild as she approached his kitchen. She seemed to be out of breath and lost for words.

"Well, here is a hungry warrior--fresh from the battlefield I suppose!" yInchu' declared, and he could not help the note of cynicism in his voice. He despised even himself sometimes; how he enjoyed provoking her! The Nausicaan gritted her teeth--oh, she was angry already! He drank it up. He watched her eyes roam over his kitchen. She sniffed the air. She could smell the livestock caged up in the back room.

"Perhaps you would like to come pick out your meal?" he suggested. It wasn't usual for him to allow a patron in his back room, but the Nausicaan was no ordinary patron. He had her alone now, and liked it that way--he hit the lock for the front doors so no one would come in and interrupt her feeding.

She followed him wordlessly. The back room was dim and thick with animal smells, grunts and growls. Rakka examined every cage eagerly, and when she found his best, fattest targ, she turned to him, tense with anticipation.

"This!" she demanded. "I need it!"

The Klingon stepped forward, sharpening his knife for the slaughter and preparing a bowl to catch the blood.

"No," she said flatly. She was very out of breath. "G-give me the knife and just... just set it loose."

YInchu' turned to her with a wide, sharp-toothed grin. She was not just hungry--she wanted to hunt. He had never seen her quite this bloodthirsty, and he loved it. Agreeably he handed over the knife and approached the cage with his key. "Are you sure?" he asked, drawing out the moment just to provoke her.

She responded with a snarl.

He unlocked the cage and hopped up to stand atop it, giving plenty of space to her and her meal. The targ hesitated for a moment, and then shot out like a lightning bolt. For a moment yInchu' thought Rakka would be gored, but she was extremely keyed up for this. She dodged the charging beast with a nimbleness that was surprising in one so large, and with a quick swipe of the knife, tore open a strip along its flank. Now that blood had been spilled many of the other creatures grew wilder at the scent of it, the Nausicaan included.

They danced, the Nausicaan and the targ. She played and taunted it as yInchu' had often taunted her. When she could stand it no longer Rakka was upon it, tearing its throat open and spraying its blood across the floor. Frantically she sliced its belly open, and the organs spilled forth even as the targ still twitched. Rakka plunged her hands in and tore out its heart.

The Klingon's blood raged as he watched the Nausicaan devour her twitching meal. He imagined he could smell her excitement even above the heady scent of hot targ meat. He had never seen her lose control of herself so completely, and it was quickly tearing down the walls of his own self-control. There had been moments that he had hated her, certainly, but in this one he remembered why he had once thought she would make a glorious, glorious mate. She still could, perhaps, if she could manage to overcome the damage her people had done to her. She was damaged goods in the worst way, but the strength of desire was pushing him over the edge of reason.

He approached her from behind, and she jerked up partially from her squatting position, startled by his presence. "Leave me!" she roared, blood dripping from her chin. "Go!"

He took a step back but did not leave. He waited, watching her eat, not wanting to disturb this glorious scene for the moment. She would be more pliable once she was full, he reasoned. There was no honor in taking advantage, and he knew it... but yInchu' was not always guided by honor. He was too much guided by his senses, as evidenced by his chosen profession and his sizable paunch.

The Nausicaan finally stopped to catch her breath, and licked the blood luxuriously from her hands. YInchu' approached again, and Rakka spotted him from the corner of her eye, turning to snarl at him again.

"GET... BACK!" she growled.

Clearly she didn't know what she wanted, yInchu' thought. If he could just show her, she would be grateful for him setting her free. He grinned and growled back, lunging at her. Heavy now with meat, her responses were slow; yInchu bit her on the cheek savagely, tasting the mingled blood of Nausicaan and targ. Irresistible!

"NO!" Rakka roared, struggling and tearing at his hair, trying desperately to remove him, but yInchu' was determined to conquer and not easily removed. She mentally groped for a way to dissuade him, but her thoughts were so maddeningly slow.

"I will have you for my mate!" he panted into her ear as he forced her down onto the floor. She could not keep a grip on her footing because of the puddled blood; she was having the same problem with her hands, too slick to grapple him.

~Cry!~ she told herself. ~Cry and cower! He hates you when you're cowardly!~

But the tears would not come.

"PLEASE, yInchu'!" she breathed through gritted teeth. "I'm scared--you're SCARING ME!"

"I know," he growled back. "And I will keep going until you are not scared. I will keep going until you like it."

Vainly she tried to scream, but the room was secured with sonic dampeners because of all of the animals he kept here.

"Yes," he encouraged, only spurred on by her cries. "Soon you will scream MY name, female!"

Rakka squirmed, desperate to remove herself from him. Now the tears came, and they came for real.

"Stop," she sobbed. "You can't! I... I can't be your mate! I already... HAVE someone!"

"What, your confused little J'Naii pet?" yInchu' laughed, tugging greedily at her uniform. "What a terrible joke! She could use a 'lesson' herself!"

There was a brief moment of perfect silence, and perfect clarity. And then Rakka snapped. All concerns of career, of reputation, of moral code, forgotten.

YInchu' was thrown off with a force he never saw coming, and her fists hit him like sledgehammers. Rakka groped for the knife she had used to slaughter the targ and, in her rage-blindness, she grabbed it blade first, slicing her palm open deeply and not noticing. The knife flashed, hooking into yInchu''s mouth and neatly slicing open his cheek until the blade hit bone. The knife then gave two quick stabs, one puncturing his right eyeball, and the other puncturing his throat. He groped at the knife, making choking, gurgling noises. His remaining eye bulged, the other now no more than goop oozing slowly down the side of his face.

Rakka stared straight into his one eye with perfect calm: "You will not die this day. You will live with your shame, because that is worse."

She yanked her comm badge from her shirt and slapped it onto the front of his blood-soaked tunic. "Commander Rakka to Transporter Room. One Emergency Transport to Sickbay!"

When he had gone, she tugged a thick bone free from the deflated targ carcass and sat back on the floor in the midst of the blood. Idly she gnawed, slowly cracking through to the delicious marrow. They would come for her soon, certainly, and when they did, she would deal. For now she was going to finish her breakfast.


Cdr. Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer/ .... beast .........