Judgement – In The Garden
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   In The Garden
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sun Jan 23, 2011 @ 7:16am
Location   Main Arboretum
Timeline   SD36

Dunham was enjoying some sun. It wasn't sun mind you, it was filtered UV light, through the stations systems, And he wasn't in a real park. Well he was, sort of. He lay on the grass in the stations main arboretum. This place was big, it put rick in mind of some of the parks in London or Newyork on earth. The grass was green, there were oak and maple trees, as well as a stream with a bridge across it. He smiled to himself as he relaxed a little. He was however disturbed from his reverie by someone tripping over his foot.....

Kaelin was a mess. His head was a big jumble of goo and he had no idea what to do to clear his head. That is, until he remembered that sports helped clear his head. But he was in too much of a rotten mood to actually call someone to play with, but there was always running. So, putting on his tracksuit bottoms and a sleeveless shirt, Kaelin went for a run around the base. He'd gone through six decks, trying to keep his breath steady before deciding to finish up with a slower job through the Arboretum. But, as he slowed down and his mind began going to back to thinking about problems instead of his feet and before he knew what was happening, he was falling ass over head.

Dunham, shook from his revere sat up quickly and looked around to see what had happened, a man in a T-shirt and track suite bottoms had fallen over Dunham. Rick got hismelf up. "Sorry about that." said Rick apologetically and offering a hand out to the man to help.

Kaelin blinked from his place on the grass and pushed himself up before grabbing the human's hand and pulling himself up completely. "Thank you. There's no need to apologize. It was my fault. I didn't watch where I was going."

"Fair enough," said Rick with a smile as he helped the man up. "You ok?" Asked the pilot looking the man up and down with a reviewing eye?

"Yeah. Only got a bit a sore pride," Kaelin said, smiling back and stretching himself a little to make sure he really hadn't hurt himself.

"Excellent" said Rick with a grin. He gave the man a friendly slap on the back. "If your looking for more quieter places to jog I would recommend the decks below the water recycling systems, nobody goes there. It's dead quite."

"I did go there," Kaelin explained, smiling back. "Decided to finish up here, the green makes my brain relax."

"I know exactly what you mean" said pilot with a smile on his face. Lying down there in the grass he had been enjoying the calming and relaxing field of green. He had been meditating, of a sort, trying to re-align his karma, or something like that. He was never that sure. For spiritual person he didn't half mix things up a bit when it came to that sort of thing. He smiled again "so what to you do on the station mate?"

"I'm a doctor," Kaelin replied. "The Pathology Resident in the infirmary."

Rick nodded in agreement but held the look of a man who had just been told something and didn't understand a word of it, he wondered if Chelsea had mentioned a pathology doctor to him? "what's a pathology?" For a guy who was going out with a doctor, he had no clue.

Kaelin blinked, then smiled at the human good-naturedly. "Um...It's a branch of Medicine. I specialize in the diagnosis of diseases. More specifically, I'm a clinical pathologist, which means I diagnose diseases based on a person's lab work. You know - blood, urine, tissue samples," he explained as best he could.

Rick nodded in sort of understanding "Sounds complicated.....or do you just use a medical tricorder, or some sort of sensor device?" Rick made a mental note to start reading some medical journals or text books.

"I use lab equipment. The process of analyzing the samples is simple enough since it involves the equipment doing most of the work, but the machine can't properly function or do it's job without being calibrated and without the samples being prepared correctly. There's also the matter of making sense of the results when they come in, since the machine doesn't exactly go 'beep, the patient has Batarian flu, treat with five miligrams of cotramidazol every eight hours'." Kaelin straightened his shirt absentmindedly, looking at the man. "Then there's the occasional autopsy," he added.

"Autopsies. Cool. Do you get to do like criminal investigation forensic stuff?" Rick had probably been watching to many holo vid films. Because he associated this sort of thing with fiction, maybe one or two murder mystery shows.

"Only what's on the body. Like I said, I do the autopsy and analyze the body, determining the cause of death, that sort of thing. I'm not involved in the actual criminal aspect of it, though I did go through some Forensic pathology training back in the day," Kaelin explained. He was used to people getting all excited about autopsies and criminal investigations, but he preferred his quiet, clinical pathology job.

"Well I'm sure you will be kept busy around here, even with the power of modern medicine and science we still haven't found a way to stop people killing each other." It was suppose to be joke, but Rick thought it wasn't funny even as he said it. Sometimes he wished he would think before he spoke.

Kaelin frowned slightly, even though he knew that it was probably supposed to be a joke. He hoped. "Yeah..." he said, "Unfortunately," he added sadly, then decided he needed a pick me up. "So, what about you? What do you do? Oh, by the way, I'm Kaelin," he suddenly said, holding his hand out to the man to shake, realizing they hadn't even been introduced properly.

Rick shook the hand enthusiastically and with a smile. "Dunham, Rick Dunham I command the star fighter wing.....yes" He sounded a little uncertain. Rick still wasn't secure in his new position of rank and placement as CAG, almost as if it didn't seem real.

"Are you sure?" Kaelin asked in a slightly teasing tone, easily picking up the man's insecurity.

"I only recently got promoted to Lieutenant Commander and put in command of star fighter wing. So its all a bit new." He smiled

Kaelin smiled back. "I understand. You'll grow into it pretty soon," he assured him. He wasn't overly concerned with his own rank, never had been. He loved being in Starfleet since it made him feel like he was truly a part of something greater than himself, but his actual rank was never a big issue for him.

Rick smiled "Well I guess that's true..." he was interrupted by the comm badge on his chest making a beeping noise. He pressed it. =^= Sir your needed down in the barn? =^= came a gravely voice of the comm unit. =^=Roger that =^= said Rick down the comm. "Well" he said to his companion with a smile. "No rest for the wicked, or those that deal with them. I'll catch you around."

"Sure," Kaelin nodded politely. "I'll see you around," he agreed, giving him a small wave as he went back to jogging, this time heading for his quarters careful not to trip over anyone again.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Ensign Kaelin
Pathology resident - DS5

OOC: Could we be more specific as to the time here?