Beg, Steal or Borrow – Deadly information. Part 1
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Deadly information. Part 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Mar 06, 2009 @ 11:24pm
Location   Outside Sickbay
Timeline   SD8 12h12

Ayren's heart ached as she left sickbay. If it wasn't for the fact that she needed to speak to Davies immediately, she would not have left. She knew that S'Hauen would be gone when she got back, she felt his life leaving him, but there was no time to contemplate the brave telepath's death.

=^= Kelan to Davies, Commander, I need to speak to you immediately=^= she said with urgency in her voice. 'Not now" would not be an option.

Davies heard the need in her voice
=^= "Miss Kelan, I am extremely busy, but if it's as pressing as you make it sound, come directly to operations and meet me in the Captains office. I can give you a few minutes." = David promised as he glanced around the room, not feeling comfortable in the over large space that Tahir had sparsely decorated.

=^= I have information imperative to station security =^= Came the rapid answer form the Diplomat, after making sure that she was not overheard.

David cleared his throat. =^= "Ayren, I will give you some time, but please, come to my office and we shall speak in person. Davies out." =^= He closed the comm before she had a chance to utter another word. Security was high on Davies' list of things to do and with Rakka leaving, he had a tough decision to make, but he also had to make sure the station was ready for a possible attack from the Romulans perched outside.
He walked to the replicator and ordered a tea, forgetting to give more precise details on his preference and took the cup, easing himself back into the chair. Before he had a chance to sip, Ayren was already at the door.

"That was quick." He beckoned her in with a wave. "Come in. Would you like a drink?" He asked, raising the cup in his own hand as if it to express his meaning.

Ayren stared at him and thought she could need something stronger actually. "I was already on my way here when I contacted you, and maybe the constant flow of coffee into my system helps to get me around fast. If I have one more cup today, I won't need a turbo lift any more," she smiled half nervously, her in preoccupied with the information she had.

Laying down his cup, he clasped his hands together. "Tea would perhaps suit you better!" He remarked, pointing to the chair. "So tell me what is on your mind. You sounded desperate." He smiled but it felt more like a grimace.

"My contact that I had on the missionary ship had just informed me the Guardian platforms on the station had been disabled," she said coming with the most vital information first. "You could have time to repair them before an attack, which is eminent."

David looked at her in disbelief. "No, your contact must be wrong. If they had been tampered with, we would have had known about it. Lieutenant Freeman was over there earlier. He would have found something." He said, watching her concern covered face.

"I wish he was wrong, but no, Commander, my contact was not. He paid with his life to bring me this information, " she said almost choking thinking of how he died. "I suggest you check first, Commander, we don't have the time to argue the accuracy of the information."

"It won't hurt to check on the Chief Engineer." He replied. Frustration and confusion aside, his hand came to his comm.

=^= "Lieutenant Freeman, please respond." =^= He called, the same urgency that was in Ayrens voice was now apparent in his own.
Silence was his only reply. He looked at the diplomatic chief and she was displaying the worry as well.

He tapped the badge with his finger. "Lieutenant Freeman, please respond!" =^= His voice had risen with his second call. He allowed a breath to escape past his lips as he bit into his bottom lip.
"I don't like this, not a single bit!" He uttered.

'Neither do I," she said as cold fingers of ran up and down her spine.

"Computer, locate lieutenant Bruce Freeman." David called as he picked up the cooling cup of tea from the table and took a mouthful. It was sweet, but now he had company, he had to swallow it, as distasteful as it was. He shivered, placing the unwanted beverage back onto the tabletop.

"Lieutenant Freeman is on Guardian Platform 3." The computer informed them.

"Damn. Then we can assume that he is injured and that your contact was correct with his information!" Davies remarked.

All Ayren could do was merely nodding. "I hope we are in time commander and that you can still repair whatever damage was caused..." she said. Even the Diplomat could imagine the possibilities if the station was unprotected during an attack.


To be continued

CO: Commander David Davies

CDO: Ayren Kelan