Beg, Steal or Borrow – Meeting the neighbors
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Meeting the neighbors
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 8:04pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy - Deck 143
Timeline   SD 9 - 12:00
*Taps* "Gabriel to Lieutenant Opaka, meet me on the Central Promenade, deck 143." Gabriel said into his comm unit as he leaned against the wall waiting Opaka's arrival and reading his padd.

=^="Acknowledged, Commander."=^= Jo'el jumped on the lift and plunged about 50 decks while whistling an old Earth pop song.

Gabriel looked up from his padd and smiled. "There you are, glad you could make it, I've got a new assignment for you." Gabriel responded as he stood up and began to walk down the hall.

Falling into step with Gabriel, Jo'el tried to get a glance at the padd while keeping an eye on where he was walking. "I'm ready, sir. What's the job?"

"It is a very important task, one that I wouldn't trust with anyone else in the department." Gabriel responded with a smirk, but never breaking stride towards the doors in front of them. "You are in charge of VIP Protection on this station, and I've learned that a Very Important Person has arrived onboard, and considering the recent attacks this station has suffered, I want him to feel as safe as possible." he added.

Gabriel and Opaka arrived at the door, and Gabriel pressed the chime once.

Tharek didn't seem bothered by the intrusion, he just sat there with a PADD in his hand, tapping away furiously. "Enter." He replied in a clear, almost royal like way.

"Legate Getal, pleasure to meet you!" Gabriel said with a large and hopefully welcoming smile. "I'm Lieutenant Commander, Dorian Gabriel. Chief of Security." Gabriel said while extending his hand towards the Legate.

"And this is Lieutenant Opaka Jo'el, your new bodyguard." Gabriel said with a smile.

Tharek got up from behind his desk and walked around it casually, with his hands behind his back, looking as pompous and arrogant as ever. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Gabiel." He looked over to Jo'el and smirked slyly, "Likewise, with you Mr. Jo'el."

"Thank you. It's Opaka, actually," Jo'el responded. He figured a Cardassian of all people would grasp Bajoran nomenclature, but he wrote that off as this man being far too self absorbed to care.

Gabriel decided not to comment, but instead move forward. "Lieutenant Opaka provides security for various VIP guests while onboard the station in order to ensure their safety and general well being." Gabriel added. "I'm sure you'll be in much capable hands, in fact, I believe that Lieutenant Opaka could show you to the various Bajoran delicatessens we have on board, isn't that right Lieutenant?" Gabriel asked with a smile.

Tharek interrupted Gabriel with a slight gesture of his hand. "No thank you Commander, I've never been one for Bajoran food. But thank you for the offer." He then straightened his uniform and stood in his previous, pompous stance.

No, probably just Bajoran women, Bajoran ore, Bajoran minerals. Keep drinking fish juice, spoonhead. Jo'el caught himself going down a horrid line of thinking. Despite this man's attitude, Jo'el tried to remember that Cardassia was in the weakest condition it had been in since her people developed space flight.

"Miss Kaia's cafe I believe carries fresh seafruits and tasper eggs, Legate. Perhaps a taste of home would suit you better?" He tried to sound helpful, but there was still a bit of foreboding in his eyes.

"I might pop along. It depends on my mood particularly." Getal replied.

Gabriel bit down on his tongue to keep from responding to the interruption by the Cardassian. Instead he decided to keep things as civil as possible. "While onboard the station it would be in your best interest of you and your staff to remain in certain, more secure, areas of the station." Gabriel stated. The last thing he needed was a Cardassian to go snooping around the station and gaining access to classified information. If he could keep them corralled, then it would be easier to keep an eye on them. "Considering we are expecting the arrival of the Klingon Ambassador today, I believe it would be best if your staff remained within the safe confines of your embassy, wouldn't you Getal?" he asked.

"I partially agree with you Commander. Although, I'll choose to ignore your suggestion. I will explore at my leisure." He narrowed his eyelids to a slit and looked through them at the Commander.

Gabriel smiled as he looked directly into Getal's eyes. "You are a long way from Cardassia, Gul Getal, try to mind your P's and Q's while here. I can assure you, it'll make things go much smoother for all involved parties." He said in a lowered tone.

"It's Legate, Commander, and I will heed your advice. For now. Thank you for stopping by in any case."

Gabriel chuckled, "Not at all, just a bit of friendly advice from your current allies." Gabriel said as he turned and began to head towards the doors. He stopped and spoke over his shoulder as the doors slid open, "I noticed in your file that you've spent time amongst Romulans," Gabriel said, subtly indicating to Getal that he was aware of his "extracurricular" affairs. "Learned anything of interest about our so-called friends?" He asked. Gabriel lacked trust in Cardassians, however he knew that Romulans were much more of a threat than anybody else at the moment.

"I know that Romulans can't be trusted. They are sly, impudent creatures. Trust them, and they'll deal out death to everyone on this station." Getal stated as Gabriel smirked and continued towards the door.

"Excuse me, legate, I'll be right with you," Jo'el said, turning on his heel to follow Gabriel out the door.

"Commander," Jo'el began, "hypothetically, would you inform engineering if you knew that a shipment of antimatter had just arrived?"

Gabriel stopped and turned back towards the Lieutenant. "I'm a Security Officer, not an Engineer, what's your point?" He asked.

"My point is that Cardassians and Bajorans are explosive elements to put together without taking certain precautions. You just put me in a room with a man whose race instantly gets a rise out of seeing me or any other Bajoran. We're barely 15 years out of the Occupation and only a few years removed from the Dominion War, and you just spring a Cardassian on me like he's our friendly new neighbor. You blindsided me, and I don't understand why."

Gabriel smiled as he looked at the obviously flustered Lieutenant. "Your previous assignment has decided to leave the station for greener, yet more treacherous pastures." He said, referring to Isha. "You seem to develop such a wonderful time with those you are charged to serve and protect, I figure that you and your new charge here would have a gay ol' time, except this time you won't be snatched away by an enemy assault fleet."
Gabriel replied. He knew that this was like mixing oil and water, but Opaka's personal comfort was the further thing from his mind at the moment.

Jo'el bit back, knowing this likely had something to do with their after-action meeting concerning the Vrelnac. Da'nal and Isha were gone, and Jo'el was left here to face the brunt of Gabriel's reaction. "Understood, Commander. Will there be anything else?" he asked.

Gabriel leaned forward and spoke in lowered tone. "You are a Federation Officer, he is a Cardassian, if you see him so much as looking at a piece of information in the wrong manner, you do whatever is necessary to element the threat, clear?" Gabriel said with seriousness.

"Yes, sir," Jo'el said, turning again and heading back into the spider's parlor. So that's it, Jo'el thought. He wants me to kill this man for his own ends. He might even have a sick enough mind to think he's doing me a favor.

Gabriel looked towards Getal before departing. "I will be having an information session with you and the other Ambassadors on the station later this afternoon. I expect that you will be there, Legate?" he asked.

Tharek looked down his nose at the Commander. "I suppose i could fit it in my schedule."


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. j.g. Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard

Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Consulate Ambassador.