Ensign David Harris’s Personal Log - Chief Security Officer's Personal log

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Title   Chief Security Officer's Personal log
Author   Ensign David Harris
Posted   Tue Sep 16, 2014 @ 1:57pm
Computer start personal log.

I arrived on the Starbase early in the morning and was shown to my quaters. They are pretty big, probably bigger than some starship Captain quaters. I also have a pretty decent view, I am just glad I have a window.

After I unpacked I could not sleep so went and checked out my office and also the security department. I am impressed it is a massive department but then we are in a city in the skies. The staff were awake and alert, maybe they new i had arrived or they are a great team.

Thankfully not all aspects of security will be down to me. We have some Federation Marshalls and of course the marines. I want to have a great working relationship with both department heads. With 50000 civilians and only a handful of Marshalls I am sure we can help each other out, after all I was a Deputy Marshall on Earth for a few years and boy did I love Taiwan.

The marines can be difficult, but I am determined to work well with them, we shall see.

I met the boss today. We'll what can I say, ummmm she is beautiful but also scary, we hardly said two words but I am sure it will take time. After all I am only an Ensign, even if I am a department head. I will just have to do my best.

Right of to the gym.

End personal log.

Ensign David Harris
Chief Security Officer