Incommunicado – Amongst our own kind
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Amongst our own kind
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sun Jul 15, 2012 @ 7:37pm
Location   Main Science
Timeline   SD 58 - 0900
Trellis was still offended by the way that Commander Rakka had accustomed him during the meeting in front of Captain Tahir. The nerve of her to question his professional integrity. He was more than capable of performing his duties, regardless of what he did in his down time.

Regardless, he still had a job to do with the rest of the crew. With the new arrival of several officers, there was still the matter of having their security clearances verified, particularly those in sensitive positions within the station. He looked at the padd before him and saw that Lieutenant Junior Grade Saria Rex had been assigned as the new Assistant Chief of Science. There was no doubt that her job would be invaluable considering the previous head of that department was seriously injured.

However, Trellis did have his concerns about the new officer's adjustment to the new position as well as the significant burden she carried as a host. While more and more Trills took positions off of the homeworld for various reasons, it was less common to see joined Trills accepted positions far away from the homeworld. There was more chance of the symbiote to be injured and unable to be placed with a suitable host. It would be interesting to see what knowledge she possessed.

"Come in..."

Trellis entered the main lab and looked around for the source of the voice. "Yes, Lieutenant Rex?" he asked as he continued to walk into the foyer.

Saria turned her chair around, facing the Trill behind her. "At your service" She smiled, happy to see a fellow Trill.

"Good morning, Lieutenant, I'm Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, Chief of Security for the station." He said as he introduced himself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Trellis." She said. "But your name... Si'Lar... It sounds so familiar..."

"Yes, Si'Lar was the name of my great-grandafther who was the head of the Trill Homeworld Defense. I grew up on the Okadian Providence." Trellis responded to the fellow Trill. "I enrolled in Starfleet shortly after completing school on Trill." He added.

"Ah, ofcourse! I remember him, from a while ago. Well, for me it's like I saw him yesterday. I, my host, grew up in the Tanare Region. My symbiont, of course, in the caves of Mak'ala. And Starfleet... well..." She hesitated. "I enrolled it several times... Yes." Her smile crooked a bit, but she covered it quickly by her fond smile.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asked as he observed the setup of the office. It always interested him how certain people decided to decorate their offices depending on their personalities. Considering Rex was a joined Trill, there were a plethora of personalities within her.

"Sit wherever you like, Lieutenant." Saria said.

"I'm here to perform your security clearance confirmation. Seeing as how there is no Chief of Science at the moment, many of those responsibilities fall on your shoulders, so I wanted to go over several things just to make sure everything is clear with station command." Trellis said as he recorded information on his padd.

"Alright, go ahead." Saria smiled, laying down her padd.

"You recently accepted this position after being joined with the Rex symbiosis?" Trellis started.

"Yes, just after I graduated from Starfleet Academy. After joining, I served 4 years aboard the U.S.S. Lakota." Saria answered.

Trellis' eyebrows furrowed as he brought up the Lakota. "I see you served as the Science Officer onboard the vessel." He stated.

"That's correct. I used to conduct astronomical research aboard." Saria said.

"Do you care to tell me what contributed to the fight you were involved in while onboard the ship?" He said directly.

Saria hesitated a bit, but began to speak. "When I served aboard the Lakota, I hadn't fully mastered yet how to keep balance between the symbiont and me. The Symbiosis Commision didn't know all of the symbionts past, and had overseen what kind of hosts it used to have." Saria's smile crooked.

"Isn't that something that you should have investigated before you placed the symbiont in danger by engaging in some brawl?" He asked with a slight accusatory tone.

"I did. I was in counseling back then. However, the balance between my host and symbiont was out of balance. I wasn't prepared for it when I completed my training at the Symbiosis Commission." Saria said.

"You carry one of the most precious resources that our people have. I shouldn't have to tell you that millions of Trills would give just about anything to be capable of selection by the Symbiosis Commission." He continued, his voice rising.

Saria changed position in her chair, and her smile fading away. "I know that very well, Chief. But do you know how hard it is, to carry a symbiont in you? A symbiont which has endured for 1200 years? It is a great honor, but you will pay a big price for honor."

"No, I do not know what it is like, in fact MILLIONS will never know what it is like, that is why it is such an honor, and the best explanation you have for such reckless behavior was that you were 'out of balance'?" Trellis said determinedly.

Trellis took a deep breathe as he went back to his original task. "Be that as it may, it would be wise for you to schedule an appointment with a Symbiont Guardian or at the very least the station counselor to treat your issues." he suggested.

"To be honest, I'd rather like the Guardian." She said. "I've been doing Zhian's ever since, to find out my past."

"Evidently they have not been successful," Trellis muttered to himself before looking at his padd again.

"Very well, in your new capacity do you intend on coming in contact with any hazardous or prohibited material that my department should be aware of?" He asked, once again retaining his formal tone.

Saria looked up to the ceiling, thinking. Then looking back at the Chief. "I will probably be working with particles such as Tetryon, Tachyon, Methogenic particles, Anyon particles and probably Metreon. They may inflict with the equipment, but I'll make sure it won't inflict with the rest of the station." She said.

"You will granted a level 5 security clearance. If you need higher than that you will need to consult my department. Due to the reason security threats this station has face in the recent past, we've taken necessary steps to prevent outside sources from getting access to particular technology." he stated.

"Particularly, the Romulan Core that Lieutenant Tovon was working on during the attack on the station. With Tovan's departure, there has not been a qualified individual to work on completely deciphering the information for anything useful." Trellis informed the fellow Trill. "Will your department require additional clearance to handle that task?" He asked.

"It might, yes. Because there will be a possibility that the department needs to look up some Romulan data that is related to the core." She said, looking at Si'Lar. "But if I need any higher clearance, I will let you know. Do you wish to let me inform you if we will be making use of this Romulan data?"

"I believe that would be vital." Trellis said as he completed his report. "I think that is all that I will need from you." He said as he stood and prepared to leave. HE stopped in mid-stride and turned back to face the woman.

"Saria. . .you have a gift inside of you, please do not squander it." He said, briefly looking into her eyes as his eyes fell back to the ground and he continued towards the door.

Saria watched Si'Lar leaving, as he walked trough the door. As soon the doors closed, she looked at her abdomen, and placed her hand on the place where the symbiont was.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Acting Chief of Science

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security