We All Fall Down – The Unexpected White Knight ...
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   The Unexpected White Knight ...
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Sep 04, 2014 @ 4:21am
Location   IRW Dhelan
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1
Rianni couldn't remember the last time she had felt so stress free, getting the hell off of the station and getting out amongst the stars again was just what she needed! The spiritual lift it had provided her had been so great her spirits weren't even diminished by the image of the station growing larger and larger on her view screen, ~Next time I'll find some bullshart excuse to extend the mission another week or so.~ She thought with a smile, gently stroking the head of Mittens the Kitten who lay napping in her lap, "Comms, hail the station, request permission to dock."

"Yes, erie'Riov." Uhlan T'rel nodded, working hard to conceal his disgust at that.... thing in the Commander's lap, it was always in her lap, and he fracking hated cats. Pushing that thought to the back of his mind he opened a channel to DS5, "Federation Station Deep Space Five, this is the Warbird Dhelan, request permission to dock."

Rianni sat contemplating the station for a second, contemplating T'Rel as well. Whether he knew it or not the former Marine fighter ace was one hell of a poker player and could read people, even Romulans, better than he could possibly imagine. She knew he hated the cat, what's more is she knew the cat couldn't stand T'Rel, either, why she didn't intend to keep him on the Dhelan any longer than she had to, ~Cats are great judges of character, Uhlan, and you failed the sniff test.~ She thought with a silent giggle.

"IRW Dhelan this is Deep Space Five. Hold your position," the voice of the operator was young and nervous.

"Incoming communication from DS5," Enarrain Neia tr'Vainlli said. "erie'Riov t'Khellian, they're on high alert, all ships are to hold position until further notice. That's all it says. I'm initiating a scan to see if we can glean more detail."

"Yes, please do." Rianni replied, probably a lot too polite for a Romulan Commander, but she was terribly worried that something might happen to Isha, ~I don't care if she abandoned me, I love her....~ "I want immediate updates!"

"Acknowledged," his fingers flicked over the panel. Like everyone on the Dhelan he knew that Isha t'Khellian was on that station. If she was at risk, they would risk the ship to aid her. "I'm reading a surge from the defence platforms, they're active and not responding to commands ... and targetting two vessels. a freighter with crew and small passenger complement ... and an arriving civillian transport." tr'Vainlli felt a chill run down his spine.

"erie'Riov, the platforms are armed and locked on that transport. I cannot get the full record but there appear to be hundreds aboard."

How could they hold position when so much life was at risk?

~What the Hell is that Captain thinking?~ Rianni wondered, "tr'Vainlli, can we establish communications with the civilian transport? See what the frak is going on in that Captain's brain, if anything at all?" She considered briefly ordering him to scan for Isha, but knew it wouldn't do anything for her nerves or anyone else's, "Move in closer to civilian ship, helm, maybe the sight of a Warbird will scare him into backing up." She knew if that platform did explode the Dhelan could take it, whereas that civilian ship would be blown to dust in a matter of nanoseconds.

"The power readings indicate the transport is running engines at peak ... the ship is being held. The 'hold position' order is to prevent any other ships getting targetted by the platforms - that's what traffic suggests. Just how close can we get before the platforms lock onto us?"

"I'd say the best course of action would be to stay as far out as we can and still extend our shields over that ship." Rianni replied, "And if that's not possible, then let's stay within transporter range, we might have to take survivors aboard."

tr'Vainlli paused. It was not his place to suggest orders but he had been on this ship since the lady Isha commissioned it. He knew a thing or two Rianni did not.

"There is a manouvre we can make. One of the shuttles is primed with a program known as 'Veil'. Deployed it will provide a physical target to distract the platforms. We can cloak and get into transporter range, decloak, perform two, three at the maximum mass transports then recloak, Any more and the platforms will change and target us."

It was a three second window of risk. "Your orders?"

Rianni knew tr'Vainlli knew this ship like the back of his hand, hell, she'd admit if asked in private that he was probably more fit to command the Dhelan than she was, and she knew better than to worry about protocols when lives were on the line, so she simply locked eyes with him, nodded her head, and said, "Do it."

tr'Vainlli initiated the launch sequence for the shuttle - it would provide a distraction if needed.

"Cloaking and moving us closer," he said as the lights dimmed and the impulse engines engaged. "I'm programming the transporters to activate throughout the target the second we begin to decloak - they'll manage a few bursts."

"Good." Rianni nodded, she planned on offering tr'Vainlli the spot as her XO when this was all over, since her current XO, like all her prior ones, was leaving at the end of this mission, "Bring as many aboard as we can, hopefully we can save most of them."

The technique had been used successfully under very different circumstances - the trick was that the time spent decloaked was short enough that in a chaotic situation they would barely register.

Rianni tensed, this was a potential disaster for everybody, but Mittens laying comfortably in her lap let her know that this was going to turn out just fine, "Do the beamouts at your own discretion, Mr. tr'Vainlli."

"I'm taking us in," tr'Vainlli said, "Engineering, if you detect tension in the core the platforms are attempting to capture us - override bridge contiol and take us out. Approaching proximity ... shields down, transport one, two three, fo..." he wrenched the control and made a reckless swerve away from the station as the cloak redeployed.

"It wasn't all of them, but many. We got away in time. I advise we hold position beyond the perimeter of Deep Space Five until the current issues are resolved. That includes communications. The platforms recognise our signature. We can't get too close too soon."

"I agree." Rianni smiled, "Have any available medical and security officers see to our guests and let me know when we can establish contact with DS5. Good work, Mr. tr'Vainlli."