Cascade – On the road again
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   On the road again
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sun Feb 03, 2013 @ 11:23am
Location   SS Ulysses - docking with DS5
Timeline   SD 70 22:45
"I still say we could have swung by starbase 182 and paid Drakt a visit. It wouldn't have been that far out of the way. Heck the place was practically on the way here!"

These protests had been going on for close to a week, aka the entire time from when they Wyman clan had boarded the transport ship at starbase 66 to now. Gwen, the rambunctious five year old of the group was all for seeing her beloved godfather for the first time in almost a year.

But Ceridwen, the pragmatist of the group, was forced to be the buzz kill for both "children."

"As I've pointed out, time and again, the Ulysses was on a direct route from 66 to DS5. There weren't any planned stop overs anywhere, let alone starbase 182. AND might I add, that would have been 200 light years out of our way." she explained, shifting the weight of her bag slightly. The pout on her daughter's face and the scowl on her husband's brought about an exasperated sigh. "I swear - like father like daughter."

The little girl let out an evil giggle. One might almost swear the mass of sanguine hair was hiding a pair of horns. "You love us anyway Mommy."

Steve was now smirking devilishly. It was clear that getting a rise out of Ceridwen had been his only entertainment the entire week.

"Sometimes I wonder why..." she remarked, unable to suppress her own chuckle.

+"Attention all passengers - we have now docked with Deep Space 5. Those of you disembarking please proceed to the airlocks. Thank you for travelling with us!+

Grabbing an over stuffed duffel bag and his toolkit from the deck, Wyman looked from his adoring wife to his rambunctious daughter. "That's our cue." he said as the airlock hissed open.

The station side of the airlock was much the same as any other. The only difference being the color scheme and decor. Grabbing a hover cart and throwing his things on to it, Steve gestured into the station proper. "You two go figure out where our quarters are. I'm going to go check in with the Captain and see if there's anything she needs me to prioritize. And as long as the place isn't tearing itself to pieces at the moment, I should be back in time to read you a bed time story."

"The new schematics for the Type VIII warp core?" Gwen asked, perking up at the thought.

"Most kids would want a fairy tale. You're raising an engineer." Welshy remarked with a self-effacing smile.

"There's worse things she could end up to be."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman (NPC)
Engineer's Mate

Gwendolyn Wyman (NPC)
Future engineer, current 5 year old