Unity – Cries for Help - Pt 3
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Cries for Help - Pt 3
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon May 03, 2010 @ 5:47pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD17 - 14.40


It had only been less than a minute when the CMO put her arm supportively around Ashara, snatched up her med-kit at the last moment and spoke again into the comm badge. =^= Energise =^=

They all re-appeared in Theatre One and were overwhelmed by a swarm of medical staff. Chelsea and Rhianni were swept to the centre and the others were helped to one side.


Chelsea began to manipulate the controls of the med-arch, tuning it into Rhianni's bio-readings and bringing up the life-support program.

"2mgs Paracolodiozine." she instructed and a vial was loaded into the med-arch which the computer applied to Rhianni's neck. "400mgs Nitrofuratresine" she added and the medicine was in the applicator within seconds. Even with her staff working so closely and anticipating her every need, Chelsea still felt she was losing this battle.

Rhianni had lost so much blood that her organs were in danger of failing, in fact according to her Us and Es that scrolled across the panel, her kindeys were already exhibiting signs of renal dysfunction.

"Initiate transfusion" Chelsea instructed and the fluids were added to the machine as it applied them to the patient and the readouts kept on coming. "She's not helping me" Chelsea muttered, flicking lights on the panel and adding more medications to the mix.

Chelsea was thinking at a furious pace and suddenly a thought crossed her mind. ~I wish Ryan were here, this is a job for the A Team... ~ she automatically told herself before it dawned on her what had changed.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed aloud. "Computer, open a channel to Lt. Ryan Milarno" she called out to the comm panel on the wall at the end of the bed.

Half a dozen heads lifted in surprise. "Is .... er.... Doctor... Lt. Milarno isn't on board... " one of the confused medics tried to tell Chelsea.

"The hell he isn't!" the CMO replied as the channel opened.

=^= Milarno here go ahead Chelsea...something wrong? =^= he asked over the COMM.

Still working at a frantic pace Chelsea's hands never left the panel as she initiated regeneration to Rhianni's wrist and her left kidney. Struggling to balance the Romulan woman's cerebral fluid, she instilled a direct neo-laser bore just below the base of her cranium and drained a little of the pressure off, switching at the precise moment to insertion of seratomicrons to inhibit the over production of shock-initiated cryonic-acid. Thermal fluctuations then had her adjusting the fields around the patient, providing her with warm air in the bio-bed's force-field covers, keeping her extremities warm and stable.

=^= Ryan I know you're not going to like this, but I need you. This is no bull, I really do have a patient who's determined to die on me and I need your help. I can't keep all her vitals going by myself and even with the best medical team in this sector, I need an edge. You're the one who taught me all i know. Please? =^= Ryan would know her well enough to tell from her tone that she was deathly serious. She didn't joke about medical emergencies.

Ryan sighed, but Chelsea knew why. =^= Alright, alright I'm coming...i'll be there as soon as possible, I'm leaving now =^= Pulling on his uniform quickly, he left his quarters and ran to the theatre, bumping into a few people on the way.

Chelsea sighed too, for a different reason. She was relieved that he'd agreed to come. She knew why he would find that hard.

Several minutes later Ryan burst into the theatre room, startling everyone. "Just me...sorry..." he walked over to Chelsea, as he did he could feel eyes ripping right through him but he ignored it. "I'm here now...what happened?" he asked.

"Critical blood loss from wound in the right carpus, hydronephrosis, cranial pressure and fluidic imbalance.... Just look at her U's and E's!" Chelsea explained. "Thank you for coming" she added quietly. "I owe you one".

"Yeah...too right you do..." he looked serious then smiled. "Alright then..." he looked up at the medics. "You and you...you're gunna get me some more blood now and I don't care how you do it either just get me it" he told them, he didnt recognise them, they must have came aboard when he was away. "And you...ermmm...Tom...is it? Anyway I need you to get me 4cc's of trioxamil..." he took charge and smiled as he turned to Chelsea. "Sorry, don't wanna take over...but you did ask..." he smirked before checking over her readings.

Chelsea smiled. She hadn't stopped regenerating the kidney but she changed to the other side now. "I'll get you back, bossy!" she smirked, so pleased to have him here. It took the whole team and both doctors a long and exhausting two hours and several stops to restart Rhianni's faltering heart, before they were convinced she was stable enough to allow her to be settled into Recovery with a 24 hour nurse at her bedside.

"Check U's, E's and CPR rates every 15 minutes" Chelsea instructed as she peeled off the steri-form covering from her hands and looked at Ryan. She still couldn't get used to his new look but working side by side like this made it clear he was the old Ryan and no doubt about it.

Ryan smiled as they walked away. "Oh..." he turned to the medic. "She's to be kept on the med-bed with the arch up at all times until further notice" he instructed the nurse then looked back at Chelsea."I'm sure you could have handled that fine..." he told her, he also got the feeling of someone looking at him. He leaned against the console and sighed loudly.

"I could have handled it if she'd presented in two halves and one half had been dying an hour or two after the other...." Chelsea grinned. "All that lot at once, I defy even you to have kept every single one of those juggling balls in the air!" She had heard his sigh and was looking around for the cause as she spoke.

Ryan shook his head. "No i probably couldnt" he smiled. Ryan turned to face the man a few metres away. "Is there a problem ensign?" he asked with an annoyed tone. "Because I'm not stupid I know your staring at me...and i'll answer that question thats burning in your mind shall i?!" he yelled.

Chelsea saw the confrontation coming and was between them in a swift, fluid movement.
She had to think of a distraction, fast. "Now, about that debt I owe you... name your price?" she said, wondering if she was going to regret that but desperate to prevent him losing it on his first time out.

Ryan stared down the ensign. "Yeah I'm Cardassian...but I'm also Human and Bajoran, why dont you think about that huh? Get out of my sight!" The ensign walked away. "I dunno what these genes are doing but...i get more angry than when i used too..." he told her. "And about that debt...another vial of my medicine wouldnt go a miss to be honest"
"Or a coffee sometime?" he asked.

"You know you've had more than you should, but seeing as you're obviously still in pain, how about i put some inhibitor in those nerve ends for you?" Chelsea picked up the instrument and began to run it over his new ridges.

"I know I've had enough but it's not gunna kill me" he protested.

Then she gave him the vial of pain-killers too and made him promise not to o/d. "I don't need any more emergencies today."

She added softly, aware that the staff were very inuisitive about this situation. "And by the way... that coffee? Once a week, no excuses... no cry offs... deal?"

"Deal and thankyou, I appreciate this" he said holding up the vial.

"Can't bear to see an old friend suffering." she smiled gently, much more serious than she sounded.

Ryan smiled "I wish I wasn't...oh just don't tell Pia about this vial i know you both meet to discuss me...she knows the last one was the LAST...so she wont be very pleased if she found out..."

"Oh I see.... Pia is someone 'Milarno the Monstrous' is scared of eh?" Chelsea smirked. "Is it serious?"

"Hell yeah I'm scared" he laughed. "Serious?" he asked, not knowing what she meant.

Chelsea laughed, relaxing at last. She took Ryan's arm and still in their theatre *blues* they started to walk towards the doors that led out to where the others were waiting anxiously.

As they emerged, arm in arm, it suddenly occurred to Chelsea that Rick would be very confused by all this. She let go of the Cardassian doctor with Ryan Milarno's eyes and spoke to everyone.

"Doctor Milarno has come back from his own sickleave to assist me and without his help I truly believe i would have been overwhelmed and probably lost Rhianni. She took us both to the limits but she is now safe and stable.

Maiell listened quietly before finishing his lemonade. "That's wonderful," he said. "So, I will see you all at another time," the young Romulan told all those present. "Good day," he nodded to them and then turned to leave.


A JP Between:

Cmdr Chelsea Adams

Lt Ryan Milarno

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

erie'Arrain Maiell tr'Tahn
Security officer
Romulan Consulate