Judgement – Just Drop By My Office...... ?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Just Drop By My Office...... ?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 11:40pm
Location   CO's Offices
Timeline   SD35 17:00

Chelsea took Tasha at her word and presented herself at the door of her office after her shift was over. She rang the chime and waited for a response.

Tasha glanced up to the clock and saw that it as already 17:00 and the afternoon had been a little heady and time had not slipped by, but ran at warp speed.
"Enter." She called, not knowing who was at her door and in her own fashion, clasped her hands together and lay them upon the desk ahead of her.

As she entered, Chelsea looked around the familiar room. It had been a long time since she had visited this particular office.

"How have you been keeping Tasha?" she asked, informally, as old friends. "Healthwise, you're due for a check up you know of course." she smiled at herself. "Sorry, doctors and Captains are always on duty....even in our sleep, I think sometimes."

Her hands unclasped as she smiled and rose from her chair. "Doctor, a wonderful surprise, but only if you are off duty, I don't need reminding about my check up, perhaps tomorrow?" She posed the question rhetorically. "Firstly, I am glad that you called in, but first, can I offer you some form of refreshment? I'm parched." She said as she moved towards the replicator.

"Yes please, Terran Redbush tea please, with milk" Chelsea replied, remembering suddenly how long it had been since she last stopped for refreshments. It was the nature of the job.

"Tea it is." With a smile Tasha thought it odd as she recalled somebody else making a redbush request, but was not sure who it was, but knew it would appear in a clear crystal tall glass and as she ordered her own Guava and mango juice, the tea appeared exactly as she knew it would.

"Here you are." She held forth the warming glass of tea to Chelsea and as she accepted it, the Captain made her way back to her seat and took a sip of the cool juice and savoured the flavour for a moment before breaking what seemed to be an awkward silence as they drank.

Some minutes later Karen came through from her own office, the last time she would use that one for a while. "I see I'm holding everyone up," she said with a smile. "How are you Doctor?" she asked.

"I'm good thank you Commander, you?" Chelsea replied with the same informality but still made the appropriate gesture of respect by standing up when Karen entered the room. Fortunately she had already put the teacup down carefully on the desk just in time.

Chelsea didn't know Karen well, although they had met a couple of times. She didn't feel she could take quite so much for granted with her, for example dropping the protocol without being invited to, the way she felt she could with Tasha due to their long-standing friendship.

"Great," Karen said, not sure if she had irked the doctor at some earlier point. Mentally she shrugged it off; she had a case beginning and this meeting was an inconvenience. "Now we're all here, Captain, I throw the floor to you," Karen said as she drew up a seat.

The CMO sat back down and began to sip at her tea quietly, listening.

"Thank you Commander. Help yourself to a drink." Tasha replied as she raised her glass into the direction of the replicator before turning in her chair to face Doctor Adams.

"Doctor, the next few weeks are going to be a strain on us all, none more than Commander Villiers," ~except of course for Gabriel, it will be extremely tough on him~ she thought to herself, "but I..." She paused, "...we have been discussing the fact that Commander Villiers will not be able to concentrate on her duties as a bridge officer whilst she is defending Commander Gabriel." She sipped at her drink as if waiting for a response.

"Captain, I'm not a defence lawyer and I never have been," Karen said. "The Romulans agreed to a trial rather than immediately start extradition proceedings only because I agreed to judge it," she said taking a seat. "It would be a gross conflict of interest though."

Chelsea took all this in, including Tasha's pause and long thoughtful look at herself. "From what I've heard, Romulan justice is unlike Federation Courts" she put it mildly and was careful to be guarded about what little she had come to know of Rihannsu ways.

"Personally I should feel more comfortable to see Dorian receive his fair hearing from his own kind, under the Laws within which he operates. However my preferences have nothing to do with it." she offered. "....except to state that I should very much like to assist in whatever way is appropriate. *Is* there anything *I* can do?"

"The major difference is that the onus is on the defendant to prove their innocence, moh, and that trials rarely last more than a day with the verdict carried out by sunset - in the case of a capital crime such as murder, that's execution, in public. Either by his own hand, or if he will not, by the praetorian guard," Karen said matter of factly. "I wouldn't give him much of a chance if they secured extradition," she admitted, "If he wasn't being such an idiot about his position then he might help himself. The evidence against him is strong."

She was pushing it, but Karen could still say this whilst she was still Executive Officer, once she had stepped down, even if only temporarily, her mouth was closed. "Ask me now if you have any questions," she said looking at both women.

Tasha was still confused. Judge or defence? She had made a major mistake and she had told Dorian earlier that afternoon that Karen was preparing his defence.
"If you're the judge, then who is acting for Dorians defence?" She knew the answer before she had asked the question, as she was sure that Isha had tried to tell her in less than so many words.

She lifted the glass to her lips, to hide her shame more than to drink.

"Himself or whatever counsel he chooses to appoint," Karen replied bluntly.

Chelsea sat opened mouthed as the realisation also dawned on her. ~Prophets help him~ she thought. "Are JAG not sending a second lawyer to defend him then?" she asked, realising how naive and idealistic that sounded.

"His call," Karen replied, "We can't force him to take anyone, but JAG is trying to make him see the benefits. Only a fool would face this prosecutor without proper representation," she added.

"The prosecutor..... is Ish... The Romulan Ambassador??" Again Chelsea looked like someone who had just been slapped. "I.... had... I suppose if one is not directly involved, nor in a department where it's relevant to everyday duties, one has no access to the latest details." she faded, her face draining as she stared into her tea as if it contained writhing bugs in slime.

Karen turned and peered at the doctor, "As you say, the Romulan Ambassador," she said without explicit comment on what the doctor had almost said. "She has a well deserved reputation in legal circles."

"Indeed, I have no doubt of that. She is much respected in all walks of life." Chelsea replied without having to be anything less than completely truthful.

"Allow me to ask again. Where do you want me to be in all this?" Chelsea brought the conversation round full circle.

"This one's for you, Captain," Karen said as she crossed her legs, sat back in the chair and folded her arms.

Placing the glass back to the table, Tasha tipped her head to Karen and leant forward on the desk.

"With Commander Villiers being preoccupied, we need you to step up to temporary Executive Officer." Before Chelsea could raise an objection, judging from the gape as her jaw fell apart, Tasha explained. "Don't worry, it's not permanent and I will cover most of the work and medical will be in the main, unaffected unless of course we have a dire emergency," Tasha gave a small chuckle, "even though that does seem to happen quite often out here. Anyhow, in light of the responsibility and extra workload, you will need both assistance and a position of higher authority and to that end we have decided to promote you to full Commander. Congratulations!" Tasha's mouth widened in a grin as she cast a quick look to Karen, hoping that she had the the extra pip for Chelsea.

Karen duly held out her hand and the red felt box with the single pip inside.

Tasha just nodded her head towards Chelsea, indicating her first officer should have the pleasure of formally promoting the doctor.

Chelsea stood to attention to receive the new pip, pink with pleasure at the honour being afforded her and, uncharacteristically at a loss for words. She opted for the safe choice and simply replied. "Thank you ma'am".

As she stood there, Chelsea's mind went off to consider the myriad directions into which this new responsibility branched. It was a lot to take in even in overview.

Tasha stood from her seat with a broad grin on her face and gave Chelsea a salute.

"You're welcome Doctor, though I am not sure you will thank me in a day or two." Tasha teased as she eased herself back into her seat.

"For now, I will allow you two commanders to discuss the way forward and what Karen needs you to cover urgently and if there is anything" Tahir stressed 'Anything', "and I mean anything then don't hesitate to call." She reached for her glass and took a sip before placing the beaker back onto the table and allowed Karen to take the lead.

"We've a good crop of department heads, a lot of staff coming and going but for the most part they've got everything in hand. The trickiest issue is going to be morale, I mean, everyone likes a good murder but when the accused is someone who has been among you the sense of mystery wears off quickly. I'm also concerned about unrest," she said. "Now the Romulans have been very reasonable, but not everyone is going to see it that way, they've got a high profile presence and I don't want anyone taking a pop at them."

"Who's stepped up in Security in Gabriel's absence?" Chelsea asked.

"Lieutenant Trellis," Karen replied, "It remains to be seen if the appointment will become permanent, a decision that will be largely based on his performance in this tricky period, and on the outcome of the case, of course."

Chelsea nodded her understanding.

"Any questions?"

"Not right now but I'm sure thousands will present themselves as we go along, probably at the most inconvenient moment, no doubt." She smiled sheepishly.

"Well, you know where to find me," Karen replied, "Bangin' that gavel and hoping that a fool doesn't do something to get himself extradited."

Chelsea shivered and just sat there looking at the table top, her mind processing all that had just occurred. ~It's amazing how a couple of days can just change your life forever.~ she thought, unsure if the past two days had really happened.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Chelsea Adams
Acting Executive Officer

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer / JAG