Things Past – Sins of the Father... Part 2
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Sins of the Father... Part 2
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Aug 09, 2011 @ 4:41pm
Location   Ro'Ala Co System
Timeline   2343

Tevarna peered over the Helmsman's shoulder at the readouts appearing on screen. They had been tracking a large Takian fleet for a few days now, and were just starting to catch up. For all their bluster, the Takian's technology wasn't any more advanced than their Ceirian rulers.

"Ari, what is that system they're entering now?" Tevarna watched as the enemy dropped out of warp. The Redoa Aryn and his accompanying taskforce were a few hours behind the Takians, but each time they dropped from warp, it was a gain for Tevarna.

The voice of Ari, the AI of the Redoa Aryn, boomed over the speaker system. "Ro'Ala Co," he said in response to the emperor's question. "A class three star system with seven planets. The sixth and seventh are both inhabited; the sixth is an Iben colony world, while the seventh is a civilization of a pre-industrial nature."

"They likely droped out of warp just to check things out, your highness," the pilot assured Tevarna. "They'll see what's what, then move on."

{Takian Fleet}

1st Commander Clo'bnz continued to pace back and forth around the bridge. He had served in over a dozen major orbital engagements and at least twice as many episodes of combat on the ground. Despite all of that he had yet to grown accustomed to *waiting*. The wait was probably the worst part of battle. At least during the engagement you knew what needed to be done to protect your life and those of the men under your command.

"1st Commander, we have arrived at the desired location. We have dropped out of warp and the fleet has too." the Navigator spoke up.

"Very well, Comm, get a signal with the High Guard and inform them that we have arrived and are preparing to carry out our task." the 1st Commander ordered as he crossed the bridge and peered over the shoulder of his weapons officer.

"Sir, it appears as if the 6th planet has a small contingent of vessels and one orbital station, perhaps for mining operations." the Operations officer reported as her console provided an initial report.

"However, I'm not detecting any significant ground or orbital-based defense capabilities. I'm only reading 3 Tahir-Class disruptors and several automated GymDok Raiders docked with the station." The Weapons' officer reported. "If this is the location, then they must not anticipate any sort of conflict. You wouldn't expect such a de minimus level of defense from a. . ." the officer tried to say.

"Supply station," the 1st Commander stated as he returned to his chair. "The intelligence we obtained from the captured Cierian freighter indicated they had routinely stopped at this planet en route to rendevouz with a the Cierian Task Force rumored to be building within the sector." he replied as he opened a broadcast signal to the other vessels within this task force.

"Dartnor to Takian Fleet, this station has supplied our conquers for too long." He said. "Its destruction will work to undue the chains that have bound us to servitude for so many generations." He said as his hands gripped the arm-rest of his chair.

"First Wave, target the orbital station; I want their weapons and shields disabled first. We want their cargo hold in tact. Second Wave, take out the station on the surface of the colony." Clo'bnz coordinated. "The Dartnor will jam their communication signal to prevent any reinforcements. May the Spirit be within you all." He concluded.

{Ro'Ala Mining Station}

"Seh'ai, I'm reading several ships on the edge of the system," Second Officer Ma'hira Dolan said, his voice displaying only the vaguest notion of concern.

"We're not expecting the next supply shipment for another two two days," replied First Officer Seh'ai Aero, confused. He stood and approached Dolan's console. "Display on the veiwer."

At first, the image on the main screen was of only inky blackness, but once magnified, Aero knew he was in trouble. He could count six - maybe more- ships of an unfamiliar design. "Hail them." He ordered.

{The Dartnor}

"Supply depot, I am 1st Commander Clo'bnz of the Takian High Guard. You have been found to be in collusion with the Cierian Empire. Stand down and surrender all resources you currently possess." The Commanding Officer said as he responded to the hail

"This is the Ro'Ala Mining Station" Aero said, mustering all his pride. "We demand that you stand down and ident-"

"YOU HAVE HELPED ENSLAVE MILLIONS OF SOULS!" Clo'bnz interrupted. "You having willingly provided aide and comfort to a government that has decimated entire cultures without any regard for the destruction they've left in their wake." he continued.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Aero insisted calmly. "Ro'ala Co is an Iben trading post, nothing more. We may engage in trade with Ceirians; but by Telian trade agreements, we have the right to engage in commerce with war combatants without fear of reprisals."

1st Commander Clo'bnz saw that this conversation was going nowhere. He knew what needed to be done. An ally to the Cierians was an enemy to the Takian fight for their freedom.

"You will stand down and turn over all supplies and material to the Takian High Guard, or we will be forced to open fire." Clo'bnz said with finality.

Aero could guess what would happen if he complied with the illegal demand, and it probably wouldn't be much better than what was about to happen anyway. Without actually answering the Takian commander, he shut down the comm channel.

"Raise sheilds," he ordered. "Launch raiders and power up the disrupters. Oh, and send out a distress signal."

"Sir?" Dolan said, casting a confused expression at his commander.

"Not that there's anyone to hear it..."

{Ceirian Fleet}

"Sir," Operations voice rose sharply. "I'm detecting several Takian ships breaking away from the main fleet. They're bearing for the orbital mining station."

"WHAT?" Tevarna whirled, horrified.

"Officer Mirl said that several Takian ships appear to be attacking the outpost," Ari provided helpfully. Tevarna glared up at the empty space not inhabited by the AI.

"I project we have just over five hours until the colony is destroyed," continued Ari.

"How long till we get there?" Tevarna snapped, not really interested in hearing the computer's cheerful voice.

"At this speed, we are over seven hours behind the enemy," said Ari.

"At this speed?"

"I am capable of going much faster," Ari said. "But many of the the other ships in the fleet are already pushing their engines to the max."

"Then signal the rest of the fleet," Tevarna said as though it were obvious. "Tell them all to push their engines. We may not all get there at the same time, but at least we might get there in time to do something."


"Communications, signal for the Valkyrie wings to begin collecting resources from the disabled orbital station. Take what is useful, destroy the rest." He ordered as he brought the battle on screen.

The orbital station's disruptors lanced outward into open space as they tried to lock onto the cruisers that had locked on to it and were quickly withering its shields to nothingness. The station was far from possessing military-grade tactical armaments, but it still continued to put up a fight against the superior force.

"Sir, the second wave has engaged the surface units. They're reporting some resistance from the station's crew and their automated systems." Operations reported.

"Tell them to continue on and not allow any resistance to stop them from completing their task." Clo'bnz said as he noticed on screen several escape shuttles coming into view.

"Sir?" 2nd Commander No'lntz questioned as he, too, saw the shuttles beginning to depart from the fray.

"Let them go," Clo'bnz said calmly. It saddened him to carry out the attack on the pitifully armed installation. But he knew that it was necessary to break the supply-line that the Ciarians had utilized for their campaign of oppression.

"There will be enough blood on our hands, no need for that of the innocent to be mixed in as well." The 1st Commander stated to his second-in-command.

{Mining Station}

"All civilian are in escape pods heading away," Dolan informed his CO. "I've also received a response to our distress signal, a Cierian Fleet should be here in a few hours." A few seconds later, his console exploded in his face, sending the operations officer flying across the room.

"Commander," the officer at security shouted, distracting Aero from the plight of his first officer. "The Takians have forced several airlocks on deck 16."

"Raise internal security fields and get security teams down there, head them off," Aero ordered.

"Sir, the power distribution network is severely damaged," explained the security officer. "I don't think we can raise force fields without causing a severe overload. The explosion could open that section to space."

Aero smiled as an idea occurred to him. "Then close the bulkheads, and do it, Officer." There was no way he was just going to let the Takians walk all over him, and the explosion might make the rest of them think twice.

{Deck 16}

"Get the storage bays open and begin loading the material on the Valkyrie shuttles." The extraction team leader shouted as his boots moved across the deck in a fast manner. He estimated that the station did not have long before its life support systems failed and its structural integrity collapses as well.

His team was responsible for extracting the food and ammunition while the second team took care of the medical equipment.

"B'ntal! We've lost contact with the second team! There was a severe overload immediately after the shields were raised in their section." A Takian solider reported to the team leader.

"They must still control the Command Center." B'ntal said through clenched teeth.

{Command Center}

Aero paced back and forth across the deck plating, hands clasped behind his back.

"Sections 1 through 4 experienced a critical overload," the security officer reported. "All lifesigns in that area are gone. The shields in sections 5 and 6 were only severely damaged. There is a small team outside cargo bay 14, and the force fields will not contain them if they decide to move beyond that."

"The bulkheads?" Aero said.

"Will slow them down."

"How long until the Ceirians get here?"

"Three hours."

Whatever was left of the operations console was beeping. Dolan, with a burnt face and a dislocated shoulder, crawled over a peered at the screen. "We may not have that long," he wheezed. "Life support is failing on several decks."

{Takian Fleet}

"Sir, we've lost several fighters. It appears that the station has overloaded their power relay." The Operations officer communicated from across the bridge.

"No Slenkal. . ." Clo'bnz stated as he watched the station through the main viewer. "The inhabitants of that station are not going down without a fight. They would sooner self-destruct themselves rather than be captured and forced to stand trial for their compliance with the Cierian scourge." the 1st Commander stated.

"Clo'bnz! Long range sensors are detecting an approaching fleet, too far for us to determine an exact number of vessels." The 2nd Commander stated from the Navigation console.

"Get the extraction team leader online!" 2nd Commander Venshal ordered to the bridge.

*com* "Sir! We are facing resistance from the Command crew of the orbital station. Forcefields have been raised, but we are working on disabling them so that we may acquire the station's cargo and return to the fleet." B'ntal ordered as the station rocked beneath his feet.

"There will be no need." Clo'bnz said from the higher level of the bridge. "We have detected an approaching armada heading towards this area." he said solemnly. "In order for our people to live we must. . ."

"It is understood, sir." B'ntal said without any further prompting or explanation. "May the Spirit be within you. . ." The team leader said as the comm signal was terminated.

"Weapons, target the orbital station and open fire. We will finish what we have started and exit the area before the accompanying fleet arrives to deter us any further from our mission." The 1st Commander ordered as he returned to his chair.

{Mining Station}

"First Officer," the security officer's voice took on a very worried tone. "The enemy fleet is withdrawing. They are charging weapons."




Seh'ai Aero never finished giving his final command.

{Ceirian Fleet - three hours later}

The Redoa Aryn and several other Charger -class vessels dropped out of warp on the edge of the system.

"Report." Tevarna commanded.

"I'm not reading any enemy ships in the system," ops informed him.

"They turned tail and ran," Tev smirked.

"There is also a notable lack if a mining station," Ari continued.

Tev stared at the viewscreen; a hellish field of debris spiraling gracefully above a pristine green world. "They destroyed the station?"

"And several escape pods," Ari agreed.

Tev gritted his teeth and swore, then turned and marched from the bridge into his personal office. He would make the man responsible for this crime pay. There was no other way to describe what had happened here... a CRIME.


Seh'ai Aero (NPC)
Former Station Commander

Tevarna IX (NPC)
Ceirian Emperor

Fin Clo'bnz (NPC - Thom)
1st Commander
Takian High Guard