Unity – The not-so Happy hour
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   The not-so Happy hour
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Feb 18, 2010 @ 8:11pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 17 - 02:20
Trellis pressed the activation button of the hypospray gently as he allowed the particular sensation of the stimulant coarse through his system. Normally he would not need to rely on any artificial chemicals to perform his duties. However the recent attack on the station had triggered a critical lock down, therefore all Security personnel had to be on alert and performing double duty.

Things had not come close to settling down since the prior explosion had rocked the station. How things were beginning to teeter on complete chaos. Gabriel was not helping the situation with his ridiculous demands. He had harassed the owner of Wayne Enterprises by calling for an unnecessary search of his cargo. Furthermore, he had probably caused another episode within the Cardassian Embassy judging by the security detail from the Rakara that was ready to storm the station in response to a call from the Cardassian Embassy.

How the hell did Gabriel manage to get out of the brig in the first place. His attack on a senior officer was grounds for Court-Martial in itself, let alone all of the other things that he has been responsible for during his tenure as Security Chief. Trellis never thought he would ever hear himself saying such a thing, but perhaps Rakka wasn't such a bad leader. At least riots weren't breaking out under her watch.

Trellis tried to shake the random thoughts from his head as he entered the recreation facility that had been the scene of a complete breakdown in civility.

Klia chewed her lip as the last of the mob was escorted out by security. The EMH, limited by the fact he was running on an overhead projector designed to change the wall colors and not create interactive objects, was flapping around the yellow shirts, instructing them how to make sure their charges recovered properly, and didn't vomit all over their holding cells.

"I can't wait to switch you off!" she hissed, following the last fleet officer to the door

"I merely followed my primary programming," he reminded her primly. "There was a clear danger to the health and well-being of my patients. I was compelled to act."

"I'm going to set your primary programming to go-go dancer just as soon as the shutters are down. I'll put so much shine on that bald head of yours, people will be able to use it as a solar sail."

"It is not my fault your friend has disappeared." The Doctor looked genuinely offended. "If I had allowed you out, you would now be suffering as badly as those individuals"

She started to reach for the shutter controls, when another yellow shirt circled in the direction of her door. Her shoulders drooped. "Can I help you."

"Yes, I am here to see the owner." Trellis said to the individual.

"You mean you don't know where she is?" Klia could feel panic rising. "I don't know where she is. She was down here doing her usual stupid thing of trying to stop the fight and then it all went to pot and then all the romulans turned up and then the EMH locked me in the holodeck and then when he let me out again everyone was unconscious and there was no sign of her; she was gone, and I have no idea where she is because she left her comm on the bar. Again." She stopped to breath in, and held out her hand showing the young officer the comm badge in the shape of a double headed axe. "It was a really nasty fight, and you have no idea what she's like when there's men in danger of getting hurt. She just grows really really stupid and thinks she's doing the right thing, but that mob had shivs, and chairs, and broken bottles, and she doesn't give a damn, and I can't find her anywhere!" She stopped and breathed in a gulping breath that sounded like she was holding back tears.

"Just calm down, we'll have everything taken care of." Trellis said with a reassuring smile as he tapped his badge.

=/= "Trellis to Security, I need a bird's eye scan of the station for the owner of the Box of Delights, Ms. Ibalin. Last scene during the disturbance at her bar." == He spoke.

"Now, please tell me." He said as he escorted her to the nearest table so she could sit. "Tell me what happened here last night. Start from the beginning." He stated.

Klia sank down onto a chair, and went through everything, from the explosions, to the holodeck being commandeered for the EMH, the other merchants and traders turning up, how the crowd had gone from annoyed to hostile when the fleet administrators had arrived, how they had avoided and fobbed off everyone's concerns, how the old guy - "Tall bugger, taller than Lani even, but ancient. Seemed to be expecting someone to jump him at any time - " had let off some sort off weapon and Yolanthe had sent her upstairs to check on the EMH.

She told how the crowd had been close to setting on the Fleeters when the Cardassian and the Romulan sitting at the bar - "some sort of bigwigs, I don't know who they are -" had tried to offer assistance instead, and then Bajoran had taken violent exception to help from the Cardassian - "And do you blame him? The pinchnoses don't exactly get on with the spoonheads after what they did," and how the Romulan had stopped the Bajoran, hard.

Klia sighed, and scratched at the crusty green scab forming on her hands. She should have let the EMH take care of it, but she'd been more worried about damage to the bar. "At which point all hell broke loose. Lani tried to break it up, and everything turned nasty. It was going to anyway. You could tell, no-one wanted to talk, they wanted blood." She shook her head. "I guess with those two at the bar, she felt they were hers, so she had to get involved. Like I said she's stupid that way. The female admin went down, and then the male weighed in to get her, so someone took a pop at him, except the Cardassian clocked the Nausicaan with a table leg. An andorian tried to knife the Cardassian. Someone tried to glass the Romulan, so he hit back. Then some Lurian went for the Romulan, Lani tried to stop him, then the Ferengi hit her, and the next thing I knew a bunch of Romulans had got up on the balcony and threw something into the bar. And then he-" she turned and glared at the EMH, "locked the holodeck doors and refused to open them."

The EMH sniffed. "My sensors detected the deployment of a potent neurotoxin designed to incapacitate a majority of humanoid species. I still had patients in my care and took appropriate steps to protect them."

"And when the door opened again, the Cardassian, the Admins, the Romulans and Lani were all gone, and all the - " She broke off and swore comprehensively in Orion for several seconds, "were sleeping like babies, and your guys were trying to sort through the mess."

The Orion woman gave Trellis a sheepish look. "I'm sorry. I was up on the Mezzanine dealing with the holodeck most of the time. I didn't have the best view."

Trellis continued to type into his padd as he listened to the woman. He could certainly understand the frustration the other civilians shared. One moment they were living their lives in a normal manner, the next they have a bomb go off and still no answer as to who was exactly responsible.

"It is alright, this information will be helpful in our investigation. Right now the people need to feel that there is a since of certainty and stability within the station. Hopefully getting the bar back in order will provide that to everybody in a short order." Trellis stated.

"What can you tell me about the neurotoxin that was used on the inhabitants of the bar?" Trellis inquired.

"Er it was a gas?" Klia looked to the EMH. "There was a grenade."

"It was a mix of nitro-benzodiazepine, several enhanced distillates of 2,6-diisopropylphenol,Hyvroxilated quint-ethyl metacetamin and at least one of its catalysts, probably di-oxysteariamine. In gaseous form it would render most humanoids unconscious at approximately 5000 parts per million, and remain that way until concentrations fell to less than a 1000. Allowing for a standard human adult male of approximately 80 kilos, breathing normally, unconsciousness would have been induced in approximately forty seconds and would be expected to last about twenty minutes. Side effects would be migraine, muscular and joint stiffness, nausea and memory loss." The holographic doctor gave Trellis a few moments to catch up before continuing his lecture.

"Medically, there are more efficacious and less harmful forms of anesthesia. Additionally, the components metabolise fast, which will render it all but untraceable in blood chemistry within twelve hours. I believe this property renders it desirable in various criminal enterprises."

Trellis was concerned about the use of such a device with such relative ease in a Starfleet installatilon. He understood that the Romulan Government wished to protect its Ambassador at any costs, however the use of such a device was sure to put Gabriel over the edge.

"Did anybody here happen to get a positive identification of the person who activated the neuro-toxin?" Trellis asked.

Klia shook her head. "They all had their backs to me. And I think they all had a grenade each." She struggled to think, wanting to be more helpful, "But i could probably recognise the Romulan down in the fight. He didn't look anything like a romulan should. Got a picture?"

Trellis turned the padd towards her revealing the face of the Romulan Ambassador.

"Yes, thats him. Though you probably could add a few bruises." Klia gave Trellis an anxious smile. "Anything else I can do?"

Trellis smiled, "No, you have been quite helpful. I'll be sure to keep you informed if I need any further information." He said as he stood and nodded to the hologram as he began to exit the bar.

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Former Acting Chief of Security

(NPC, played by Notty/Yolanthe)