Judgement – A Thousands Shades of Grief
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   A Thousands Shades of Grief
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Oct 25, 2010 @ 5:51pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 35 0600

Yolanthe lay on the white velvet couch in her office, her skin and hair as black as the ebony wood the upholstery was attached to. The only part of her that wasn't an undifferentiated black were her eyes, which whilst still were white, had hints of silver grey where they had swollen from crying. She stared at the ceiling without really seeing anything, an empty bottle of kanar lay on the floor, and a second was nearly half empty.

But she felt as sober as any time she could remember.

Her left eye throbbed where t'Merek had punched her. She still hadn't had it fixed. She wanted the pain. The last time she' seen Klia, they'd argued. A little bit of pain was the least she deserved. It seemed likely that Klia had run off, and run into someone who had just seen an Orion woman, and had got angry when she'd said no. Or even worse had said yes, and things had gotten out of hand.

Security hadn't said how she'd died. There had to be an autopsy. Someone would cut her up, pull her guts out, and inspect them for passing interest. A final indignity to add to ending her days in a garbage dump.

She reached down for the kanar bottle and swallowed a sixth of it in one go, feeling it burn on the way down. It still didn't have an effect.

An alarm on her desk beeped. Someone was rattling the shutters. She ignored it. The alarm kept ringing. "For crying out loud," she muttered. "Piss off." But whoever it was didn't give up. Eventually she got up, and went out to find out who was rattling her door.

Rianni hadn't been able to control her tears since she'd heard what had happened, though the tears were the only thing quelling the fire of her rage right now, "It's not true, please tell me it's not true!" Rianni plead, "Please, I can not bear it."

The Bokkai was surprised to see the Romulan at her door, but then Rianni had spent the better of the day before yesterday using her own resources to try and help find her. She nodded. "Security came by around midnight. The DNA matches. It's true."

Rianni found herself at a loss for words, totally unable to speak or even stand, and slumped into the corner and wept, "No....." She finally managed after a few minutes, and then nothing more, though her mind was a raging fire of hatred, ~That fracking spoonhead, he did this, I know it. It's not bad enough he hurt Isha, now he's killed Klia..... Son of a bitch is going to die for this!~

Yolanthe handed her the bottle of kanar. "Its my fault. I should have followed her after the argument. I should have gone to Security sooner, I should have asked Tharek for help..." She trailed off, her mind full of what ifs and should haves.

Rianni had to bite her tongue almost off to keep from saying 'Frack, Tharek Getal!' and making the situation a lot worse, instead she just took a drink of the Cardassian sewage she'd been offered, ~What the frack? I guess booze is booze!~

Yolanthe took the bottle back. "I want to be numb." She drained the bottle. "But it doesn't seem to be happening." She trailed over to a nearby couch and slumped down. "I have to tell Ding, the staff. Her family, stars knows how I'll find them." She rolled over the couch, restless. "I need another drink."

"My daddy's Tal Shiar, he can find anybody." Rianni answered, ~And kill anybody, too. Like Tharek fracking Getal.~

The bokkai pulled another bottle off the extensive shelves behind the bar. "Thanks, but you've done enough for me already. I'll ask Tharek." She turned back to Rianni and held up the bottle. "Saurian Brandy?"

"Sure." Rianni nodded, trying hard not to tell Yolane how much worse her constant mentions of Klia's killer was making this thing for her, until she couldn't anymore, "Yolanthe, don't involve Getal in this. We want the truth here, and we'll never get it from him."

For a moment, a shade of turquoise struggled against the colour of her grief, failed and drowned in the obsidian black. "Huh? Why wouldn't we? I've already disappointed him by not asking for help sooner."

Rianni took a deep drink of the brandy and locked eyes with Yolanthe, "Klia was afraid of him, Yolanthe, she told me so. I would be shocked if he really wanted to help. Please, let me and my people handle this, we'll get to the bottom of it and handle Klia's killer in the Romulan way. Give me a few days, please. For Klia."

Yolanthe slugged the booze down. "I know she didn't like him. But its not going to stop me asking him. But if you think you can find whoever did this, please look. I need to find whoever did this." And for a moment she shifted from pitch black to blazing white. "I want them under my knife."

"We'll do it together." Rianni nodded, hoping Yolanthe would still feel the same when she inevitably found Getal to be the killer.

A JP Between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan