Things Past – But What Shall I Wear??
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   But What Shall I Wear??
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Feb 24, 2013 @ 5:14pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   BACKPOST - Unimportant when, not linked.
Sickbay was a lot quieter now into the late evening, patients were being left tended too by the nurses and the more severely ill patients were monitored by the junior doctors, despite working all day with possibly every member of the medical department and being exhausted he was going to stay on during the night to keep an eye over things, he trusted the staff he and Chelsea had but, he felt he needed to be there, there were Cardassian’s in sickbay. If him being in charge of sickbay and then for nothing to happen to them, Turvan could shove it where the sun did not shine.

Ryan stood up from the desk, it was the first break he’d had in six hours. He sighed and looked down at his bloodied arms. He smiled as Chelsea walked in.

“Suppose I better get this off me eh? Doesn’t look inviting does it?” he chuckled. “Welcome to sickbay, arghh I’m going to hurt you” he exaggerated with quick arm and hand gestures. He sighed and rolled his eyes, Turvan’s words still obviously having an effect.

Chelsea laughed at his gesticulations and remembered how he'd always been able to make her laugh but she sensed there was an undercurrent of hurt and bitterness beneath his joking.

"Take no notice of the Cardassian ignoramus" she muttered to him, guessing what was bothering him still.

"Want a coffee?" she changed the subject as he washed up.

Ryan nodded. "Please yeah, I'd love one" he replied as he kept his arms beneath the automated cleanser, which simply consisted of a laser beam that removed contaminants from the skin.

Chelsea made him one, black with no sugar and herself one, white with sucrose. She set them on the desk ready for when he was finished.

"How's it going?" she asked him, meaning personally, healthwise and professionally all in one coverall question.

Ryan shrugged as he walked back to sit down. "It's alright, works good, and I feel fine now by the way so thanks, loving the new look..." he smirked. "Life outside of work is pretty boring to be honest though, really quiet, too quiet for my liking, I remember the days when there always used to be a drama waiting to happen" he smiled as he remembered many things all in one.

Chelsea smiled wryly. "Yeah" she replied thoughtfully. Some of her memories were brilliant but some hurt. She didn't mention that though, she just agreed and focused on the positive. "Poor old Ed only just started getting over the scrapes we used to get into in the old days when i wasn't a respectable married, pregnant woman!" she grinned.

Ryan chuckled. "He put up with a lot didn't he? Times change, people change..." he sighed. "I'm sorry just ignore me, that idiot's really gone and done me in today, you have no idea how close I was to actually physically hurting him, but instead i used my smart mouth instead"

"Perfect way to deal with him." she agreed.

"But...he's a pusher Chels, and he will. And you know what I'm like..." he spoke with worry.

"I know but you can't let him. He's trying the only way he knows to get to you and if you don't rise above him then he wins. I know that sounds like a cliche but you can make him SO unhappy by showing him how much smarter and wittier and just NICER you are. The more you smile and be NICE the more he will boil up inside because he can't break you." she advised. "Tell you what... why not go to the holodeck and punch the lights out of an effigy that looks a lot like him?" she giggled.

Ryan shook his head. "No I can't, I've got night shift to do" he told her with a smile.

"Tomorrow then!" she grinned back, shrugging. They both suspected he wouldn't do it but it made the moment of frustration lighter.

"Definitely, I'll put in the diary" he smirked, he was joking, as if he'd have a diary. He picked up his coffee mug and took a sip. "So what are your plans for this evening?" he asked

"Rick invited his new XO over for supper." she replied. "He's never brought any of his team home before. I don't know how to react." she confided in her old friend.

"Hmm, why now then?" Ryan asked.

"If you could tell me that, could you also tell me what I'm supposed to wear? Formal or casual? And perhaps you might know how he wants this to go? Are we to impress this guy or just be our usual daft selves?"

Chelsea shrugged, letting a few of her many questions out for some air.

Ryan chuckled. "You're not asking the right guy here Chels" he said as he sat forward. "Social gatherings aren't my forte...but..." he let out a breath. "You're both senior officers, this XO guy is under you, you don't have to impress anyone..." he pouted as he thought through his words. "Be yourself I'd say, if he doesn't like it then you won't have to sit through it because he wont be back"

Chelsea looked a bit taken aback. "Well.... " she began, faltering. "I mean... yeah! but....." she looked at Ryan with a confused expression. "I know we're more senior but if Rick wants me to impress him... but then again I have no clue HOW to do that or why or what it is I'm supposed to be impressive at.... I mean is it that I should cook up a storm of a dinner to impress him with my culinary skills? Or am i to be intellectual... no, Rick knows I wouldn't do THAT impressively!" she laughed.

"Oh Prophets, I have NO idea! I'll just have to be me, who else can I be.... and wing it." she shrugged again, trying to dismiss the whole issue. "Who brought this subject up?" she smirked, pointing a finger accusingly but in fun.

Ryan grinned. "Yes Chels, be yourself and the cooking...well" he smirked. "The replicator can do that, it sounds like the least amount of stress you have over this the better"

"What are you implying about my cooking?" she narrowed her eyes at him laughing again. "That I get stressy about it or something?" she made it sound like an outrageous accusational falsehood even though they BOTH knew it was completely accurate.

Ryan sat back in the chair and relaxed. "You know it" he laughed.

"Bah!" Chelsea snorted. She did know it. Before long they were both giggling like children over the memories of her attempts at dinners in the long distant past. "I have improved with age you know.... " she finally tried to protest as the two of them began to get a bit more serious at last. But that only set them off laughing again.

Ed McBain put his head round the door to see what all the noise was about and rolled his eyes. "OH! YOU two!" he said with an accusatory tone too which only set the reprobates off again. Ed walked into the room with a mock frown and before long he too was laughing at the discussion of Chelsea's cooking escapades when they first met her.

"So Ed, I haven't seen you much since I got back, how's things?" Ryan asked when his laughter subsided.

"It WAS quiet until lately. Can't imagine who came back and changed that." Ed replied with a smirk and a wink at Chelsea.

"Ah well you know me, I just have an affect on people"

"You can say *that* again" McBain and Dunham chorused and dissolved laughing again, attracting more attention which brought in a Corpsman to see what the frivolity was about.

"Come on in. It seems we're about to have coffee!" Ed hinted as he moved towards the replicator.

"Allow me." Chelsea responded with a grin and fetched the usual black coffee that she knew was his regular favourite. She had to ask the Corpsman as he was not one she was familar with to that level but when they all four had drinks they started to talk about the current cases they needed to hand over before Chelsea and Ed went off shift.


A JP Between:

Lieutenant Ryan Milarno


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham


CPO Ed McBain
Lead Nurse
(NPC by Jools)