Things Past – Tip of the Iceberg: Part 9 - Make the call
by Arrival Kaia & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Tip of the Iceberg: Part 9 - Make the call
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon May 23, 2011 @ 7:48pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   Backpost (Interlude)

"What the hell. . .?" Dorian said to no one in particular except himself. All of the cameras on this station and NONE, not a single one had been able to catch a glimpse of the unauthorized fights that had taken place between the owner of the Box of Delights and the Cardassian Ambassador. He knew that they were both involved, but he couldn't drag their sorry asses into a holding cell. . .at least not yet.

He was still reviewing the various sensor logs to try to figure out why nothing could be detected when he received an incoming message.


He sighed as he sat up straight in his chair as he commanded the computer to respond, "Computer, open frequency." he ordered.

The console opened a video communication without being prompted. A human male in starfleet uniform with slightly grayed hair. A distinctive black collar with three gold pips announced his position before he even spoke a word.

"This is Commander Dorian Gabriel, how can I help you?" Dorian said, slightly annoyed at the forward manner in which the individual had presented himself. It was common courtesy to at least request a visual connection before just automatically activating it, especially with a person you were not familiar with.

"Commander Gabriel." The man replied matter-of-factly, "My apologies for the lack of pleasantries, but I am Agent Lucsley from the central Temporal Investigations office here in San Francisco. Within the past hour we detected a very, very serious breech of security protocols in our classified databases. The access is concurrently being traced to a terminal on your station. We need your immediate assistance in apprehending and detaining the suspected perpetrator."

It took all of Dorian's self-restraint to keep from rolling his eyes at the viewscreen. ~ Temporal Investigations. . .what a joke ~ he thought to himself. An entire agency whose sole mission was to stop crimes or violations that BEFORE they took place, thus allowing them to weave together whatever standard of "victory" they chose.

"If the breach is that serious, why don't you all hop into your convenient time machine and stop it before it takes place?" Dorian asked flatly.

"Mister Gabriel, the crime being committed here does not involve time travel." Lucsley replied. "Thus it is merely a mundane matter of internal affairs. Someone managed to access files tagged for flag officers eyes only. Even I don't know exactly what they were looking at. As I understand it, only two people on Deep Space five have that level of access; your Commanding Officer and the Vice Admiral Uhlan, am I correct?"

"Admiral Uhlan....?" The name was familiar. Mostly because he had read it several times in regards to that Lieutenant Tan. He was not sure why he was here, but he had a feeling that the Strategic Operations officer was up to no good, perhaps this would be his opportunity to determine what was going on.

"You are correct, but only one of those individuals are on the station right now." Gabriel replied.

"Precisely my point." Lucsly replied. "We're fairly certain that if either of those two wished access to the files in question they would have done so through proper channels. Thus it is highly unlikely that out of all the people on Deep Space Five, the one person with legitimate authority to access our secure databases was the one that did so."

The agent looked to the side momentarily and did something offscreen. A request for file transfer appeared on the screen, awaiting confirmation.

He looked back to Gabriel through the monitor and continued. "Our trace only led us to a public terminal. I am sending you the information we were able to gather, including the terminal location on DS5's network, and the times of access. We would appreciate your cooperation in identifying who was using that terminal at those times, detaining them, and isolating them from any communication or personal contact until our dispatched agents arrive at the station in a few days to collect them. Do we have an accord?"

The file transfer request continued to blink.

Ordinarily, Gabriel would have avoided interacting with such a ludicrous department. However, the file that was currently downloading to his system led him to believe that something was taking place on his station. The last thing he needed to deal with was another temporal disturbance on his station.

"Fine, I'll have my department detain the suspect until the appropriate authorities come to transfer said suspect." Gabriel replied in his usual crisp manner.

"Much appreciated, Commander." Lucsley replied, seeming to relax a little. "Though please, remind your people not to converse with the suspect, I don't believe any of your men or mine would look forward to the implications of being exposed to classified material. Agents Reiter and Ogaku will contact you once they reach the station."

"Fine. Will that be all?" He asked in a short tone, obviously wanting to finish the rest of his investigation into these underground fights and now whoever had managed to gain the attention of Temporal Investigations.

"Indeed, Commander. Your assistance in this matter will be noted. Lucsley out." The transmission closed as abruptly as it had opened. The information file remained active.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security (before he was arrested)

Agent Lucsley
Temporal Investigations
NPC played by

Owner of Xenogy Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."