Things Past – Changing Tides: The Semi-Diurnal Stage
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Changing Tides: The Semi-Diurnal Stage
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jan 22, 2012 @ 10:10pm
Location   Dunham Quarters
Timeline   Between Judgement & Incommunicado
Chelsea, Rick and Kim were all sitting in the living area of the quarters playing an old-fashioned Bajoran 'card' game and laughing and joking about. Their fun was interrupted by the bleep of the computer screen on the Comms panel on the wall.

The Insignia of Starfleet flashed and when Chelsea answered it, disappeared to reveal the person calling. =^= Hello Chelsea, I'm sorry to spring this call on you. I hope you're enjoying married life and I'm sorry we didn't get to the wedding. =^= the woman on the other end began.

"Angelina?!" Chelsea explained. "How great to hear from you! How are you? ... and Gary? what about those adorable kids of yours?"

=^= We're all well, that is except it's mum... that's why I'm calling. I'm sorry I haven't called to keep up lately but it's been manic - what with the kids and Gary's been away.... only as I said... it's mum. She's in the Frandor system... you know.... with that new husband of hers... the one Grandad doesn't like... and anyway... something's happened. It seems they've been attacked... the whole community, by the Breen..... =^= Angelina had to stop because she was overcome with emotion.

"BY THE PROPHETS, sweetheart... how dreadful... is there anything we can do?" Chelsea fell right into it.

=^= Well, that's why I called. I know it's SUCH a lot to ask and you know I would NEVER.... not unless I was TOTALLY desperate.......... Oh... hi.... you must be Rick? Nice to meet you and I am SO sorry for what I'm about to ask of you, even though I'm just a total stranger to you... but I'm Chelsea's cousin....and......=^= Angelina spotted Rick as he had stood up to lend support to his shocked wife who was standing in the living area, staring in horror at the screen. Angelina noticed how gently Rick had put his arm around her cousin and she was so moved she burst into tears this time and had to stop.

=^= I......... I'm so sorry.... I.... =^= she sobbed.

=^= what ever you need Angelina =^= said Rick sympathetically as he took up a position standing next Chelsea

Chelsea looked up into Rick's eyes, her own shining, full of love. ~You really are something special, Richard Dunham!~ she thought, squeezing his hand off screen.

Angelina looked at him from the viewscreen, her face full of awe and gratitude. =^= If you could have the kids.. I know it's such a lot to ask but I can't take them out there... and if I don't go..... what if Mum doesn't make it... I can't let her face this alone... I ..... =^=

"It's fine, honey, just drop them off on your way past." Chelsea said, leaning into Rick's shoulder in appreciation of how good he was being about this life-changing event which had no time-limit set on it yet.

“I’m sure everything will work out fine” said Rick to the almost panic ridden women on the viewscreen, this was not how he thought his first encounter would go.....saying that, now that he thought about his encounters with Chelsea’s side of the family never did seem to go how he thought it would. He shrugged to himself internally. Ah well, nothing he could do about it, but he make good out of a bad situation or as he thought an opportunity to for him to demonstrate to Chelsea what sort of a father figure he would make.

Chelsea said goodbyes, making final logistical arrangements and when he cousin had signed off, she turned to Rick and put her arms around his neck.

"Did I tell you lately how much I love you, Braveheart Dunham?" she smiled, her eyes still alight with love and gratitude.

He gave her a look "hey don't think i could do it without you sweety." he said looking at her adoringly, at which point Kim pulled a funny face.

Chelsea laughed and put out an arm towards Kim who was then engulfed into a group hug and more joking and laughing.

"What do you two say to a trip in the Chelsea tomorrow?" Chelsea suddenly asked out of the blue, risking shocking her husband.

"urrrrmmmm" said Rick uncertainly "I'd say who are you and what have you done with my wife?"

Chelsea smiled. "I'm discovering who she is and what's important to her." she declared.

"We could take a picnic and go somewhere exotic... what do you say Kimmie?" she turned the subject to their neice to redirect it as right now it was still confusing her about what it all meant to him but she had faith in what Bridget had told her so she was going to run with it as far as she could bear and see where it took her.

Rick stood confused, still trying to work out what had been said whilst Kim said; "lets put on space suits and have a picnic on a comet!" said Kim unrealistically but enthusiastically.

"Um... Rick? Can we do that?" Chelsea smirked at the CAG, wondering how he was going to handle THAT one.

She looked at his face, catching a sideways glance at his profile and confused look as he was trying to work her out. Chelsea's heart melted and her knees weakened. Bridget was right. It didn't matter what horrors she had to endure, the love that she felt for this man was so intense and so deep that she would find a way to make him happy.

"Not if we actually want to be able to eat anything than the liquid dispenser food that feeds from our space suits....." said Rick Thoughtfully, he paused a moment to scratch the stubble on his chin. "we could set up some sort of atmospheric shield instead on the surface of the comet."

"Woh!" Chelsea breathed. "Could you do that?" He was a never ending source of amazement.

Again Rick scratched his chin stubble thoughtfully "we could theory, we could extend the shields around the Chelsea and modify them as atmospheric shielding, what will be the problem is the lack of gravity."

"That could be fun... chasing our drinks with the cups.... " Chelsea grinned. "Fish paste sandwiches stuck to the bulkhead.... "

"Well we would be able to create a bubble of sustainable atmosphere out and around the ship allowing us to walk around outside it for a couple of meters at least, or float, well maybe bounce like those old astronaughts on the moon in the late twentieth century, except we won't need the suits"

"KEWL!!" Kim exclaimed. "Can we go now?"

It occured to Chelsea that she was rather excited about this idea, yet it was ironic that she wasn't afraid of any of this conjectured experimental atmospheric shields extension theory yet she was terrified to a state of frozen nauseated paralysis at the idea of stepping foot inside 'the Chelsea' itself.


Commander Chelsea Dunham
Second Officer/ Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader

NPC: Kimberley Anderson