Judgement – Vacation
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Vacation
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Dec 04, 2011 @ 3:19pm
Location   Crew Quarters: Martina Perth
Timeline   SD 40 0845

Marti had been asked to take shore leave of some kind, mainly because of the feelings she had been holding back about Lieutenant Wallace. With him dead or something close to it she had to move on, and that meant she needed some time off. She'd chosen to go to Risa instead of her original plans to travel back to Earth, it was a shorter trip from the station.

As she picked up her bag, her uniform was laid out on the bed for when she got back she couldn't help but think that she was being watched, or something. she shrugged it off as nothing. She walked down the corridor, he green dress flowed with her movements, the slight clicking noise of her shoes on the floor was the only noise.

As she stood at the turbo lift doors waiting she looked up for some unexplained reason, then left. A lone figure in a dark long coat with the hood up was walking down the corridor, out of some unexpected sense of panic she moved her hand down to the phaser holster on her bag, but as quickly as the figure approached he breezed by and turned left at the next junction. Marti saw the glint of something on the floor, "What the hell?"

She knelt down to pick up the object only to realize it was an isolinear rod, she looked around for the hooded figure he was gone. "What was that all about?"

Marti was tired, and she really didn't need to deal with more problems she just wanted to get on the transport and put the spy game behind her for a week or so. She looked at the isolinear rod again, she put it in her bag and tried to think of other things like the beach. She was standing in the lift when John entered a few decks later, he was in gym cloths as he entered, "Hey girl, getting of this floating tin can for ten days?"

"Yeah, Why aren't you going?"

"Simple I don't have any leave time left, used it up before I deployed." John said as the lift slowed down "See you in ten kid!" and John jumped off at a slow jog.

The lift resumed its journey to the hangar levels, her thoughts turned to Lieutenant Wallace, mostly because she couldn't help her feelings about him. She'd tried her best to hide them, but how do you hide emotion from a Betazoid, and how do you try to figure out the real truth about him. Jarred Wallace had become a larger than life enigma in his death, and she was going to try to put it all behind her and soak up the sun.

As the Turbolift slowed for the last time she looked up and saw the usual hustle and bustle of the hangar levels, transports leaving and arriving, cargo crews moving between levels, between decks, security checking passenger lists for boarding she saw in the distance the figure in the long coat again, as she tried to walk over to him a squad of marines walked by blocking her view. when they passed he was gone again.

She tried to put it out of her mind, she was eight-teen hours away from a vacation she desperately needed, the last thing she wanted was to have to bring work with her.

She took one last look around, then walked to the boarding gate, the security officer looked at her information and told her proceed. She didn't look back nor did she want to think about it.


Ens Martina Perth
Intelligence officer DS5