Interlude – Questions answered, Heros brought home
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Colonel James Darson & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Questions answered, Heros brought home
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Colonel James Darson & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Aug 01, 2010 @ 10:22am
Location   Docking bay 7
Timeline   SD26 14:00 (36 hours after "into the breach")

The Montana and Nautilus limped into range of the station, the signs of a battle scared the Montana's hull. The Nautilus showed signs of a fire fight on her hull as well. As the two ships limped into range comm traffic filled subspace, requests for medical teams to meet the Montana at the docking ports, another confusing message requested the presence of the Romulan ambassador.

"This is the Montana to Deep Space five, request additional security to docking port, and full medical assistance, we have casualties." Jarred said as he tried to shift position in the command chair, the latest additions to his growing list of injuries bothered him.

'Are you kidding me Jarred?' Bruce thought to himself he knew how bad he was and it wasn't pretty and spoke out. "DS5 I would suggest beaming the crew and passengers aboard the Montana directly to sick bay and pulling her in with tractor beams. She's got a plasma leak that needs fixing asap and I don't want to have to contend with dealing with the wounded disembarking her." He suggested to the station crew. He then contacted his Assistant Engineer. "Hiroshi I want two Engineering teams to the docking port ten minutes ago, the Montana has a plasma leak that is going to need to be repaired asap." He instructed to his Assistant Engineer. "Also bring an extra tool kit, I'll be heading repairs on the Nautilus."

"Lets only transport the critical patients for now, we have to offload a lot of equipment as well." Jarred said as a marine came into the bridge.

Lt. Ambrose entered the bridge, his usual prim and proper uniform dishevelled and caked with dirt and blood. He had a PADD in his hand and an annoyed look on his face. He approached Wallace on the side and said, “Lieutenant. Final figures on casualties and equipment loss. I need you to sign off on them, before I can transmit them to HQ.”

Jarred press his thumb to the approval marker, "Anything else Lieutenant?"

“Also, please note the security precautions taken with regards to the POWs. They’re going to need to be de-briefed before they can be readmitted into the general population.”

"That's understandable, the twelve Romulan officers are to be transferred to the custody of the Ambassador soon as they clear medical." Jarred instructed the marine.

As Ambrose took the PADD, he gazed at the wounded officer for a second with a cold expression on his face, then said, “I have been told to relay this message to you from the Colonel from when I made my initial report. He expects you to have a full accounting of all intelligence contributing to this operation worked up and sent across his desk as soon as possible, in conjunction with your AAR. He also said to tell you and I quote, ‘I hope it was worth it.’”

Another Marine came up and tapped him on the shoulder, indicating the lift and speaking in a murmur, “Now If you’ll excuse me sir. The minute we docked I was released from your command. I must now oversee the offloading of all our equipment and personnel…including the ones in body bags. Have a good day sir.” Without giving Wallace time to respond, Ambrose turned and headed back down the lift and into the belly of the ship.

As soon as the ships hit the deck of the station Bruce jumped down from the Nautilus and ran over to where Hiroshi was at. He grabbed the tool kit and made his way to the Montana, he wanted to make sure there wasn't more damage that he may have not have been informed of on her. He made a outside sweep of the ship while waiting for the Marines to off load the equipment. Once it was fully removed Bruce, Hiroshi, and Hiroshi's team got on board. While Hiroshi and his team got to work on the plasma leak Bruce got to work looking over the rest of the ship. Finding nothing else too pressing he turned the work over to Hiroshi and made his way back to the Nautilus.

Jarred walked down to the medical center looking over the groups of marines that were able to disembark under there own power, some stopping to shake his hand others stopped to salute, as he got down to the area where the critical people were, he saw a medic checking over one marine in particular, "How is he?"

The medic just shook his head and looked up at him, "He's being transported shortly sir."

Jarred looked down felt uncertain about himself for the first time after almost ten years of searching he finds his brother only to almost loose him from the fire fight that liberated him.

The Montana pulled into her slip, the battle scarred hull made a startling contrast too the pristine clean lines of the docking bay and the other ships that were in the bay, Jarred stood and opened the inner ship communications, "Crew of the Montana, job well done, marines begin your disembarkment."

Jarred looked too the bridge crew, "Secure stations and power down the ship."

Jarred exited the bridge and looked down at his left hand, it was still bandaged from the stray phaser fire that caught him during the counter assault, Warrant Officer Vernon walked over and handed him a final status report, Jarred looked through the long list of times, the he was interrupted by a crewman, "Sir the Captain, and Romulan ambassador are on there way."

Jarred just about fainted, he didn't expect the Romulan ambassador to come, but here she was, "I'll meet them at the airlock."


Isha had received an intriguing message, and from an official Starfleet source, one that she trusted to be reliable. It did not take her long to be ready to leave. Twelve missing officers found ... and in that sector ... part of her still held an anxious and stretched hope that one of them could be Nveid or Hexce, even after ten years.

As she waited for t'Merek she was somewhat anxious. "Arrain," she said with unusual haste, "Would you accompany me to Docking Bay Seven," she asked, it was not really a question of course. "Some Imperial citizens have been found. We will take them in until they can be repatriated."

"Yes, Madam Ambassador," Arrienye nodded, motioning for the woman's personal guard to come along as they exited, but to keep their distance.

Ishas' heart and mind were racing, could it be? Was it possible? Either of them, her husband or her son ... if either of them had been found then, then Elements this would all be over. Things would be back as they should be. Either one of them would have no qualms about raising the House against that Cardassian Faelirh ch'susse-thrai . She tried to control her agitation as they reached the airlock

The airlock hissed and the doors slid open to show the ambassador and an associate, "Madam Ambassador welcome aboard, I see that you got my message about our unexpected discovery."

Before she replied Isha had to release the breath she was holding, and inhale again. To Isha, the silence was as long as the walk to this place, "I understand that you have recovered several Romulan citizens," she said trying to keep her voice steady, "Many of whom may have been incarcerated since Chin'toka," she continued with effort. "My government is intent on bringing these warriors home," she said delivering the acerbic message with difficulty. "I apologise, Lieutenant Wallace," Isha said as she turned away for a moment.

When she turned back she had regained her usual composure. "I am overwhelmed that after so long individuals may be returned to us," she explained. "If you would take us to them?"

"I think they're in the mess hall having a meal with some of the others if you would follow me." Jarred motioned to the ambassador and her associates.

Isha followed, her heart and stomach tightened into a painful knot as she entered the room. As the voices died down and heads turned to the newcomers her gaze passed over the faces.

It had been foolish to believe it was possible, she thought as she stared at the room full of strangers and struggled to keep her expression impassive. "I am Ambassador t'Illialhlae," she said in Rihannsu, if she addressed them, she could at least hide her disappointment. "On behalf of the Stelam aShiar, I welcome you home. Provision will be made to see that you are safely transported back to ch'Rihan, and any assistance required to reunite you with your families will be given," she said. "Until then the staff of the Consulate on deck sixty are at your disposal should you have any questions."

Jarred stepped back as the dozen men greeted the ambassador, one of the medics from the mission whispered in his ear, Jarred nodded and spoke, "Madam Ambassador if you need anything Ensign Cole can assist you, I need to see to a matter."

"Thank you," she replied fixing the smile on her face as she turned back to the strangers and spoke to them one by one, asking who they were, who their family was. Isha simply wanted to die or to run away. What had those families done to deserve their lost ones back?


Sickbay was inundated. Chelsea was allocating beds and instructing doctors and nurses to take on this or that patient. The comm channels had sent out the call to all medical personnel as soon as the first distress message had been received and as a result the whole department was turned out, on and off-duty doctors, nurses and medics all reporting in. The CMO turned to see her assistant coming up the main aisle towards her. "Ben! Great. I've given instructions to open the Auxiliary Medical Centre to take the extra casualties that will overflow from here. Could you take charge of that please. I've split the staff, you can take Ed and Sally, they'll show you what you need."

Turning to the assembled staff she raised her voice over the other noise of casualties arriving and being taken to beds or bays. "TEAM B, YOU'RE WITH LT. KENSINGTON AND CPO MCBAIN. REPORT TO AUXILIARY IMMEDIATELY."

Half the staff cleared the Main Sickbay and went off along the corridor to the turbolifts. The rest set about the tasks they either knew to do automatically or which Chelsea was giving out. Supervising from a large control panel in her Office, Chelsea could see the read-outs being fed in by all the stations and bio-beds. She checked them over and then went out into the main bay with her med-kit.

There were patients in High Dependency already so she took herself there first. Passing an anxious looking junior who was struggling to reassure a clearly distraught young alien with a nasty burn on his leg who didn't appear to want to keep still and allow himself to be treated, she patted her intern on the shoulder and smiled. "Don't let him get you stressed, Michael. You're doing fine. I'm on the end of the comm badge if you need anything." She said quietly.

Addressing the patient, she raised her voice back to normal levels and told him cheerfully, with the help of the everpresent universal translator: "You're a lucky man. This is one of my finest doctors! They are queueing to see him in the next bay."

The patient looked from her to Michael. "But he's young.... " he began to protest.

"He's from a race who 'look' young. Actually he's around 145!" she lied, winking at Mike.

The alien didn't see the wink but he still wasn't sure although he did sit still then for a while at least. Michael cast Chelsea a grateful glance. The wound was nasty and he went to work on it knowing he'd be there for some time.

Glancing around Chelsea witnessed a sea of red and green bloodied flesh from mainly Terrans and Romulans but also other colours and races too, many of whom were in a bad way.

There were a whole section of burns patients. Plasma burns, ultra-cold fluid or solid burns, heat and radiation burns and even one case of space-exposure 'burns' to skin and eyes, already in surgery.

There was another large section filled to capacity with orthopedics - fractures, breaks, dislocations, crushed bones and joints. The accidental amputations - of which there had been two - were both in HDU already but there were many horribly mutilated arms and legs, all of which were being lined up for surgery as soon as a theatre and team were free.

Chelsea took in a deep breath and went in to scrub up. Theatres were the most in need right now, her department would deal with the less life threatening cases. She knew Ben would be fine, he was a good doctor and had been an ACMO in two strong starship sickbays. He could cope, even with the massive size of the DS5 facilities, besides, he had Ed alongside him so he'd be well supported.

She went on into Theatres and steeled herself against the horror of military casualties of battle. It wasn't pretty and there were a lot of them. This would be a very long day.


Jarred arrived at the main sick bay, it looked more like a forward surgical unit than a hospital, he saw warrant officer Sanchez on a bio-bed getting the flash burn treated, two bays down a marine was getting an arm set and shrapnel scars healed. As he walked further he found the person he was looking for "You always had a way of getting out of chores around the house." Jarred laughed

The marine looked over at Jarred and smiled, "Hey kid, I hear you were the guy who cooked up that raid."

Jarred stood next to his brother, "Yeah, someone had to save your ass."

"Do Mom and Dad know?" Will asked

"I couldn't tell them anything, but I'm going to contact them as soon as your released from medical care, then we both can tell them together."

"Mom is going to start crying you know that" Will added

"Yeah, soon as your rested a little more you can meet your sister-in-law." Jarred decided to drop the bomb shell now instead of waiting

"Sister-in-law?!!, you?, damn I have been out of circulation." Will commented


Davies sat and Watched the Montana dock and his mood was low, sullen.
This was the final chapter of his command and now that Tahir was due back, she would be taking reins sooner rather than later.

He allowed a good fifteen minutes to pass before calling to Wallace.
=^="Lieutenant Wallace, would you report to my quarters as soon as you are able?" =^= He stated, more than a request

Jarred wasn't to sure what was next, he half expected to get chewed out over the fire fight, but the job got done so he didn't care what was said, as he walked down the corridor he just decided to go with the flow on this one.

=^= "If you prefer, sickbay it is. I am on my way. Davies out." =^= He said closing the comm as he rose from the chair and started for the door and tapped his chest.

=^= "Captain Tahir, the USS Montana has docked with causalities from the rescue mission. Can you meet me at sickbay?" =^= He questioned a the door slid to a close behind him.

Tasha had been back aboard less than 6 hours and she was being pulled from pillar to post, but she felt she should at least make the effort to attend.
=^= "Commander, on my way." =^= She responded, casting a fierce glance to the ensign. "If I see you do that again, next time it will be more than a warning, understood?" She fired the question.

Ensign G'Tal knew he was getting off lightly and dipped his head. "Yes Captain. Understood Captain." But he did not see that she had already turned and begun to walk away.

A few minutes later, Davies stood outside sickbay, deciding to wait for the Captain, so that they could enter together and he did not have long to wait before the smaller woman strode with purpose towards him.

"Captain." He greeted as he turned towards the sickbay door.

"Commander Davies." Tasha replied, drawing alongside and cupped her hands behind her back. "Shall we?" She nodded for Davies to enter first.

David stepped forward and the doors slid apart.
The sight inside was quite a shock. Davies had expected it to be busy, but the calls of the doctors, medics and nursing staff above the noise was quite disconcerting.
He could see Doctor Adams was a little preoccupied and he moved a step inside, allowing Captain Tahir to follow behind him.

Tasha wanted to push Davies inside, he was stood gazing at the events in sickbay instead of affording her access and as her hand came towards his back, he moved.
She side stepped passed Davies and walked into the sickbay, straight up to the first bed and looked at the injured man and her heart dropped, but she also felt relief that she was able to stand him.

"How are you?" She asked.

The man nodded, but did not say anything.

Tashas' hand went to his shoulder, avoiding the reparation bandage on his lower arm and hand. "It's OK, rest up." She soothed, glancing upward and catching the attention of Chelsea.

The CMO noticed the Station Captain and Commander Davies. "TASHA!" she handed her hypospray to a nurse and hurried towards her old friend.

"I didn't know you were back! Welcome home!" Chelsea hugged her friend, regardless of the fact that she was her senior officer.

Tasha placed a foot behind her and nearly stepped back, but as Chelsea flung her arms around her in an embrace of friendship, she hugged her back.
As they parted, Tasha was about to mention how busy sickbay was, but Chelsea spoke first.

"This looks as if it was little short of a blood-bath" she added, informally reporting on the casualties all around them.

"Cmdr Davies" Chelsea acknowledged Davies who had been to her a most effective stand in for the Captain in her absence.

Davies acknowledged Chelsea with a smile and moved to the wall, he let Tahir take point, it was her place after all.

Tasha did not need to follow her gaze, but it was obvious that she had a friendship with Davies and she was not one to dissuade friendships on the station.

"Commander Davies recommendation I come down. If I had known what was going on here, I would have been in sooner." She admitted, turning on her heel towards Davies. "When it quietens down, or rather when you're less busy, we can catch up." Tasha stated in a semi mournful voice as her hand tapped at Chelsea arm.

"You wanted to see me skipper?" Jarred said fully expecting the riot act to be read.

Davies folded his arms across his chest leant back against the wall and faced Jarred.
"Lieutenant, I just wanted to say 'Job well done'." And he nodded at Jarred with a half smile.
He felt out of place suddenly, as if DS5 was already back in the hands of it's captain and the 'Skipper' hit it home.
He pushed himself from the wall and lay a hand on Jarreds shoulder and gave it a easy squeeze. "Well done." He said again and left sickbay.

Tasha saw him leave and she dropped her gaze momentarily to the floor.
"I guess I don't need to ask him how he feels about the station and if he would stay on." She said turning back to Chelsea. "That answers more than one question." She said quietly.

"What's the other?" Jarred asked trying not to sound snide.

Tasha tapped the side of her nose and grinned. "For me to know Lieutenant and for you, as the intelligence officer, to find out." She turned to Chelsea and winked before leaving sickbay.

"Does that mean she knows that Claire is pregnant?" Jarred said confused.



Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams, CMO

Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander David Davies
Outgoing CO: DS5

Lt Jarred Wallace