Unity – All alone in the night
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   All alone in the night
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Jan 21, 2010 @ 8:06pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   Same Time as Damage and Things that go Bang in the night


Kreallia walked towards the restraunt with Rick and Chelsea beside her. She noticed Chelsea had rested her head on Rick's shoulder and she smiled. She was extremely happy for them both and to a Romulan, passion was life and Chelsea and Rick had enough to pass around.

Dunham had his arm around Chelsea not only as a caring gesture but also as physical support, they were both very tired after the day’s events, what with Chelsea’s promotion then the incident with the her good friend the Romulan ambassador, it had been an emotional roller coaster, and Chelsea had put on a very brave face so they could keep their date with the Counsellor, but it had not been hard for Dunham who had very much enjoyed the Counsellor's company and the night so far. They were nearly at the Pizzaria now.

"Well well well, if it isnt my favorite Romulan." A voice said from behind Kreallia.

Alexander Richards leaned against the banister in his suave attitude and look.

"Alex.......I ah....."

"Didnt know I was there." Alex said finishing Kreallia's sentance. "Who are your friends?" He asked.

"Dunham, Richard Dunham" he said offering his hand to shake "Mr?"

"Alex Richards." Alex said, gripping Rick's hand strongly.

"So Mr Richards, how do you know our good counsellor?" Dunham said with a cheeky smile.

"We met right when she came off the Trigati." Alex explained.

Dunham looked between the two of them, "do you want errr, want have a moment together?" said Dunham his index finger flicking between the two of them and a twinkle in his eye.

"No thats ah......." Kreallia started.

"We would." Alex said, giving a big grin and pushing Kreallia in the opposite direction.

Leaning towards Chelsea, Dunham said. “I’m not sure what just happened there?” he asked questioningly.

Chelsea looked a tiny bit put out, standing there with her hand forward ready to offer to shake his and introduce herself too but too late as he'd whisked Kreallia off already without even seeming to see the CMO at all.

"Me neither" she replied. "It seems I became invisible for a while....." she raised an eyebrow and smiled at Rick. "That's a trick that could come in handy later" she joked. "Wanna play at guessing who he is and see if I win your a$$ for later? I can think of all sorts of forfeits I could win from you....." she wasn't making any allowances for the fact that he might win, that wasn't in the game. She looked him up and down with a smirk, challenging him.

Dunham gave her a mischievous look, he was about to reply, when the promenade shook violently, he was thrown off his feet , as explosions wracked the area then the entire area was cast in darkness. Nothing could be seen clearly excited the intermittent crack of power cables. Whenever the sparks would illuminate its immediate area, the only thing that could be seen were the charred walls or the pieces of scaffolding and bulkheads that had collapsed underneath the pressure of the explosion. Dunham did a quick check everything for once seemed to be working fine. In dark he looked around for Chelsea. “Chelsea!” he said with a tone of panic creeping into his voice.

Chelsea had been knocked to the floor but she was only dazed for a few moments. At the sound of Rick calling her name she shook herself and tried to sit up. The nearby balustrade of the Promenade Deck would have served as an assistance to stand but she quickly realised that only part of it remained and she knew the drop to the floors below would be fatal. She began to crawl backwards away from the edge.

"Are you ok babe?" she called back to Rick. "I'm trying to get away from the edge. Are you close to the balustrade yourself? We should try to get everyone back towards the shop fronts or what's left of them, just so no-one stumbles over the drop."

“I’m ok Honey” said Dunham calling back, he had managed to find his footing and was getting himself up. He was wracked with conflicting emotion, part of him wanted to stay and be with Chelsea while helping her, the Starfleet officer side of him, was telling him that if the station was under attack his duty was to be at fighter control and to get to work. “How you doing?”

"I'm good thanks, don't worry about me. Have you tried communications yet?" she asked, in a similar quandry. She would be needed to deal with the sick and injured and had to get to Sickbay and her med-kit which for once in her life was not right by her side. She so rarely left it behind but this had been meant to be a dinner out. She kicked herself for not at least having a small first-aid kit on her.

In answer to her question Dunhams comm badge chirped to life; a rough gravel voice came on. =^= Lieutenant Dunham please report to Starfighter Wing Command=^= In sparsely lighted area Dunham gave Chelsea a mournful look, his eyes looked at her apologetically.

Chelsea smiled at him and hugged him close for a moment before releasing him again. "A higher calling!" she grinned just as her own comm badge began pestering with it's own barrage of messages about casualties coming in thick and fast. She kissed the tip of his nose. "You take care of yourself or you'll have me to answer to!" she teased, half serious.

Before he could reply she had flipped her insistent badge and opened the floodgate to all the calls for medics that were piling in one after the other. Waving and blowing a kiss, she set off back along the shop fronts towards the central jeffries tubes with the intention of climbing up towards Sickbay. Thankfully the back-up power kicked in and she was saved the climb, clambering into the crowded turbolift instead. Looking back across the crowd she got one last glimse of Rick as the doors swished closed, she shot him a smile but didn't know if he saw.



A JP between:

LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'jay