Incommunicado – Freedom to Assemble
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Freedom to Assemble
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Mon Jun 04, 2012 @ 9:22am
Timeline   SD57 - 15:30 (concurent with "In case of emergency. . .")
Tag   tag Rianni

Rene Babeu took a quick survey of the thirty or so people who had gathered in front of a raised platform within hearing distance of the Romulan Consulate. A larger crowd would have been nice, but he could work with groups of even smaller sizes. You only need one sparkle to ignite a conflagration.

Amidst wild cheers of "Rene, we love you!" and "Go get them, Rene!", Babeu stepped onto the platform, waving his hand to the cheering crowd like a politician on campaign trail. The theatrics soon began to attract passersby curious of what was going on, and that's exactly what he wanted.

"Brothers and sisters," He began his oration. "Brothers and sisters, let's not forget what has brought us here today. We are here today because of our common bond of humanity. We are here today because one of our own has suffered a grave injustice. We are here today because our silence has brought us nothing but humiliation upon humiliation. No more! I say. Today we will have our voice heard. Today we will begin the journey to take back what is rightfully ours, the dignity and pride of humanity! . . . . . ."

[Meanwhile at the Romulan Consulate]

Where had the woman gone? Koval tr'Rul had been delighted to stand in for the Ambassafdor during the trial at a time through which it was imperative that she, as the empire's mouth show no bias.

Koval tr'Rul would have been delighted to take on the role of Ambassador had it been granted him by the Senate, but t'Khellian had simply vanished and now. ANd now this!

It was her desk at which he sat, the fact emphasised by the sealed door that led to the private quarters, and by the regalia still on display in the office. She would be back, but like her departure, her reappearance would not be announced.

tr'Rul got to his feet, the light chair scraping as he did so. He rounded the desk and approached the stand that held the three pristine blades. He could not but extend his hand until the DNA coded field fizzled at his reach.

So much for being born to a particular family. He could not deny that she wasa brilliant lawyer and politician, but would she have been so had she been born in the gutter as he had been? tr'Rul envied t'Khellian's advantages even though he had come so far. He loathed her as much as he wished to take her place and to gain her influence.

He lowered his hand. t'Khellian had left and he would have to pick up the pieces of the debacle that was brewing outside. It might make him, and if it did not then it would end him. tr'Rul glnaced again at the ancient gleaming blades - if he won or lost she would be back, and untouched. He knew what to do.

tr'Rul turned on his heel and swung back to the desk. "Security, I want guards out in the foyer - it is our space but for now don't move the rabble out there, but make your presence known."

As commanded the guards were deployed. Twenty in the foyer in case the rabble below made their way into the dedicated turbolifts that would deposit them directly outside the embassy.

Eight more entered the lifts, four in each who took their places on the promenade a dour and stoic wall against the rabble. Stonily silent, weapons drawn but lowered; ready to protect the territory of the Emprie should the crowd attempt to cross the line.

[Back at the rally]

Babeu took a quick sip from his glass and place it back on the podium. ". . . and let's not forget, the Federation owes its existence to the humans. It was the great Johnathon Archer, that paragon of humanity, who led the founding of the Federation and who brought humanity the respect that was long over due. And we defended the Federation, our Federation, with blood! It was we who fought the Klingon menace. It was we who drove back the Dominions threat. And it was we who bled so that the rest of the Federation can idle in peace and luxury. But how have we been repaid for our sacrifices? Our colonists were evicted so that the Cardassian dregs could live in comfort. Our children were denied their right to education so that some Bajoran brats could go to Harvard with our tax money. And now they have the audacity to falsely accuse a war hero of killing the Romulan who had butchered his fiancee in cold blood! Where is justice? I ask. Where is justice in punishing the victim of a horrendous crime?!"

Babeu paused to catch his breath and to let the crowd work itself into an uproar. "But do not take my word for it, brothers and sisters. Rather, hear it from the man who has suffered through this injustice, who has been betrayed by the Federation! Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel!"

Dorian was aware that a public gathering was going to take place today. He hadn't arranged it, nor was he too excited about any kind of performance that was going to focus on him. However, he could not deny the logic behind the man's statements.

With some reservation, Dorian made his way up the steps of the raised platform and surveyed the crowd for several moments before deciding to speak. He leaned forward, but he paused as he looked at the large entrance to the Romulan Consulate that was a few meters away. Just seeing the facility caused Dorian to take several steps back. His muscles involuntary tightened around his neck and face as he fought back the urge to throw the podium before him into the consulate's window.

"First, it is not Lieutenant Commander. . . not anymore." Dorian said in a measured tone. "I had that taken away from me because our government was afraid..." He said through clenched teeth. "They were afraid of actually standing up to the imperialist agenda of the Romulan Star Empire." He said in a raised voice as he pointed to the Consulate entrance.

"How long have we had to suffer because our government refused to take a stand against an encroaching invader?" How many lives were lost before the Federation finally decided to fight back against the Dominion and their spoon-head lapdogs? The Klingons, the Borg, the Baku, the Cardassians, they all attacked us because we tried too hard to extend the olive branch of peace while a gun was pointed in our face." he said with greater emphasis.

J'Tar tr'Khellian had been walking the Promenade with his youngest sister, Ashara, when they were informed about this rally in front of the Embassy by this group of bigots. It was still in full swing when he'd arrived a few minutes ago, and he'd now seen and heard enough, "Why don't all you fools shut up and disperse? You're violating Romulan territory with your presence and my mind with your rampant stupidity."

"It figures a damn Rommie would come sniffing around!" a voice shouted out from the crowd.

A large man separated himself from the crowd and marched in the direction of the two individuals. "Why are you here!?! The War is over, your services are NO LONGER NEEDED" He said in an ever increasing tone. "YOUR KIND IS NO LONGER WANTED!" He said loudly into the face of the man as he pointed at the younger girl.

"What's wrong? Now that the Remans refuse to be your slaves you come around here trying to find NEW PAWNS!?!" The man said as the crowd became even more excited.

The second that worthless human's finger went into Ashara's face J'Tar had him by the wrist, twisting it until he heard bones breaking in his grip. With the sub-species writhing in agony already J'Tar punched him hard in the throat, crumpling him to the floor. As quickly as the man fell, J'Tar had pulled two disruptors from his belt, both set to maximum setting, "Now, I know what you fools are thinking, you're thinking 'Let's rush him. There are so many of us, and only him.' And, yes, you will eventually get me in a rush, but not before I've killed about a dozen of you. So, ask yourselves, am I sure I'm not one of the dozen who'll die here today?"

During this moment of tension Ashara had managed to draw her own weapon, setting it to full power for the first time ever and training it on a human target. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a very welcome sight, Rianni and one of her Marines coming from the side door with compression rifles, Rianni's trained directly on Gabriel.

"And you might get him in a rush, you'll probably eventually get me in the same rush." Rianni announced, focusing all her attention on Gabriel now, "But not before I turn your head into a canoe, boy."

"Is this our halfling sister?" J'Tar whispered to Ashara.

"Yes, J'Tar, that's Rianni, our sister." Ashara answered, being sure to emphasize her failure to use the slur 'halfling.'

"I like her!" J'Tar stated excitedly, she might be Romulan enough after all, "Arrain, stand down, call for Centurion T'rmok, tell him I don't want to start the party without him."

Ashara nodded obediently, knowing it was serious when he addressed her by her rank. Brother or no, J'Tar was her superior, and she would obey his commands.

"Now...." J'Tar continued with a smirk as his first attacker continued to gasp for breath at his feet, "Where were we?"

"You. . ." Gabriel said as he stepped down from the podium and walked through the amassed crowd towards the angered Romulan.

". . .were about to pull that trigger and committ the crime of murder against a human being." Gabriel said as he continued to advance towards J'Tar.

"But I'm sure you don't care about any of that," He said as he continued to walk towards him and stood between the downed-human and the armed Romulan. "Because you'd have to be more than an animal to have any sense of morality." He said as he stared at J'Tar, taking into account the weapon that he had drawn.

"Even that half-breed of yours has the decency to acknowledged her true nature and removed the Starfleet uniform to go back to her ilk." He said as he gestured towards Rianni.

"Now, if that half-ling is brave enough to acknowledge her place, then what makes you believe that you are any better than any other Romulan on this station." he asked rhetorically.

"You animals would love nothing more than to exterminate our entire race on this station. Or at least kill enough of us so you can enslave the remainder." He said in a terse voice.

"So please, save us the pageantry. . ." he said carefully.

"Pull. . .the. . .trigger, you coward."

"You don't get off that easy, boy!" Rianni yelled to Gabriel as he stalked towards the man who had protected her sister, "Your fight is with me! You're mine!"

J'Tar just threw his head back and laughed, "Well, as much as I would love to kill you where you stand, it seems your dance card is full.... boy."

"Oh, but for the record, since you clearly have yet to master standard, which is all the sadder because it's your native tongue, murder would apply to an innocent. You are all members of a hostile invading force trespassing on Romulan soil. Also, I don't consider myself any better than any Romulan here, just vastly superior to all of you."

Ashara could see T'rmok and a couple of Marines coming up from the left side, the odds were beginning to even out, ~Thank, Eisn!~ She thought, pledging to go immediately to her father with this once it was over, they were going to have to step up the guard around the embassy or these lunatics were going to hurt someone.

"And now the odds are evening." J'Tar laughed again, "Anyway, you were preaching about how great you are, while chastising me for defending my sister from a man who attacks girls, I believe. Proceed."

Gabriel turned his back on the gathering trio as he helped up the fallen human. "You see this? These animals will back down if you stand up to them and their fascist ways!" Gabriel said as he faced the crowd. "We have to defend what is OURS!" he said excited as he encouraged the crowd.



"GO HOME!" the crowd shouted in passionate unison as small objects were hurled in the general direction of the Romulan cohorts.

Bit by rancorous bit the crowd on the promenade began to respond in a more agitated and excited manner until the massive crowd began to swell to twice its original size.



"GO HOME!" the crowd continued to shout as the chant began to carry itself to the upper pylons of the promenade and as far as the eye could see. This rally had turned into something more.

The eight Romulan guards, uniforms pristine and expressions that would make a Vulcan look comedic who fronted the lifts were unmoved. They were professionals and only to fire if the rabble attempted to gain access to the turbolifts. They maintained their places as if they could not hear or see.


At that point, chaos broke out.

Ashara could see the guards, see Rianni, see J'Tar and T'rmok, see the crowd getting more and more restless, this was not going to go well. It was like she could smell it on the air, someone was about to open fire.

From an inexact location, a large object, probably a chair was thrown from the swelling mass into the direction of the Romulan guards.

They held their ground, not flinching as the furniture smashed into the wall, hands tightening around their weapons.

Before the growing crowd could begin to siege the Romulan sentries, a phaser blast lanced across the gathering area, separating the hungry crowd from their intended target.

"YOU ALL ARE IN VIOLATION! EVERYBODY CLEAR OUT NOW, BEFORE YOU PLACE YOU ALL UNDER ARREST!" Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis said from the top of the railing that overlooked the entire plaza.

Several columns of gold uniforms began to fill the immediate area as they began to form a parameter between the embassy entrance and the angered humans.

"I want Gabriel, his associates and the Romulans that were fighting placed under arrest and brought to the brig!" Trellis ordered in an uncharacteristically fierce tone.

"You'll do no such thing." J'Tar snarled, "We enjoy diplomatic immunity here and we are the sole victims of this racist riot."

"You can file a formal complaint through the Federation Embassy and the new Security Chief, until then, I'm placing them under arrest for inciting a riot." Trellis said to the defiantly angered Romulan officer.

Ashara, ever the cautious one of R'Vek Tr'Khellian's children, didn't engage the security man since he'd yet to place hands on her brother or anyone else, instead sending a message from her PADD to Isha's that read: Trouble, Federation, Racists...

Rianni, nowhere near as cautious as her beloved sister had no such qualms, stepping between this Romulan she didn't know with Ashara and Trellis, "Get lost, lap dog. Your boss is finished and if you don't vacate now you are, too. Your racist tyranny is over."

"Commander Monteros, I've never had a problem with you. But if you interfere with this, then I will place you in a cell WITH Gabriel." Trellis said as he supervised his officers bringing the crowd under control and directing them to leave the area.

"EVERYONE IS TO DISPERSE, NOW!" Trellis once more commanded.

Watching the entire riot over the viewscreen in her office, Arrienye sipped a cup of tea before setting it aside at the sight of Trellis. Closing her eyes, the Arrain took a deep breath before calmly exhaling as she stood up. Strapping her disruptor once more to her belt, the tall woman made her way out. She moved, graceful but swift before finally emerging from between the eight guards. She looked over the crowd critically before coming to stand besides Rianni to look up at Trellis.

"You have no grounds for arrest, Lieutenant. Defending oneself from racism and intimidation is not inciting a riot. The riot was already here unless it has escaped your notice, like so many things do," Arrienye called out to him.

"That is something you can bring up with the Romulan Ambassador and Captain Tahir. The second he placed his hands on an unarmed Federation citizen, his immunity no longer protected him." Trellis said as he signaled for the recently arriving security officers to detain Gabriel and J'Tar.

"As I stated before, if you wish to file a formal complaint, that is well within your rights. However, I am putting an end to his before someone is killed or hurt even worst." He said as he saw an officer tending to the human with the broken finger.

Dorian Gabriel
Former Security Chief

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Acting Ambassador Koval tr'Rul and some stoic Romulans
played by Louise

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
CSO of Romulan consulate

erie'Riov Rianni t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan