Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reaching out
by Commander Rakka & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reaching out
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Feb 09, 2009 @ 12:42am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD8 0730 hrs.
They were barely 24 hours into their journey before Jayfe came into the crew area and gently nudged the Captain, informing her there was a relayed communication for her.

Tasha rolled off the makeshift bed and followed the science officer forward, leant over the chair and tapped the console.

<<< Contact Chief Security Officer. DS5. Discretion required. Priority message. >>>

Tasha rubbed her eyes, twice, just to be sure she was reading it correctly, before tapping the console. She stood up as far as she was able and stretched her arms forwards, interlocking her fingers and turning her palms outwards.

"Excuse me Jafye." She groaned as she stretched, I need a little privacy.

He didn't need to be told twice and vacated the pilot seat, allowing the captain to slip into the chair, still warm.

Rakka was relieved when her transmission reached the Castor without trouble. She asked for a private chat with Captain Tahir and waited.

Tasha tapped the console and closed the door behind Mr Devero and she felt a little awkward, but nevertheless, her security chief had called and it must be urgent.

She reset the console for a secure relayed channel and sat back, waiting for a connection.
It was only a few seconds before the viewer lit up and she was staring at Rakka, who even Tasha could see, was disturbed by something.

"Comm...Rakka, what's wrong?" She asked in a hurried voice, as she stopped herself from saying commander, she felt that this was more a personal message than a matter of station security.

Rakka opened her mouth to speak, but, more than a little freaked out, she couldn't make the words come out right, and an unintelligible jumble spewed from her mouth.

"Slow down Rakka, take a breath." Tasha watched the nervousness unfold Rakkas' lower jaw as it trembled. Rakka was obviously shaken. "Now, tell me what's wrong, I can't help if you tell me in one sentence and as quick as that." Tasha advised.

"I... I... I need to leave the station," Rakka managed. "It... it's difficult to explain. I just received... a rather disturbing threat. I and those I care about could be in... a lot of danger. Petro... I can't let them touch Petro. I have to leave. Would you take me to Earth with you?" she ended pitifully.

Tasha was shocked. She had not seen the Nausicaan so emotional and she had had never begged, not least to her. She swallowed. "Who threatened you? The Lytosians? Pirates?" She enquired, before adding. "yInchu'?"
This was virgin ground for the Captain. If there was someone she could rely on for wise words or a slap into reality it was Rakka and now, on her screen, was a frightened female and she had to help.

Rakka took a deep breath. "It's... my father. When I was young, I... I left on very bad terms. He's tracked me down. Nausicaans are... not capable of letting an insult go. Especially not from a female. I've got something bad coming to me and I don't want anyone else to have to suffer for it."

She could hear the emotion in her voice and she wanted to tell Rakka to snap out of, be the tower of strength that Tasha knew, but she felt her pain and her anguish. It was not just herself she wanted to protect, she needed to protect Petro.

"Rakka, look at me. Get one of flight to pilot you, you can catch us in the Pollux." She tapped at the console, "I am sending you the current co-ordinates of the Castor, but once you get here, the Pollux will pick up the Castors' signal easily enough. I will keep the transponder on." Her heart was thumping. Rakka was in a state of shock and Tasha could not help her. "Rakka, before you leave, you have to tell Petro. She will worry if she doesn't see you. If you don't, she will think you have abandoned her." Tasha tried to reason with Rakka and hoped she was making sense.

Rakka let out a long sigh. "I know... I know. I'll have to speak to her." She closed her eyes for a few moments. "Thank you, sir. I couldn't go without your blessing."

"Blessing!"She stammered. "Rakka, the state your in, I could not refuse. Just go see Petro, then get yourself on the Pollux and then get here." Tasha paused before continuing. "You know that if your father found you on DS5, he will eventually track you down to Earth. Whatever it is he is hunting you down for, you will, one day, have to make a stand." She advised.

Rakka nodded. Even if he never actually caught up with her, she would have to live in fear every day of her life. "I know. But when it happens, I'm doing it alone."

Tasha understood what she was saying and didn't need to add anything more. She hoped that once Rakka was aboard, they could talk properly. Tasha shook her head, knowing that once she got here, she was wrap herself in her cocoon and shield herself.

"See you when you get here. Take care of yourself. Tahir out." She said, dropping her head as she closed the link.


CO: Tasha Tahir
CSec: Cdr. Rakka